Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal District, Boyle

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: 071 9662101

Note: Meeting deferred from 17th May 2024 (agreed 22/03/2024) 

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


Cllr. Tom Crosby informed meeting that he will absent himself for Agenda Item 7.24 & 8.24



Adoption of the Minutes

Minutes of Boyle MD Meeting 22nd March 2024


Minutes of Boyle MD Interim Meeting 18th April, 2024


·         Minutes of Boyle MD Meeting 22nd March 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr.  John Cummins


SECONDED BY Cllr. Valerie Byrne


And AGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD Meeting 22nd March 2024 were ADOPTED




·         Minutes of Boyle MD Interim Meeting 18th April, 2024

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Tom Crosby


SECONDED BY Cllr. Michael Mulligan


And AGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD Meeting 22nd March 2024 were AD09TED



Matters Arising


No matters arising



Amendment to the Schedule of Municipal District Works - Boyle MD Public Realm


Mr. Ivor Kilcline, MD Coordinator advised a removal of €5,000 funding allocated for Winter Maintenance to be reallocated to Bottle Banks in Ballyfarnon.

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Tom Crosby

SECONDED by Cllr Valerie Byrne

The amendment to the schedule of Municipal District Works – Boyle MD Public Realm was AGREED



Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) that Roscommon County Council proposes to carry out the following development:
Boyle Traffic Safety Scheme

As Circulated by email


Mr John Mockler, Senior Engineer gave an outline on the proposal for Boyle Traffic Safety Scheme.

Cllr Liam Callaghan advised he was glad the plan was put together to improve safety.  Submissions were reviewed and Cllr Callaghan was satisfied they were addressed.

Cllr John Cummins made recommendations to provide a disabled parking space outside resident’s house on L50571 and to address the build out adjacent to Sloan’s hardware for delivery access.

The executive agreed to look at the provision of a disabled parking space for residents of L50571 and to review the build out design on Main St. during the design process.

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Tom Crosby

It was AGREED by all the members to APPROVE the Part 8 for the Boyle Traffic Scheme development.




Pursuant to the provisions of Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) that Roscommon County Council proposes carrying out the following works:

Enhancement of Cootehall Village Park to include:

" Resurfacing of existing walkways
" Provision of covered outdoor space with age friendly seating.
" Soft landscaping to include, trees, shrubs and grass.
" Extension of existing play area.
" Provision of a mini basketball court
" Extension to Existing Carpark
" All associated Site & Ancillary Works.


Mr John Quigley, Executive Engineer, provided an outline of the proposal.  All Members welcomed and supported the scheme and proposal.

Cllr Tom Crosby questioned where funding is from.  Mr John Quigley clarified €250,000 from Department of Rural & Community Development & €27,700 match funding.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Liam Callaghan

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED by all the Members to APPROVE the Enhancement of Cootehall Village Park proposed works.



Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2
Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180
Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3
Declaration of public road within the housing development at Tarmon Harbour, Tarmonbarry.


Cllr. Tom Crosby left the meeting room at this point.


A/Director of Services, Mr Greg O’Donnell presented the proposal.

He confirmed there were 2 parts to be agreed.  1. Take road in charge. 2. Erect Safety railings. 



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr.  Joe Murphy

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED by all members that the road within the housing development Tarmon Harbour, Tarmonbarry, be declared a public road.



Part 8: The proposed erection of safety railings and gates surrounding Tarmon Harbour Marina within the Tarmon Harbour housing development and all associated sites works, Ballytoohey Townland, Termonbarry, Co. Roscommon


Cllr Tom Crosby remained absent from the meeting.


A/Director of Services, Mr Greg O’Donnell gave an outline of Part 8 proposal.

He stated there was no obligation for the council to maintain or manage the marina, or marina operations.

Mr O Donnell confirmed funding has already been sourced.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Michael Mulligan

It was AGREED by all the Members to APPROVE the Part 8, to erect safety railings and gates surrounding Tarmon Harbour Marina within the Tarmon Harbour Housing development and all associated sites works, Ballytoohey, Termonbarry, Co Roscommon.



Notices Of Motion


Notice of Motion – Cllr. John Cummins


That Roscommon Co Council will seek funding under the Low Cost Safety Improvements Scheme Fund for safety measures and safety works to be carried out at Grange N.S. in North Roscommon. This National School is situated at a busy roads junction and works need to be carried out to ensure the safety of pupils, teachers and parents who use this educational facility on a daily basis.



Notice Of Motion:  Cllr. Valerie Byrne


That Roscommon County Council set up a meeting with the NTA so that we can get confirmation of funding that has been allocated to the Jamestown/ Dromsna project and the timeframe going forward for the project to be completed.




1.24   Notice of Motion – Cllr. John Cummins


That Roscommon Co Council will seek funding under the Low Cost Safety Improvements Scheme Fund for safety measures and safety works to be carried out at Grange N.S. in North Roscommon. This National School is situated at a busy roads junction and works need to be carried out to ensure the safety of pupils, teachers and parents who use this educational facility on a daily basis.



In relation to Grange N.S., we will carry out a survey of the site and review what design options are on the table to make improvements and if appropriate submit for LCSS funding application in 2025.


A/Director of Services Mr Greg o Donnell confirmed that a speed review was being undertaken and traffic calming funding would be pursued.


