Agenda and minutes

Venue: Athleague Community Centre, Athleague, Co. Roscommon

Contact: Cait Kenny  Email:

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Athlone MD Meeting 21.03.2017


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District held on 21.03.2017.



Matters Arising


·         Update on Part 8 for Monksland

·         Speed limits – what is the updated position with TII.

·         Additional Parking at Ballybay Church.

·         Update on Taking in charge of roads at Taylors Town, Crancam, Curraghgower and 200m at Sandfield.


Majella Hunt and Diarmuid MacDonncha responded to queries as follows:

·      Majella Hunt, Director of Services noted that the preliminary documents have been completed for the Part 8 at Monksland.  There is a requirement for land to be taken in charge and the landowner has been approached, with no final outcome as of yet.  Ms. Hunt advised that a proposal has been put forward to ring fence funds for this project and was hoping to get part funding from the NRA for the extension of the bus service along this 1km route.  A full update will be given at July meeting.

·      No response received yet from TII in relation to speed limits. 

·      No available funding for additional parking at Ballybay and no requirement that Roscommon County Council provides parking at the church or school.  Ownership of land remains with the parish and should consider funding from MD Funding Scheme.

·      Diarmuid MacDonncha outlined that a budget of €20k has been set aside for Taking in Charge of roads.  Crancam is estimated at a cost of €50k to bring up to standard.  Taylorstown is estimated at €12k.  It is purely a funding issue and we can only do what we have funding for, but this is a matter for the Councillors.  A long discussion followed and Cllr. Ward said there was an expectation that Councillors put proposals together for taking in charge, and Roscommon County Council was slow to progress roads in rural areas with limited houses.  In reply, Director of Services, Majella Hunt advised that priority must be given and must understand the reverse of this situation.  Diarmuid MacDonncha agreed to have a detailed estimate of costs in relation to Crancam for the July meeting.  Cllr. Ward thanked Roscommon County Council for work done with limited resources.  


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to commence the taking in charge process at Crancam subject to funding being available as outlined by the Municipal District Co-ordinator.



Municipal District Schedule of Works pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Mr. Diarmuid MacDonncha, Senior Executive Engineer presented the Schedule of Works Programme for 2017. 





·         Letter dated 4 April, 2017 from Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D. Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government outlining that the Boundary report will be addressed as appropriate, in the overall local government reform programme.


Cllr. Naughten expressed his disappointment at a letter previously received from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) outlining their position that they do not facilitate requests for meetings with individual Municipal Districts (MD).    There was unanimous agreement that not recognising Municipal Districts is total disregard for Councillor’s and in this situation the farming community.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED that a letter be sent to TII outlining our dissatisfaction that they do not facilitate requests for meetings with individual Municipal Districts.  This letter to be copied to the Department. 

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED that a separate letter be sent to Minister and the Department.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that the following notice of motion be submitted to the next plenary meeting of Roscommon County Council on behalf of the six Athlone MD Councillors. 

“In light of the enhanced role of the Municipal Districts, Roscommon County Council ask that Transport Infrastructure Ireland would amend its stated policy of only meeting County Councils, to meet representatives of Municipal areas on issues that pertain to their area”.

Councillor John Naughten requested that a copy of the Jennings’s, O’Donovan Report be circulated to members.


Cllr Ward referred to the letter dated 4 April received from Minister Coveney and outlined that the boundary review was still an on-going issue.  All members agreed that we need to remain focused on the issue.



Civic Reception Request pdf icon PDF 43 KB


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Paul Kelly and Philip O’Connor of St. Brigids Handball Club, Curraghboy, who won the doubles over 35 All-Ireland Handball title held in Kingscourt, County Cavan.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Shane Lawless of Castlesampson, Bealnamullia, Athlone, Co Roscommon for winning the National title in the Irish Kickboxing Federation’s Junior 50kg Irish Championship.


Votes of Congratulations / Sympathy




Traffic Calming at Ballyforan and Dysart

Cllr. Naughten highlighted concerns at which the speed of traffic goes through the villages of Ballyforan and Dysart.  Traffic calming measures such as a median should be put in place in both villages to improve safety.


Irish Water

Cllr. Fallon raised concerns for individuals that are looking for a water connection where the water mains does not pass by their property, and is looking for options to resolve this.


Verge Trimming

Cllr. Naughten enquired if a second trimmer could be made available to trim verges along local roads and junctions which are overgrown and dangerous. 


Parkway Site 

Cllr. Naughten raised concerns about the continuing deteriorating of this site since this matter was first raised.  He is requesting that the site is cleared, secured and brought up to an acceptable standard.  Cllr Keogh advised that he has written to the Contractor to address the situation.  Diarmuid MacDonncha said he has written to owner with no response.  We can serve a derelict notice and specify schedule of works.


Cappa Leitrim Road 

Cllr. Naughten raised concerns in relation to some slippage where this road was raised.  Diarmuid MacDonncha noted that there has been some slippage, and he will continue to assess and monitor this road. 



Cllr. Naughten looked for an update on footpaths and lighting in Creagh, and when these works might be progressed.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that the lighting has gone up and footpath will follow in November.


R446 Regional Road 

Cllr. Keogh advised that there are a number of reflective bollards missing at Clan na nGael.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that he will compile list and order replacement bollards. 


River Basin Management Plan

Majella Hunt reminded members of the upcoming public consultation meetings on 14th June in Abbey Hotel and 15th June in Hodson Bay Hotel.   



Original text