Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite - Áras an Chontae, Roscommon. View directions

Contact: Cait Kenny  Email:

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District held on 01.08.2017.



Matters Arising


The members raised the following issues:

·       Update on PART 8 on Tuam Road at Cloonakilla National School

·       Update on third verge trimmer being made available

·       Update on Parkway Site at Monksland

·       Update on request for meeting with TII

·       Update on taking in charge of Taylorstown road

·       Update on taking in charge of road (200m) at Johnstown Demesne


Mr. Diarmuid MacDonncha, MD Co-ordinator responded to the issues raised as follows:

·      Meeting held recently with Principal, Parents Association and Cllr. Naughten at Cloonakilla NS.  Scheme will be ready for PART 8 in couple months.  Commitment made to install reactive speed warning sign on approach to school on Bealnamullia side. 

·      Two verge trimmers engaged in trimming on the main roads and when these works are complete, will be concentrating on regional roads. 

·      Correspondence issued to developer of Parkway site to carry out works to render site safe before September.  If works remain outstanding after deadline, they will be added to Derelict Sites Register and levied going forward.

·      Request for meeting with TII will be dealt with under correspondence at September Plenary meeting.   

·      Tender documents issued for works at Taylorstown road are due back shortly.

·       Road at Johnstown Demesne is going through the Taking in Charge Process.


Lough Funshinagh

Members outlined their concerns in relation to Lough Funshinagh.  Unlike other turloughs, the level of water has not receded back to its original level.  It was noted that Lough Funshinagh should be dealt with separate to the main study on turloughs. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to write to the OPW requesting them to identify a solution for Lough Funshinagh by viewing it as a separate study to the overall plan. 


Diarmuid reminded members of the voluntary relocation scheme for people whose homes were flooded between December 2015 and mid-January 2016 and who are at risk of flooding again in the future.   Homeowners can register their interest in applying for the scheme with the OPW.




Update on Roads Programme


Diarmuid updated members on roads programme which will include surface dressing on the following roads in the coming weeks:

·         Four Roads to Ballyforan

·         Lackagh to Taughmaconnell

·         Curramore

·         Taylorstown


Cllr. Naughten raised concerns about Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV’s) using the road between Four Roads and Ballyforan which is unsuitable in terms of road user safety and is requesting the Council to investigate the possibility of introducing weight restrictions on this road.






Athlone MD Funding Scheme


Cllr. Fallon informed members that applicants approved for matching funding had not yet applied to LEADER for funding. 


Cllr. Ward advised that there is no support or assistance provided to Community Groups when making applications to LEADER, resulting in fewer applications for funding being submitted.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor

It was AGREED to write to LCDC outlining that Community Groups require assistance and support when making an application for funding under the LEADER programme, from agencies with expertise in this area. 


It was decided not to contact the community groups that have been approved for matched funding.  The Director of Services is to inquire if the 2017 funding can be carried forward to 2018.   




Fix date of Budget Meeting to Review Draft budget Plans for the Athlone Municipal District


Wednesday 18th October 2017at 2.15 p.m. was provisionally fixed for Budget Meeting to Review Draft Budget Plans for the Athlone Municipal District.




Footpaths at Creagh

Cllr. Naughten asked if gravel footpaths could be installed from the roundabout on the Shannonbridge road towards Ballinasloe Town to improve safety.  The Director of Services, Ms. Hunt advised that we will get a costing and look at including this in 2018 budget.   



LIS Scheme

Members welcomed the funding announced under this scheme, but would like to know how many roads in the Athlone MD are included.  Will the scheme be open for new applications?  The MD Co-ordinator, Mr. MacDonncha, advised that the funding must be spent this year and that there are roads on the list from 2007. Not taking any new applications at moment. 


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 23rd November at 10 a.m.




Original text