
Proposed venue: Boyle Municipal District, Boyle

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: glafferty@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no conflicts of interest.


Adoption of the Minutes pdf icon PDF 864 KB

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Tom Crosby

andAGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD meeting of 24th November 2023 were ADOPTED.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Valerie Byrne

SECONDED by Cllr. John Cummins

andAGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD Interim meeting of 12th December 2023 were ADOPTED.



Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Specified Development Part 8 - Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Planning and Development Regulations (2001) (as amended). Consideration of the CEO Report for The Plots Town Park, Ballaghaderreen pdf icon PDF 9 MB


Mr. D. Loughnane, Senior Exec. Regeneration Section, read the CE report for The Plots Town Park Ballaghaderreen.


All members welcomed the development and gave it their full support.


Mr. E. Mulryan confirmed that an application for funding under the Town & Village Development will be submitted and decision should be known by Q1 2024.  If successful, will move to detailed design and constructions as quickly as possible at a cost of €500k approx.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Michael Mulligan

SECONDED by Cllr. Tom Crosby

and AGREED, that the Specified Development Part 8 – Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), Planning & Development Regulations (2001)(as amended) the CEO Report for The Plots Town Park, Ballaghaderreen be ADOPTED.



Report on all Unfinished Housing Estates



Mr. G O’Donnell gave a presentation on the status of Unfinished Housing Estates in the Boyle MD area.  Copy of report emailed to members separately.


The following issues were discussed:


  1. Are Councils still getting grants and financial government assistance to take unfinished estates in charge; especially where there is no bond in place?  How much funding is provided?

Answer:  Councils are not being funded for this work.  Funding is provided from the Council’s own budget each year.  


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Michael Mulligan

and AGREED, the Roscommon County Council should seek funding from Central Government to assist the Council in Taking in Charge estates where no Bond in place.


  1. Update on Status of Waterside Estate, Termonbarry

Waterside is also known as Shannon Woods and was on the list under Shannon Woods.  The developer is working on its Site Resolution Plan and works are ongoing.


  1. Orchard Grove, Elphin – Update on Irish Water Issue

The Pumping Station needs to be upgraded under an Uisce Eireann Site Resolution Plan Agreement; however, RCC understands there is no Uisce Eireann or Department funding available for these works.


  1. Hazelwood, Elphin – any progress on the right-of-way issue?

The Wayleave is still required.  A reminder letter with Wayleaves was sent to the property owner on 18/01/2024.


  1. Tarmon Harbour Update
  • Uisce Eireann Site Resolution Works were completed last week by Jason O’Reilly Plant Hire (based on Water Audit carried out by Aquaflo)
  • Surfacing and lining of carpark was completed by Lagan Asphalt Ltd. (a few signs still need to be erected)
  • Marina Fencing in storage at NWTH‘s yard since September 2023
  • CCTV cameras were taken down
  • The Landowner has been asked to submit a Taking-in-Charge Application letter
  • The development will be referred to Uisce Eireann in next few weeks





Correspondence - Bord na Mona Bog at Cloonshannagh, Tarmonbarry pdf icon PDF 250 KB




Correspondence from Bord na Mona re bog at Cloonshannagh, Tarmonbarry was noted.


Notices Of Motion


There was no Notice of Motion.




There were no questions presented.


Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


There were no votes of Congratulations/Sympathy.




Any Other Business



The following issues were discussed:


Cloonfour School – update on funding application

Application is under Safety Scheme for installation of Flashing Lights.  There is an issue with electrical contractor – Mr. I. Kilcline will follow up with contractor.


Upgrading of Lighting at Rooskey

Upgrading of lighting is carried out under national tender by Contractor and managed by the RMO.  Roscommon Co. Council is obliged to abide by the tendering process.


Lights - Strokestown Estate

Works to be carried out by Roscommon Co. Council in Q1 2024. 


Gritting at National Schools & Car Parks


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that the Winter Maintenance Plan prioritises national and regional road networks.  Resources are maximised.



Original text