Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Áras an Chontae. View directions

Contact: Patricia Bohan  Email:; 090 66 37172


No. Item


Adoption of Minutes

·         Plenary Meeting of 22nd January 2018

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

                SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of Plenary Meeting held 22.01.2018. 



Matters Arising

Additional documents:


Cllr. Shanagher asked if there was a response received from Roscommon Leader Partnership in relation to her proposal seeking a Liaison Officer to work with community groups.  The meetings administrator advised that no response has been received to date.


Cllr. Ward welcomed his colleague Councillor Kilduff to the Independent benches.


Management Report

·         January 2018

Additional documents:


Members noted the Management Report for January 2018.


Disposal of Land - Rescinding of Resolution 162.17 dated 22nd Dec 2017 (Community & Enterprise)

·         0.4963 hectares in the Townland of Elphin, Elphin, Co. Roscommon

Additional documents:


Martin Lydon, Head of Finance and A/Director of Services for Planning and Enterprise informed the meeting that Resolution dated 22nd December 2017 approved the disposal of Lands to Roschem Products Ltd for consideration of €30,000 plus VAT.  Revenue Commissioners have confirmed that this transaction is not subject to VAT and the resolution is therefore to be rescinded.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                SECONDED by Councillor Callaghan

It was AGREED that the County Council of the County of Roscommon does hereby rescind in its entirety its Resolution dated 22nd December 2017, which approved the disposal of land 0.4963 hectares in the Townland of Elphin, Elphin, Co. Roscommon to Roschem Products Ltd.


Disposal of Lands - Community & Enterprise

·         0.4963 hectares in the Townland of Elphin, Elphin, Co. Roscommon


Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Murphy

SECONDED by Councillor Cummins

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the disposal of lands pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the land which the County Council proposes to dispose of:-


The land:  0.4963 at Elphin townland, Elphin, Co Roscommon.

The persons from whom the land was acquired: Irish Land Commission

The person to whom the land is to be disposed:  Roschem Products Ltd., Windmill Road, Elphin, Co. Roscommon

Consideration:  €30,000




Brief Presentation on Project Ireland 2040 - "Building Ireland's Future"

Additional documents:


Mr. Martin Lydon, Head of Finance and A/Director of Services gave an overview  to the Members on Project Ireland 2040 - “ Building Irelands Future”, launched by the Government on 16th February 2018.


·         Project Ireland 2040 is the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of Ireland. It includes a detailed capital investment plan for the period 2018 to 2027, the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the 20-year National Planning Framework.

·         Aims to provide balanced regional development and improve State infrastructure and has replaced the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) and now represents national planning policy

·         For the first time the National Planning Framework will have a statutory footing.

·         Plan proposed total expenditure of €116bn with a Rural Regeneration and Development Fund of €1bn that will fund Village and Rural Infrastructure deficits, Rural Brownfield Development Facilitation, Rural Enterprise Space and Digital Hub Development, Community and Public Realm and Local Tourism and Heritage Initiatives.

·         The Regional Development Strategy provides for Regional Centres of Athlone, Sligo, Letterkenny, Drogheda and Dundalk in addition to the five existing cities with an expected increase in population of 1m people and 600,000 jobs by 2040.

·         The North West Region will have additional 160,000 -180,000 people and 115,000 jobs with up to 45,000 additional population for Galway City so approx. 145,000 growth will be spread over 9 other counties in NWRA.

·         Roles of Athlone and Sligo to be included in Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). This strategy to be prepared by early 2019 and this is the next stage of the process.

·         There is potential growth of large towns and designated employment centres i.e settlements greater than 10,000 pop of 2,500 jobs, and at least 30% growth from 2016

·         Number of infrastructure investment projects highlighted including upgrade of N5 Ballaghaderreen to Scramoge

·         Impacts for County Roscommon include:

o   Athlone as Regional centre which allows it to grow sustainably and secure investment

o   Focus on accessibility between cities and larger regional centres (no specific mention of N61

o   Roscommon identified as an Employment Centre

o   Boyle Enhancement Plan identified for potential benefit from Rural Regeneration and Development fund.

·         Impact on Infrastructure includes upgrade of the N5, Roscommon Rehabilitation Unit, New Roscommon Sterile Services Department, New Ward Block at Portiuncula hospital, upgrade of all schools built pre 2008 and refurbishment of Roscommon Courthouse.

·         Core Strategy and Housing Strategy will be related to Housing Needs Demand Assessment and this assessment will have consequences in relation to land use zoning.

