Issue - decisions

Take in Charge 2 No Roads - Check With Antoinette

19/06/2018 - Declaration of Public Road - S11 of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2

Mr. Pat Murtagh A/Director of Services reported as follows:


Applications were received to have roads located at Baylough, Athlone and Taylorstown, Clonown, Athlone declared public roads. The roads have been examined and the Council is satisfied that they are suitable for declaration as public roads.  There are no immediate financial implications for the Council in such a declaration.  The Council will be charged with their future maintenance.


The statutory notice proposing to declare the roads public was published and no objection or representation was received. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

             SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to declare the road at Baylough, Athlone, Co Roscommon in to be a public road. 



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

           SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED to declare the road at Taylorstown, Clonown, Athlone, Co. Roscommon to be a public road.  



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