Members welcomed the response


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr John Cummins and SECONDED by Cllr Liam Callaghan it was AGREED that a survey of the site and review what design options are on the table to make improvements and if appropriate submit for LCSS funding application in 2025



2.24  Notice Of Motion:  Cllr. Valerie Byrne


That Roscommon County Council set up a meeting with the NTA so that we can get confirmation of funding that has been allocated to the Jamestown/Dromsna project and the timeframe going forward for the project to be completed.



Roscommon County Council have regular meetings with the National Transport Authority and we shall raise your issue at the next meeting and procure a response.





Question 1: Cllr. Valerie Byrne


How much money was allocated to Jamestown/Drumsna project, how much was spent, what works were carried out and can we see the drawings that were drawn up?



Question 2: Cllr. Valerie Byrne


Why was the €240,000 that was ring-fenced for the foot/cycle path project between Drumsna and Jamestown with great safety implications moved to an aesthetic project in Ballaghaderreen?




1.24  Question 1. Cllr. Valerie Byrne


How much money was allocated to the Drumsna to Jamestown Greyway project, how much was spent, what works were carried out and can we see the drawings that were drawn up.



The Drumsna to Jamestown Greyway Project history and progress to date is outlined below (Note: Local Authorities can only draw down allocated grant funding when approved project expenditure has been incurred);

·         2021:  Project was allocated a grant of € 100,000; however, due to difficulty procuring a consultant, this allocation was not spent in 2021 and no funding was drawn down by Roscommon County Council.

·         2022:  Project was allocated a grant of € 140,000.  Design consultancy services were procured and a first draft Preliminary Design Report was produced by the end of 2022.  €37,647.23 was drawn down against the allocation in 2022 for services provided.

·         2023:  Project was allocated a grant of € 25,000.  Consultants carried out Road Safety Audits and prepared a second draft of the Preliminary Design Report.  € 8,067.26 was drawn down against the allocation.

·         2024: Roscommon County Council received no funding for his project in 2024



2.24   Question 2.   Cllr Valerie Byrne


Why was the €240,000 that was ring-fenced for the foot/cycle path project between Drumsna and Jamestown with great safety implications have been moved to an aesthetic project in Ballaghaderreen.




Fundingwas not redirected from the Drumsna to Jamestown Greyway project to the Ballaghaderreen Town Development Active Travel project. The National Transport Authority allocates Active Travel Investment Grants on an annual basis, and funding is not specifically reserved for individual projects from one year to the next.    


A/Director of Services Greg O Donnell expanded on the answers and confirmed the €240k funding from 2021 & 2022 was an allocation towards projects and cannot be redirected to other projects.

·         Leitrim County Council are aware of funding situation.

·         Roscommon County Council are keen to progress the plan but are bound by funding priorities determined by the NTA.

·         Funding has been prioritised to areas with higher population densities

·         Roscommon County Council remain committed to this project

·         The NTA prioritise projects that reduce car dependent trips for sustainable travel. They are more focused on commuting to schools & work.  Active travel does not cover greenways and recreation.

Cllr Valerie Byrne requested a copy of the report read by Greg o Donnell and welcomes meeting with NTA. Cllr Byrne requested more communication between groups and council.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


The Councillors expressed sympathy to the Connaughton family on the passing of Martin Connaughton, former Mayor or Roscommon and County Councillor.



Civic Reception Nominations


Roscommon County Council were called on to honour Keadue Tidy Towns who won the Enfant Florale award.


PROPOSED by of Cllr. Tom Crosby

SECONDED by Cllr. John Cummins




Councillor Valerie Byrne recommended that the Rathcroghan Ogham Alphabet Garden Project, which has won a silver medal at BLOOM for their garden reflecting an archaeological rich landscape near Tulsk, be honoured.


PROPOSED by Cllr. Liam Callaghan

SECONDED by Cllr Valerie Byrne



Any Other Business


Cllr. John Cummins announced €1.183m had been secured for local and national roads projects in Roscommon.


Ivor Kilcline Municipal District Coordinator confirmed this was extra funding for existing projects to cover shortfall and possibly reinstate roads projects that had been removed.


A/Director of Services Mr Greg O Donnell thanked Councillors on behalf of the executive.  He expressed well wishes to those retiring and to those continuing.


Cllr Liam Callaghan acknowledged the 3 retiring councillors and 3 candidates going forward. He condemned anyone interfering or demeaning candidates.  He expressed well wishes to all 16 candidates in Boyle.  He also thanked staff of Roscommon County Council.


Cllr John Cummins wished to acknowledge the good working relationship and cooperation with staff and members in the MD.  He expressed good wishes to the 3 councillors going for re-election.


Cllr Valerie Byrne wished the new council well and acknowledged the loss of experience from the 3 councillors retiring.  She thanked the staff and press.  She also expressed thanks to the outdoor staff.


Cllr Tom Crosby paid tribute to the 3 councillors not going forward.  He acknowledged how they worked well in the MD for 5 years.  He thanked Ivor Kilcline, Greg O Donnell and office staff.  He wished Cllr. Valerie Byrne and Cllr. Liam Callaghan success in upcoming election.


Cllr. Michael Mulligan wished retirees the best and also the candidates running in the election. 

He thanked Ivor Kilcline, Greg o Donnell and the magnificent office staff.


Cllr Joe Murphy wished Cllr John Cummins and Cllr Michael Mulligan well and also the candidates going forward.   He acknowledged how they worked well together and he also thanked staff and press.



Original text