Agenda and minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal District, Boyle

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)



Cllr. T Crosby informed meeting that he will absent himself for Agenda Item 4 (c) Tarmonbarry Project Proposal revision.



Adoption of the Minutes pdf icon PDF 828 KB

·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 22nd September 2022

·         Minutes of Boyle MD Budget meeting on 18th October, 2022

Additional documents:



Minutes of Boyle MD Meeting on 22nd September 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins,

SECONDED by Cllr. Tom Crosby

And AGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD Meeting on 22nd September 2023 were ADOPTED.


Minutes of Boyle MD Budget Meeting 18th October 2023

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Valerie Byrne

SECONDED by Cllr. Michael Mulligan

And AGREED, the minutes of the Boyle MD Budget Meeting on 18th October 2023 were ADOPTED.




Matters Arising



An update on the N5 contract was given.  Contract has been awarded to Wills Brothers and members are invited to official signing of contract which will take place on 8th December 2023.  Total cost of project including CPO, design and all other related costs is €450m with up to 4 years estimated for construction stage.


Outstanding issues relating to CPO and drainage works will be addressed prior to commencement of works.


Boyle MD Fund Project Revisions for Approval pdf icon PDF 93 KB

(a)  Roscommon Historical Society

(b)  Ballinameen GAA

(c)   Tarmonbarry Tidy Towns

Additional documents:



Cllr. Tom Crosby left the meeting room at this point.


(a)          Roscommon Historical Society - Ref BMD 21-06– Society has requested an increase of grant allocation due to increasing costs since its initial application under the Boyle MD Fund 2021

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Liam Callaghan,

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

And AGREED, that Roscommon Historical Society re-apply for funding under the Boyle MD Fund Allocation 2024.


(b)          Ballinameen GAA – Ref BMD 23-04 – Committee has requested amendment to their proposal -  development of a walk way around the football grounds for use by general public.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

And AGREED, that Ballinameen GAA project amendment be APPROVED.


(c)           Tarmonbarry Tidy Towns – Ref BMD 22-04 – Committee has requested amendment to their proposal -  purchase of a lawnmower for maintenance of grounds.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

And AGREED, that Tarmonbarry Tidy Towns Committee project amendment be APPROVED.


Cllr. Tom Crosby re-joined the meeting.



Presentation of First Draft of LECP 2023-2029



A presentation was given to members by Ms. Maeve Hall, of Hub Planning on the first draft of the LECP 2023-2029 as part of Step 3 in the process – “Presentation of Final Draft to Municipal Districts and Regional Assemblies for approval and adoption.


Members sought clarification regarding the following:

·         Economic investment in Roscommon town compared to Boyle & Ballaghaderreen

·         Challenge of availability of housing

·         Lack of large FDI

·         Over reliance on Tourism

·         No hotel in North of County



·         Key Strategic towns identified, e.g. Roscommon & Athlone and the roll out of benefits to surrounding towns.

·         Key economic growth areas like Carrick-on-Shannon which in turn benefit Boyle

·         Build a framework to avail of these opportunities.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins,

SECONDED by Cllr. Tom Crosby

And AGREED, that the First Draft of Roscommon County Council Local Economic & Community Plan 2023-2029 be ADOPTED.



Declaration of Public Road - 2023 November Director's Report Estate Taken in Charge pdf icon PDF 132 KB

  • Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2

Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of public road within the housing development at Quay West North, Cootehall


  • Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2

Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of public road within the housing development at Quay West South, Cootehall



Mr. G O’Donnell read from the Director’s report Estate Taken in Charge



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. John Cummins,

SECONDED by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

And AGREED that under Section 11(2)(b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994 Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of public road within the housing development at Quay West North Cootehall and Quay West South Cootehall be taken in charge.



Mr. G O’Donnell to provide a summary of estates taken in charge to date at the next MD meeting in January 2024.




Notices Of Motion


Cllr. Valerie Byrne/ Cllr. Tom Crosby


That Roscommon County Council insure that the necessary funding be put in place to Assets Management team for the repair of lighting in Kildollogue and Vesnoy estates in Strokestown. The problem arose due to the change in ESB Networks Regulations and significant works are required to rectify. These works need to be done now to ensure proper lighting in place for winter.







Joint Notice of Motion: Cllr. Valerie Byrne/ Cllr. Tom Crosby


That Roscommon County Council insure that the necessary funding be put in place to Assets Management team for the repair of lighting in Kildollogue and Vesnoy estates in Strokestown. The problem arose due to the change in ESB Networks Regulations and significant works are required to rectify. These works need to be done now to ensure proper lighting in place for the winter.





Assets and Energy Management are preparing a solution to the public lighting faults in Kildallogue Heights and Vesnoy Estate, Strokestown. The public lighting faults have been logged on the Deadsure website which is used by Roscommon County Council to track and log faults for Public Lighting. The repair of the public lighting faults requires electrical and significant civils works and Roscommon County Council has a limited budget for these types of repairs. It is proposed to carry out repairs to the public lighting faults in Kildallogue Heights and Vesnoy Estate early in the new year.






