
Venue: Council Chamber, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon

Contact: Patricia Bohan  Email:; 090 66 37172


No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)

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Adoption of Minutes

·         Minutes of Plenary Meeting held on 22nd April 2024

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Matters Arising

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Management Report

·        Report for April 2024

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Draft Polling Scheme

·         To approve Draft Polling Scheme pursuant to S28 of Electoral Act 1992 and SI 648 of 2021 - Electoral (Polling Scheme) Regulations 2021

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Draft Protocol for Recognition of Citizens turning 100 years of age

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Draft Civic Memorials Policy

·         To be Circulated

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Unaudited Annual Financial Statement 2023

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Draft Roscommon Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) Annual Report 2023

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Chief Executive Business

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Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance

·         Approval of payments for Councillors attendance at conference and training events.

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Notices of Motion

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10.24 Childcare Services- Cllr. Keogh

That Roscommon County Council call on Minister Roderic O’Gorman to postpone the introduction of the Draft Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Childminding Regulations 2024 until such time as a comprehensive consultation with childminders has taken place and amendments to the regulations have been made to the draft Regulations to address the concerns of services operators of the unintended consequences of the draft regulations if introduced. Whilst the safeguarding of children is of paramount importance, the proposed Regulations will have an adverse impact on childminding services in the country, by putting financially burdensome and administratively onerous requirements on childminders, particularly those who operate on a small scale. The proposed regulations will not safeguard children and will not allow them to be cared for in a nurturing environment in a home-setting. The proposed Regulation will have the effect of driving small scale childminders out of the industry, at a times when there are considerable pressured on securing childcare services for children whose parents who wish to return to employment.


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11.24 Compensation for farmers Lough Funshinagh - Cllr. Ward

I am calling on the Government, the Minister for Finance, Mr. Michael McGrath T.D and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Mr. Charlie McConalogue T.D. to provide the necessary compensation to the farmers that have lands on or adjacent to Lough Funshinagh that re badly affected by the flooding since 2015.


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12.24 Speed Ramps - Cllr. Crosby

That Roscommon County Council review the policy on restricting the putting in place of speed ramps In Residential Housing Estates throughout the County, as fear is widespread with uncontrolled vehicles speeding entering and leaving these densely populated areas.

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13.24 Office of Planning Regulator - Cllr. Waldron

This council resolves to write to the OPR and ask them that the members of the council are consulted with and become active participants in the ongoing review of the planning section being carried out by the OPR

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03.24 - Update on policy for the Honoring Dr Bridget Thornton Lyons - Cllr. Crosby

Can an update be provided policy for the honoring of Heroic Roscommon native Dr Bridget Thornton Lyons?


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Votes of Congratulations and Sympathy

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Presentations to Retiring Councillors

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Any Other Business

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Original text