·         Future housing will be located in larger towns/employment centres and smaller towns and villages and rural areas at appropriate scale. There is an emphasis on brownfield sites in existing urban areas and economic and social need will have to be demonstrated in rural areas under urban influence.

·         Land Use Zoning will be regulated

·         The Office of the Planning Regulator will have an independent monitoring role


Mr. Lydon explained that this is a framework and the real work will be undertaken at Regional Authority level. With  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.18


Presentation from Chief Fire Officer

Additional documents:


Mr. John Keane, Chief Fire Officer gave a presentation to the Members on the Roscommon Fire Service.


·         Staff Organisation including six fire stations and employment of fifty-six retained fire fighters. Each fire station is responsible for an area called a fireground.

·         Core Functions of the Fire Service include Community Fire Safety, Fire Services Response, Health and Safety Management Systems and Major Emergency Management.

·         As Roscommon is a landlocked county with six other counties bordering it, there are cross county arrangements in place with regard to provision of fire services.

·         A total of 12 fire stations outside the county from Drumshanbo in Co. Leitrim to Ferbane in Co. Offaly provide first response to parts of County Roscommon, while Boyle and Roscommon provide cover outside Co. Roscommon.

·         Fire Service Operational Response and Service Delivery is categorised based on an Area Risk Designation that determines the appliances required in each station. This Risk categorisation is based on Urban and Rural population densities.

·         Roscommon town is designated medium Risk (C2) and all other stations Low to very low. The response capability of each station is measured in minutes also based on risk category.

·         All calls to fire services are dealt with by CAMP in Castlebar (Regional Control Centre)

·         NOAC Performance Indicators in 2016 – Roscommon had longest average mobilisation time. This is as result of many variables including not least that we are a rural county.

·         The maps for firegrounds were done over 16 years ago and based on groups of townlands.

·         An analysis has been ongoing on firegrounds to determine best and fastest routes to fires from the adjacent fire stations. A number of anomalies were discovered -

o   Weight restriction a bridge on what is perceived as on the shortest route.

o   Average speed of 45kph could result in having to change boundaries to meet time restrictions

o   A town land bundled with an adjacent townland but would have been nearer another fire station.

·         As a result of the closure of Castlerea Fire Station last January, the area it covered has been covered by other adjacent fire stations.

·         Recent developments include:

o   Looking at the fire services resources vis a vis the incidents they respond to

o   There are an increasing number of water related incidents to deal with

o   Personnel in the Boyle Fire Station have been traded up as first responders

o   Roscommon Fire Services are the lead Authority in the purchase of 5 new fire tenders for Roscommon and Galway at a cost of €350,000 each. Boyle will get one of the new fire tenders and there is approval for a second new appliance in 2019.

o   Roscommon Fire Services is the only Department in the Council to have been awarded the Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS 18001:2007 by the NSAI (January 2018)


Members thanked Mr. Keane for his presentation and asked the following questions:

·         How can we improve turnout time of our stations? Is there a variance between stations in relation to turnout times?

·         When  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.18


Extension of Standing Orders

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

             SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED to extend Standing Orders after 5.30pm



Additional documents:


·         Letter of Acknowledgement from Ms Regina Doherty Td, Minister for Employmnent Affairs and Social Protection regarding resolution in relation to the General Registrar’s Office in Roscommon.

·         Letter from Minister Zappone TD regarding resolution in relation to the Early Years Sector.

·         Letter from Galway County Council RE: Resolution passed by members in relation to illegal parking of caravans and camper vans on public and private roads etc.

·         Letter from Ms Regina Doherty Td, Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection concerning the future of the General Registrar’s Office (GRO) in Roscommon.

·         Circular RW 1/2018 from Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport RE: Regional and Local Road Grant Allocations 2018



·         Question No. 1.18 from Cllr. Ward

Additional documents:


Question 1 – Councillor Ward:

Can Roscommon County Council inform the Members if the TII have responded to the queries raised by the Chief Executive and Management and the Members of Roscommon County Council at a meeting with them in Dublin last December regarding Road Safety on the N61 at Kiltoom, Athlone and at Ballymurray, Roscommon, and also the flooding of lands off the M6.


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:-


Following the meeting with TII in Dublin it has been agreed with the TII Inspector for Co. Roscommon to procure Safety Consultants from a Framework Agreement run by TII to examine safety at a number of locations in Co. Roscommon including the N61 from Kiltoom to Athlone.  Roads Section are currently preparing a brief for the Consultants. 


The drainage issues on the M6 have been discussed at the two Steering Committee Meetings held this year and some progress has been made (on the swale at Tonvey and the Ballydangan outfall) but there has been no commitment yet from TII as to monies that will be made available. 




