Agenda and minutes

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Adoption of Minutes

·         Minutes of Meeting held on 12th March, 2024


The Cathaoirleach Cllr. E Kelly welcomed everyone to the meeting.


On the Proposal of:   Cllr. J Keogh

         Seconded by:   Cllr. T Ward


It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of the Athlone Municipal District meeting held on the 12th March, 2024



Amendment to the Schedule of Municipal District Works


Amendments to the Municipal District schedule of works was presented to the Members. Members welcomed the funding of €50,000 for Public Realm for 2024.

Susan Loughnane informed the Members that the funding would be allocated to maintenance works around the 3 Monks Sculpture in Monksland , street cleaning, pruning, minor footpath repairs, public parks maintenance and street furniture in public grounds in the Athlone MD. The Monksland Sign was also requested to be included in the maintenance schedule.  A general discussion took place on the proposed locations.


On the Proposal of:   Cllr J Naughten

         Seconded by:   Cllr. J Keogh


It was AGREED by all the Members to accept the Amendments as proposed.




Matters Arising


Cllr. J Naughten inquired in relation to TII response to Aqua planning on N6/R446, works due to be carried out in Q2. Susan Loughnane informed the Members that Design Stage was agreed to be carried out in Q2 and she would follow up with TII in relation to timeframe for works to be carried out. 


Members were also informed that there was no response yet from Minister in relation to request for additional funding for local roads.


Members agreed to come together after meeting to agree the wording of a letter to be sent to the Minister for Local Government in relation to the Local Authorities role in emergency situations.





Notice of Motion


There was one Notice of Motion for discussion


Cllr. E Kelly- NOM 8.24 Childcare services in South Roscommon.

I am calling on Roscommon County Council to write to Roderic O Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, to outline the need for childcare services in South Roscommon and to address this by providing resources and funding to meet the need. 



I am calling on Roscommon County Council to write to Roderic O Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, to outline the need for childcare services in South Roscommon and to address this by providing resources and funding to meet the need. 




The above NOM requires a resolution by the members of the Athlone MD to write to Roderic O Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.


A general discussion took place and all the Members supported the Motion. Cllr E Kelly thanked the Members for their support.


On the Proposal of:   Cllr E Kelly

         Seconded by:   Cllr J Naughten


Members AGREED to send a letter to Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman to outline the need for childcare services in South Roscommon and to address this by providing resources and funding to meet the need.





TII- Daneshill Roundabout –Motion 2.24

Patrick O’Donovan TD, Minister for Further & Higher Education- Motion 91.23


A.     TII correspondence in relation to Daneshill roundabout (Motion 2.24),

On the Proposal of:     Cllr. J Naughten

         Seconded by:     Cllr. T Ward


Members discussed the correspondence and agreed that Roscommon County Council should immediately undertake a Feasibility and Options report outlining the rationale for the scheme as requested by TII, to alleviate the traffic congestion at junction 13.


On the Proposal of:     Cllr J Keogh

         Seconded by:     Cllr L Fallon


Members agreed to request TII to fast track the relief road proposed at roundabout at River Village out to Bogganfinn to elevate traffic congestion with the growing population and industrial development in Monksland Area.



B.     Correspondence was noted from Mr Patrick O’Donovan, Minister for Further & Higher Education (Motion 91.23) in relation to purchase of a property in Roscommon town to facilitate apprenticeship training. Members were informed that it was agreed that SOLAS would meet with Department officials and GRETB to discuss a way forward to progress this.







Votes of Congratulations / Sympathy


No votes of Congratulations/Sympathy




A.    Susan Loughnane informed the Members that all tenders for Overlay/Recycling came back at higher rates and will therefore have to look at the programme of works and cut back works in line with budgets approved. The remaining section of roads not completed this year will get priority next year.


On the Proposal of:   Cllr J Naughten

         Seconded by:   Cllr T Ward


Members AGREED to send a letter to the Minister of Transport, in light of the significant increases in cost, that there is need for additional funding to complete works on local roads this year. 


B.    On the Proposal of:   Cllr J Keogh

         Seconded by:   Cllr T Ward


Members AGREED that the allocation of €13,600 from own resources for LCSS this year will be allocated to proposed schemes at Carrowpadden L2008/2525 and Ballygill L2045.


C.   On the Proposal of:   Cllr T Ward

         Seconded by:   Cllr J Keogh


Members AGREED to the request from Dysart Men’s Group for an extension until end of September 2024 for the MD Funding Granted to them.



D.   Members and Officials paid tribute to Cllr Donal Kilduff for his work and contribution as Councillor for Athlone MD over last five years. Best wishes were extended to Donal and his family.


Cllr D Kilduff thanked the Members and Staff of Roscommon County Council.

He paid tribute to the Staff of Athlone MD and to Francie Quine and his outdoor team for their co-operation and help over last five years.


Cait Conneely, Director of Services extended best wishes to Cllr D Kilduff and to all the Members running in the upcoming local elections.




E.    On the Proposal of:   Cllr J Naughten

         Seconded by:   Cllr J Keogh


Members AGREED to send a letter to Westmeath County Council to review the road closure form 20th May – 28th july, 2024 effecting Clonown residents with a view to opening one lane with traffic lights in operation. This is causing significant inconvenience as the detour is over 12km long.




F.    On the Proposal of:   Cllr J Keogh

               Seconded by:   Cllr J Naughten



Members AGREED following the road re-surfacing in Athleague, that a controlled Pedestrian crossing at the existing dropped Kerb is needed in the village. Susan Loughnane agreed to examine the proposal and noted that any proposal would be subject to funding being made available.


G.   Members requested that road markings are reinstated in the same way following road maintenance works in the interest of safety.  Members requested that the lining on the N61 at Purts, Kiltoom and at the junction to Barrybeg is examined with a view to reinstating the continuous white line that was previously in place.


H.   Cllr D Kilduff asked the Members to give their support to the upcoming Part 8 at Killiaghan and Gort, when it comes before the MD for approval.











Original text