Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Cait Kenny  Email:

No. Item


To consider the Draft Budget for Athlone Municipal District for the Financial Year ending 31st December, 2018.



Derek Caldbeck, A/Head of Finance informed all members that the budgetary process for 2018 is well underway and that the prescribed period is 16/10/2017 to 17/11/2017 with the Plenary Budget Meeting to be held on 22nd November 2017.  He outlined that the Local Property Tax Report was circulated to members in September and a resolution not to vary the local property adjustment factor for the coming year was passed by the members at the September Plenary Meeting.  This means that there is no additional income for distribution. 


Derek advised Members that the rates revaluation exercise is still at appeal stage at the moment.  He was hoping to have all details in relation to rates income for 2018 but due to the high volume of appeals, this information wasn’t available but will have it before Plenary Budget. 


Derek then highlighted the main items to be considered as part of the plenary draft budget process and includes:

·         2% pay restoration in 2018

·         Rates revaluations

·         Recruitment and pension bill is a big factor

·         Innovation Centres

·         Investment in Housing Stock


The Draft Budgetary Plan refers to discretionary funding only.

In producing the Draft Budgetary Plan the following was considered:

1.       The needs and resources available or likely to be made available to the Local Authority

2.       The resource needs of each Municipal District, including where appropriate km of roads, population, location of facilities, etc.


The Corporate Policy Group considered the basis for apportionment for Roads expenditure on 25th September 2017 and it was agreed to continue with the current basis of apportionment of 75% km of road and 25% population.  Derek advised members that he is aware that Members feel this is an unfair way of allocating funds.  He said that this is a contentious issue which Cllr. Naughten raised at the CPG, which is the reason for having the CPG before today’s meeting.  


The purpose of a Draft Budgetary Plan is to provide each Municipal District an opportunity to allocate its proportion of the General Municipal Allocation according to its priorities.


·         Total General Municipal Allocation (GMA) for 2018 is €2,315,100 to be distributed as follows:

-        Athlone €576

-        Boyle €878.6k

-        Roscommon €860.5k


The main reason for the slight reduction on last year’s figure is due to the fact that €180k (€60k per MD) was diverted for county wide initiatives such as marketing, coderdojo, rhode island trade centre etc. 


A detailed breakdown of each element of the Draft Budgetary Plan 2017 for the Athlone MD Area was presented, highlighting the following:

·         The Athlone Municipal District will retain €315,600 for Local Roads General Maintenance Works in 2018


·         The taking in charge figure for each Municipal District for 2018 has been reduced from €20,000 to €10,000

·         The €20,000 taking in charge amount included as part of the 2017 budget will be transferred to capital and set aside for use in 2018 for that purpose.

·         The discretionary Municipal District Fund of €85,000 has been maintained as has the €17,000 funding for each of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.17


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