Notice of Motion

·         Motion No. 04.18 from Cllr. Naughten

·         Motion No. 05.18 from Cllr. Ward

Additional documents:


04.18    IRISH WATER

                Notice of Motion from Councillor Naughten

That Roscommon County Council request an update from Irish Water as to the investment requirement for upgrade of Monksland Waste Water Treatment Plant and when this investment will take place.


As Cllr. Naughten was not present to move the motion, and had not requested another member to move it in his absence, the motion is withdrawn and shall be referred to the next meeting.



                Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward

I am calling on the Minister for Local Government, Mr. Eoghan Murphy TD and the Minister for Finance Mr. Paschal Donohoe TD, to provide extra funding for roads in County Roscommon that have been severely damaged due to bad weather conditions in recent months.


                Reply:  This Notice requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Ward informed the meeting that he has never seen the local roads in South Roscommon in such a bad state of disrepair.  Roads that were resurfaced in the last four years now need a complete overlay as travel on these roads is near impossible due to the potholes and craters.  Since 2008 funding from the Government has been reduced by 40% leaving a road network that is not fit for purpose.  He has estimated road works at a cost of €1.5m – €2.0m are required to bring the network in South Roscommon up to an acceptable standard.  The current budget is less than €500k leaving a considerable shortfall.   


On the  PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Local Government, Mr. Eoghan Murphy TD and the Minister for Finance Mr. Paschal Donohoe TD, to provide extra funding for roads in County Roscommon that have been severely damaged due to bad weather conditions in recent months.


Members made the following comments:

·         General Municipal road allocation for South Roscommon is not on a par with other two Municipal Districts.

·         Problem not isolated to local roads, some regional roads require works also.

·         What is the situation with potholes not being repaired following reports of same to relevant office?  Is there a staffing issue, should we be going out to contract?

·         Poor roads prove hazardous to emergency services.

·         Need to look at the gradient on these roads as it is believed that the proper gradient is not being put in and water is lodging on the roads.

·         Funding came too late last year to carry out road works.

·         The problem with roads is county wide, not just South Roscommon.  Roads surfaced last year have started to unravel again.

·         Substantial number of local roads are in need of repairs - Are there plans to recruit additional staff for maintenance of local roads or are there plans to contract out these works to get roads up to standard as quickly as possible?



CE Responded as follows:

Mr. Eugene Cummins, CE acknowledged that the roads in the county are in bad state of disrepair.  The long winter together with current weather  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.18


Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

                SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED to adopt the list of payments for attendance at conferences as circulated to the members. 



Any Other Business

Additional documents:


Update on Freedom of County proposed for Brian O’Doherty

The Cathaoirleach informed Members that the date set is Thursday 26th April taking place at Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) in Kilmainham, Dublin.  She asked that as many members as possible can travel on the day for this important awards ceremony.


Extreme Weather Forecast

The Cathaoirleach asked the Chief Executive about the Council’s readiness for the extreme bad weather forecast this week.

The C.E. said that the Council is ready for the event, but we don’t have an amber warning designation yet but neighbouring counties do and we have to date and will be tracking the weather over the weekend.  As of this moment we have in excess of 1,500 tonnes of salt in storage and an additional 2,000 tonnes on order, which is more than enough to see us through this event.  The ploughs will be put on the vehicles and all outdoor staff are ready.  He advised that all road users exercise extreme care.   


Members made the following comments:

·         Can Scrine Hill and Bealnamullia (S. Kildea’s to Rooskey Cross) be included in the Winter Service Plan?

·         Can gravel/salt be made available for communities to treat local roads.

·         Will the snow plough be in use full time?

·         Can a notice be issued to Business owners about their responsibilities in relation to footpaths outside their premises?

·         Remind people to look after the elderly.


CE responded as follows:

·         The situation will be managed as it happens but we won’t be able to do everything. 

·         Community issues regarding insurance were never resolved so salt will not be made available

·         Clear that when the situation arises, we may be able to give insurance

·         Social media will be used to give updated information and managed by Corporate Services

·         Stock pile of salt that we have is adequate and we have a very good fleet of vehicles.



Motion adopted by Waterford City and County Council

Cllr. Shanagher made reference to a notice of motion received from Waterford City and County Council.   


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher

              SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council calls on the Government to introduce legislation as quickly as possible, to make it an offence for a person or persons to enter the water, that being the sea or river, during a status Red weather warning.  To also make it an offence to enter the water, that being the sea or river, when the area has been closed by either the local council or the Gardai as a matter of public safety.





Original text