Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite - Áras an Chontae, Roscommon. View directions

Contact: Cait Kenny  Email:

Note: Diarmuid Mac Donncha Athlone Municipal District Co Ordinator 

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Athlone Municipal District Meeting 05.12.2016

Athlone MD Funding Meeting 10.01.2017


Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District held on 05.12.2016


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District Funding meeting held on 17.10.2017.



Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Pre-draft public consultation on a new Heritage Plan and a new Arts Plan for County Roscommon pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Ms. Nollaig Feeney, Heritage Officer, advised Members of preparations for a new Heritage Plan and a new Arts Plan for the county that will cover the period 2017-2021 and is seeking public views on the key priorities and opportunities for the next five years.  Submission forms are available on our website,, and can be emailed to (Heritage) or (Arts) before 31st May 2017.  The first draft of both plans will be brought to SPC meeting in July.   

Members outlined the importance of a Heritage and Arts Plan for the County and complimented the team for amount work done with limited resources.  



Roads Programme Athlone MD 2017


Mr. Eugene Dwyer, Senior Engineer and Mr. Diarmuid MacDonncha, Senior Executive Engineer

presented the Draft Roads Programme for 2017.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to make the following amendments to the Athlone MD Roads Programme

Remove LT 70881 Knockadangan from the 2017 programme

Add the following roads to the 2017 programme:

LP 2018 Lismoyle

LT 20426 Ballinasloe

LT 76125 Clooneyourish

L 20453 Laughil, Ballinasloe


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to TII requesting additional funding for the roads omitted.  


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to adopt the Road Works Scheme 2016 as presented



Speed Limit review


The speed limit review was discussed and the following amendments were proposed:

·         Drawing 2 Athleague: Request for the speed limit on N63 from Athleague to Mount Talbot to be increased from 80 km/hr to 100 km/hr

·         Drawing 3A Athlone Environs: Traffic calming at Hodson Bay be extended to Kiltoom stores

·         Drawing 3B Athlone Environs: Speed Limit from Hodson Bay to Ganleys amended to 80 km/hr

·         Drawing 10 Ballyforan: R363 Extend the 50 km/hr to the bridge on the border with county Galway. Write to Galway County Council to request that the speed limit is extended on the Galway side.

·         Drawing 15 Brideswell: R363 extend the 50 km/hr speed limit in the direction of                Ballyforan.

·         Drawing 24 Curraghboy: R362 to Athlone extend the speed limit towards Athlone to point indicated on map.

·         Drawing 39 Lecarrow: Resubmit proposal and the submission from the Elected Members to TII regarding the introduction of 60 km/hr.

·         Drawing 43 Mount Talbot: Sign for 60 km/hr ahead is acceptable. Flashing lights coming from the Galway side of the village.

·         Drawing 45 Rahara: R362 Extend the 50 km/hr beyond the junction to the Curraghboy side between the graveyard and the Ballagh Road past L2005.

·         Drawing 55 Taughmaconnell: L-2024 Extend the 50 km/hr speed limit to the location of the Taughmaconnell sign on the Brideswell road to the site indicated on the map. Extend the 60 km/hr to the junction and as far east as the Garda Station and westward to the R357.


It was agreed that the speed limits maps will be amended to reflect the amendments as agreed by the Members and approval sought from the TII for the variations.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to action this site under Derelict Sites Act to include works to be finished and timescale for same. 



Roads Schedule


Eugene Dwyer explained that Roscommon County Council as the Road Authority must maintain a schedule and map of all public roads for which it has responsibility under Section 10(5) of the Roads Act 1993 and is required to update the schedule regularly. 



TIC Reports pdf icon PDF 245 KB

·         Sherlock’s Road, Baylough

·         Curraghgower, Ballinasloe

·         Taylorstown, Athlone           

·         Crancam, Athlone                   


Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to commence the taking in charge process at Taylorstown, Athlone, Co. Roscommon.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to commence the taking in charge process at Sherlock’s Road, Athlone Co. Roscommon.


It was AGREED to defer the decision on the road located at Crancam, Athlone to allow for further investigation and estimation of the costs involved.

It was AGREED to defer the decision on the road located at Curraghgower, Ballinasloe to allow for further discussions with residents.



PART 8 Monksland


Cllr Naughten requested an update on PART 8 at Monksland.  Eugene Dwyer, Senior Engineer, Roads Dept advised all members that due to staffing issues and amount of work to be undertaken with Roads Programme that PART 8 at Monkland was still at Survey Stage.  He advised that they will commence work on the maps now.  



Monksland Town Team Report for 2016 pdf icon PDF 310 KB


Members noted the Town Team Report for 2016. 



