Issue - decisions

Notice of Motion

01/08/2019 - Notice of Motion - 13.19: Cllr Kilduff and Cllrs. Leyden, Cummins, Keogh, Murphy, Fitzmaurice. McDermott, Callaghan, Naughten, Fallon and Crosby - Climate and Bio-Diversity Emergency and County Action Plan

That Roscommon County Council declares a climate and bio-diversity emergency and establishes a committee to oversee the creation of a county climate and bio-diversity action plan which facilitates engagement from key community stakeholder groups, individuals and organisations who are active within the county and have a pertinent contribution to make to such a plan.


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:

This motion requires a resolution of the Council


Cllr. Kilduff spoke on the motion and urged the Local Authority in Roscommon to take a lead in declaring the emergency as proposed in the motion. The importance of establishing a committee that to be effective will rely on the competencies of key community stakeholders who are experts in the area and the creation of an action plan owned by the community. The fact that this is a joint motion reflects the seriousness of the issue of climate change and the need for action now.


Cllr. Leyden said that the need for action is no longer a choice but a necessity and future generations have a right to a healthy environment. It is the duty of the Council to act in unison and declare a climate change and biodiversity emergency in County Roscommon and set about devising a constructive action plan. Cllr Leyden also spoke about the need to increase native tree planting in the county and proposed that the Council affiliate to the Tree Council of Ireland.


The members welcomed the motion and its considerable importance at this time. 


The Director of Services Liam Bergin welcomed the motion and proposed that the committee be set up as a sub-committee of the Environment SPC. He informed the members that the Draft Climate Change Adaptation Strategy would be soon presented to the Council for consideration.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council affiliate to the Tree Council of Ireland which will support Roscommon with increased native tree planting.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Kilduff

                SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council declares a climate and bio-diversity emergency and establishes a committee to oversee the creation of a county climate change  and bio-diversity action plan which facilitates engagement from key community stakeholder groups, individuals and organisations who are active within the county and have a pertinent contribution to make to such a plan.



Original text