Has the Council been successful in preventing Board Na Mona or their contractors from using the Cloonsshanna Road and the Rooskey Tarmonbarry Road for Transporting over 80,000 ton of mill peat stockpiled on the bog for delivery to Northern Ireland. 

Both roads are built over bog land with no proper foundation and could not at all sustain lorry loads with weights of over 30 tons on board. Cllr. Tom Crosby



Can Director of Services inform the meeting of what is the current progress with the flooding prevention measures for Bridge Street Strokestown.  Cllr. Tom Crosby








8.23     Question 1– Cllr. Tom Crosby Bordna Mona



Has the Council been successful in preventing Board Na Mona or their contractors from using the Cloonsshanna Road and the Rooskey Tarmonbarry Road for transporting over 80,000 ton of mill peat stockpiled on the bog for delivery to Northern Ireland.  Both roads are built over bog land with no proper foundation and could not at all sustain lorry loads with weights of over 30 tons on board. 





The Council has written to the Minister as proposed at the October plenary meeting calling for the legality of above activities to be investigated.


Roscommon Co. Council has also made informal contact with Bord na Mona in relation to the removal of milled peat and is writing to Bord na Mona directly to express concerns raised in relation to the environment and in relation to traffic movements.  From consultations with Roscommon Co. Council /Environment, the removal of the milled peat from the bog is not an issue and may be desirable as the milled peat has the potential to cause sediment issues in the future. Bord na Mona is commercially involved in a number of operations that would include the bulk movement of peat and peat-based products; however, and notwithstanding the above, the traffic impacts of the proposed transaction would need to be addressed to the Road Authority’s satisfaction and Roscommon Co. Council’s letter to Bord na Mona has sought clarification in this regard.


All members welcomed response.



9.23     Question 2. – Cllr. T Crosby - Flooding Strokestown


Can Director of Services inform the meeting of what is the current progress with the flooding prevention measures for Bridge Street Strokestown.





The Strokestown Operational Area is in discussions with a landowner for a wayleave to install an overflow pipe from Bridge Street to the adjacent stream.



All members welcomed response and hope for a positive outcome to the proposed measures.  Mr. G O’Donnell stated that Roscommon Co. Council is committed to checking and clearing gullies to ensure they are working to capacity.  Mr. I. Kilcline confirmed that the Council upgrades overflow systems, but is limited to public areas.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy





Congratulations were extended to Richard Canny, Roscommon Herald Deputy on winning the national award in the Local Print and Online category of the Headline Mental Health Awards recently.



Sympathy was extended to the family of Sr. Jacinta Cullinan, RIP.  She was the former principal of St Michael’s School in Castlerea.




Civic Reception Nominations



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Valerie Byrne

SECONDED by Cllr. John Cummins

And AGREED to nominate Enda Smith All Star Award Recipient and those involved in training at underage level for the Civic Reception in 2024.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Valerie Byrne

SECONDED by Cllr. Liam Callaghan

And AGREED to nominate Sara Keane, Windmill Road, Elphin winner of All Ireland Scor to Civic Reception 2024.



Any Other Business


The following issues were raised:

·         Grant drawdown requests under the Boyle MD fund be processed and paid quickly and if possible before Christmas 2023.

·         Cycle Track between 1st and 2nd Arches to be cleared of leaves and debris.

·         Road Sweeper – could towns get timetable for road sweeper so that people would know to move their car, etc. to facilitate road sweeper.

·         Mechanism for informing public of when road sweeper in area

·         Public Lighting Upgrade at Rooskey

·         Rooskey Bridge Upgrade – update

·         Site for new GRETB Campus Roscommon Town – should other sites be looked at in Boyle MD


Mr. I. Kilcline to review user of Sweeper for other towns in the MD Area – it’s hired as needed.  Funding is an issue. Issue of parked cars may require assistance from Tidy Towns, etc.  Will welcome any suggestions for this and the means of informing the public.


Mr. I. Kilcline will give an update on public lighting in Rooskey at next MD meeting in January.


Mr. G. O’Donnell stated that initial funding of €1.5m was available for Rooskey Bridge upgrade but funding was subsequently withdrawn. It was a joint project with Leitrim Co. Council.  However, the issue is being raised again under Active Travel.


New campus for GRETB apprenticeship training welcome which will benefit the whole county and site selected in Roscommon town is ready to go.  Suggestion that Strokestown should be looked at as alternative site for campus.  Members agreed that GRETB is at preliminary stages, and is fully supported by Council. 


Council representative on GRETB will keep members updated on progress.


Roads Programme 2024

Mr. I Kilcline asked members to submit their lists for the Roads Programme 2024 to their Area Engineers respectively.  Ready to go to tender in January 2024.


Post meeting note – response to Cllr M Mulligan regarding query from previous MD meeting on bin collection survey.  See table below:

Ballaghaderreen Waste Bye-Law Survey 2023




No. of Properties Surveyed


No. Compliant on day of Survey


No. made complaint after Information submitted to RCC Environment Office


No. of reminder letter issued to date






No. of Properties Surveyed


No. Compliant on day of Survey


No. made complaint after Information submitted to RCC Environment Office


No. of reminder letter issued to date





Original text