Athlone MD Funding Scheme


It was agreed to advertise scheme in early April with a closing date of 28th April 2017.  Same criteria and guidelines to be applied as the previous 2016 Scheme.





·         Letter of acknowledgement from Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government dated 3 March 2017 regarding resolution calling on Minister to dismiss the Report of the Athlone Boundary.

·         Letter from TII dated 7 December 2016 regarding request for delegation to attend Municipal Meeting.



Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Notice of Motion from Councillor Naughten 01/17

"That Roscommon County Council put in place funding at the 2017 Roads Budget Meeting that will allow small drainage works to be contracted out, as there are currently inadequate outdoor staff to undertake this work."

The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

Drainage works are carried out in the Athlone MD subject to the availability of specific funds for each project. The use of contractors for such work can be considered but is subject to a Framework Agreement with SIPTU who represent our outdoor workers.

Cllr Naughten advised that getting small drainage works completed was a staff issue rather than lack of funds.  He asked if it would be possible to bundle together small drainage jobs and engage Contractor to complete.  Diarmuid MacDonnacha advised that interviews ongoing with HR Dept and Athlone MD are hopeful of getting additional resources from panel formed.  Kieran Madden, A/Director of Services advised that Septum would view this as core work for outdoor staff and would challenge it.   

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council investigates the possibility of sub-contracting small drainage works, due to safety issues, and alleviate the growing list of these job types that are not getting completed.



Notice of Motion from Councillor Kilduff 02/17

"That Roscommon County Council take in charge the full extent of the Hodson Bay road L2020"

The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

It is the intention of Roscommon County Council to have the road referred to taken in charge.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council take in charge the full extent of the Hodson Bay road L2020.


Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward 03/17

"I am calling on Roscommon County Council to provide funding for additional car spaces at the church of the Risen Christ Kiltoom.  The Church is situated off the N61 and cars attending mass have to park along the roadside of this extremely busy national road which has a speed limit of 100KM.”


The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

Roscommon County Council will assess parking requirements at this location in line with our responsibilities in this regard.  I have checked the Land Registry regarding Council ownership in the immediate area, and confirm that none of the land in the immediate area is owned by Roscommon County Council. There does not appear to be any funding stream available to address this problem other than at the discretion of the Councillors through the MD Funding Scheme.


Councillor Ward informed meeting that this is a major health and safety concern for the public.  There could be up to 200 cars parked at on either side of road at a funeral.  He advised that no land is required and that there is a need for this to be considered further.  

Councillor Naughten advised that ownership of land was never transferred to Council and that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.17


Civic Reception Request pdf icon PDF 40 KB


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour St. Dominic’s Leiriu Team for winning All Ireland Scor na Og Final on Saturday 11th February in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast, at the next civic reception.



Questions pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Question No. 1 – Councillor Ward:

Can the Director of Services inform the meeting of when the programme of work will commence on the R362 at Cloonkilla N.S.?  There needs to be a pedestrian crossing and footpaths installed at this location.  The road also needs to be resurfaced, with a roundabout provided and traffic calming put in place urgently in the interest of safety for the school children and all other road users.


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

The design for this scheme is being prepared currently incorporating the design features mentioned in the question. It will then need to be put before Roscommon County Council for Part 8 Approval before it can proceed.

Question No. 2 – Councillor Ward:

Further to my correspondence of 11th July 2016, can the Director of Services inform the meeting of when work will commence on a very dangerous bend on the R362 at Lacken, Rahara?  The road is very narrow at this location and has been the scene of many car accidents in recent months.  I have spoken with the two landowners and they both have agreed to provide whatever amount of land is necessary, in order to widen the road at this location.


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

An application has been made for funding for this job under the Low Cost Safety Improvements Scheme however no decision is yet available from the DoE.



Question No. 3 – Councillor Naughten:

That Roscommon County Council outline when Part 8 will be prepared for New Tuam Road between River Village Roundabout and the Taughmaconnell road junction and a timeframe for works to be carried out.

The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

The Road Design Section is currently preparing the Part 8 documents to facilitate the upgrade of the R362 from the Council Depot to Bellanamullia. The Part 8 process takes a minimum of 6 weeks therefore it is likely to be May before the scheme can go before the Council for approval.  The availability of funds will decide the timeframe after that.



Votes of Congratulations / Sympathy


Votes of sympathy were extended to:

Mrs. Bernie Burke and family, Brideswell on the death of Ultan Burke.   





Members welcomed Mr. Paul Browne who has taken up the role of Executive Engineer and Mr. Adrian Reynolds, General Services Supervisor in Athlone MD.  Best wishes were extended to Mr. Willie Kilcline, General Services Supervisor who has transferred to Roscommon MD and based in Castlerea.  



Original text