
Venue: Boyle Municipal Office - Boyle MD Offices. View directions

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: 071 9662101

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·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 19th July 2024


Matters Arising


Notices Of Motions (4)

5.24 Notice of Motion – Cllr Tom Crosby

Could Roscommon County Council conduct an investigation and address the following issues in Hanley Avenue, Boyle: 

The road surface, drainage, footpaths, and boundary fencing are reported to be in a state of disrepair, causing significant concerns for residents. Furthermore, the public lighting at the end of Lower Marian Road has been non-functional for an extended period and requires attention.


6.24 Notices of Motion - Cllr Sean Moylan

Motion to improve road safety in school/ church zone

In light of the fact that we are still at least three years away from the new N5, the situation in Tulsk is incredibly dangerous and difficult. There are 88 households marooned on the northern side of the National N5 route, where many schoolchildren must negotiate crossing this national road without any aid to get to and from the school. This is also the case with many elderly people in these same houses trying to cross the very busy road to get to church.

Whereas I welcome the new intermitting speed limit flashing signs, I call on the Council (in conjunction with the RSA and / or the TII and other State Agencies if need be), to install a pedestrian crossing controlled by lights, and on a raised plateau on the eastern transition route out of the village, in or around the Chestnut Grove housing estate, which would serve all 88 houses.

This would also have a traffic calming effect where there have been many many accidents, several of which occurred at school pick up and drop off times.

There is a precedence for these type of Pedestrian Crossings on National routes in Co. Roscommon, in Tarmonbarry, Frenchpark, and Cortober, yet Strokestown, Ballinagare and Tulsk remain without any safe proper crossing of the extremely busy National Route.


7.24 Notice of Motion - Cllr. Leah Cull

That this council have the necessary signage and road markings installed at Strabragin NS Arigna R280 and the railway bridge on the R294 Gurteen road in Boyle to warn traffic of the hazardous sharp turns.



8.24 Notice of Motion - Cllr Michéal Frain

For Roscommon County Council; to extend the planned development works proposed in the Plots area of the Town, which is located off Pound Street / Barrack Street.

The proposed current works includes the installation of a skate board park in an area adjacent to the public carpark.

I hereby propose that Roscommon County Council develop the remaining area of the Plots into a Town Park with lighting and pathways to compliment the natural beauty and ambiance of this wooded area.




Questions (6)


4.24 Question - Cllr Tom Crosby


Could the Director of Service kindly provide a comprehensive update on the current status of the design development and funding allocation for the construction of footpaths and public lighting infrastructure from Tarmonbarry Village to the local National school, aimed at enhancing accessibility and safety for residents residing in the four newly established housing estates along the designated route to the school. Notably an allocation of €80,000 was designated in the 2022 active travel budget, with an additional top-up of €20,000 in the 2023 budget.


5.24Question - Cllr Tom Crosby


Could the Director of Service kindly provide an update with the progress on the new proposed public lighting in Rooskey Village.



6.24 Question - Cllr Sean Moylan

Have the council any update on the footpath upgrades in Forest view and Mockmoyne in Boyle as they are in terrible condition?


7.24 Question - Cllr Sean Moylan


At the new carpark being developed at the Woodenbridge in Drum- Is current access under the N4 to the boat sheds going to be blocked? Is there going to be a height restriction barrier going to be used on entry to the new carpark?


8.24 Question - Cllr. Leah Cull


Who is responsible for the upkeep of the Boyle to Lough Key cycle track?


9.24 Question - Cllr. Michéal Frain


Can Roscommon County Council staff carry out an audit of all outdoor amenities in this MD area, to ascertain the condition of the facilities, and the condition of the equipment therein. 

As funding streams are due to open shortly, it would be extremely helpful to have an assessment carried out, as funding for repairs and replacement, may need to be considered shortly by the Council and local organisations. 






Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


Nominations for Civic Reception




Original text