Agenda and minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal District Office

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There was no Conflict of Interest stated.


Adoption of the Minutes pdf icon PDF 749 KB

·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 19th May, 2023

·         Minutes of Boyle MD Annual General Meeting on 19th June, 2023

Additional documents:


·         Boyle MD Meeting – 19th May, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Michael Mulligan

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District meeting of 19th May 2023


·         Boyle MD AGM Meeting 19th June, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District AGM meeting on 19th June, 2023.



Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


N4 (Carrick bypass) update


Notification of commencement of Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) of N4 Carrick - on – Shannon to Dromod Road Project - Leitrim County Council, in partnership with Roscommon County Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport was issued to all members.


For further information, see website or contact the design team by email at


Members welcomed update on N4 by-pass and asked how does this project link with the Carrick-on-Shannon Flood Relief Scheme. Members had attended a Public Consultation on the FRS on 20/07/2023 which included impact of flooding in the Carrick-on Shannon and Cortober areas and sediment management.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that both schemes will overlap, however by-pass is more straightforward. 


Members asked to be kept informed of preferred option for by-pass.



Boyle MD Fund: Revised Project Proposal Strokestown Tidy Towns pdf icon PDF 82 KB


Strokestown Tidy Towns submitted a revised proposal for the Boyle MD Fund changing to the purchase of a solar powered water pump.



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy

SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED to approve Strokestown Tidy Towns revised proposal and award €1,800 as previously granted under the MD Fund 2022.



Notices Of Motion

2.23:  Cllr. Joe Murphy:  I propose the motion that Rocommon Co. Council engage with the community and parish council in Kilglass to provide parking spaces at the church in Kilglass


Motion: I propose the motion that Roscommon County Council engage with the community and parish council in Kilglass to provide parking spaces at the church in Kilglass. Cllr. Joe Murphy



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy

SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED to adopt the motion that Roscommon County Council engage with the community and parish council in Kilglass to provide parking spaces at the church in Kilglass


In response, Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that Roscommon Co Council cannot purchase land and create a carpark for what is essentially a private facility.  Council will work with Group to look at alternatives. 


Similar situation in Ballinlough. Group bought land at back of Church which was very successful.




5.23   Due to speeding concerns in Keadue, can Roscommon County Council look at measures to make the village safer, maybe something as simple as pedestrian crossing.



6.23   Following the removal of timber from Kilgarve/ MullaghmaCormac Rooskey area when will the road be done also the drainage needs to be checked along this road as houses were flooded there in the last two years and with the removal of the trees there would be greater volumes of water.




42.23 (a) Question 1:  Due to speeding concerns in Keadue, can Roscommon County Council look at measures to make the village safer, maybe something as simple as pedestrian crossing.  (Cllr. Joe Murphy)


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that Mr Ivor Kilcline, Municipal District Co-Ordinator, will draft a response to this question.  Options will be reviewed, e.g. low cost safety schemes and Mr. Colm Kelly, Area Engineer, will look at potential locations for pedestrian crossing.  However, Mr. O’Donnell stated that the speeding concerns could be down to enforcement.


On PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne,

SECONDED by Councillor John Cummins

And AGREED that a survey of speed tests would be carried out on the Ballinameen/4Ps Road.



42.23 (b) Question 2: Following the removal of timber from Kilgarve/ MullaghmaCormac Rooskey area, when will the road be done.  Also the drainage needs to be checked along this road as houses were flooded there in the last two years and with the removal of the trees there would be greater volumes of water.  (Cllr. Joe Murphy)


Mr. Colm Kelly, Area Engineer, stated that he will meet with representatives from the Forestry Co along with GSS, to discuss road reinstatement, costs, etc.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell added that such roads are not designed to take logging traffic.  Roscommon Co. Council has to facilitate road access and then deal with damage to roads and recoupment of road repair costs.


Members queried if tree felling licence could have a condition added to ensure roads are returned to their previous condition and new entrances are to standard.


Mr. Colm Kelly, Area Engineer, stated that these conditions are included in licence and that felling companies must return road to good condition and if new entrances created, these must be to standard. Roads, drains and entrances are inspected on completion of felling and removal.





Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy



43.23 (a) Opening of An Rioga, Boyle 19/07/2023

Members praised funding from Dept of Community Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs and Minister Humphries for their support to Roscommon Co. Council. Successful project like An Rioga is a good example for other towns and villages and this will bring new life and potential to Boyle and the whole community. Members paid tribute to Roscommon Co Council’s initiative in purchasing the Royal Hotel and working with the local community in the development of An Rioga.


The commitment of the Boyle Town Team and volunteers involved in this project was noted and their work in preparing for the upcoming Boyle Arts Festival was commended.


Members look forward to further developments of King House and Lough Key.


43.23 (b) Council Retirees

3 staff retired: Kathleen Hegarty, Mary Dolan & Majella Hunt

Members wished them well in their retirement and complimented them on their varying roles during their career and their lifetime of service to Roscommon Co Council.  They all were very approachable and helpful and were involved in key areas like Clar Funding, Planning and in projects such as An Rioga and the Ballaghaderreen Regeneration Project.


43.23 (c) Sympathies

Sympathy was expressed by all to the family of John Flynn, Ballaghaderreen Area Office on his sudden passing.



Civic Reception Proposals

Proposed by Cllr. Liam Callaghan

I am calling on Roscommon Co. Council to honour Roscommon County Ladies Minor Camogie winners of the All Ireland Final 2023 at the next Civic Reception.


Proposed by Cllr. Valerie Byrne

I wish to propose the following group for recognition at the next Civic Reception "I am calling on Roscommon County Council to honour the Elphin Junk Couture who have won a place in the final in London.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Liam Callaghan

SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED to call on Roscommon Co. Council to honour Roscommon County Ladies Minor Camogie winners of the All Ireland Final 2023 at the next Civic Reception.



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne

SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy

It was AGREED to honour the Elphin Junk Couture who have won a place in the final in London.




Correspondence pdf icon PDF 510 KB

Response to Councillor Liam Callaghan’s query raised at meeting on 19th May 2023 under Matters Arising from David Meade, NRDO <>



Response to Councillor Liam Callaghan’s query regarding permanent boundary fencing along the proposed N5 route raised at meeting on 19th May 2023 was circulated to members for their information.


Cllr. Mulligan raised an individual case regarding CPO on this route.  Mr. Greg O’Donnell will meet this person with Mr. David Meade, NRDO to discuss directly.





Nomination of Boyle MD representative on Corporate Policy Group



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy

SECONDED by Councillor John Cummins

It was AGREED to nominate Cathaoirleach Councillor Liam Callaghan to the Corporate Policy Group.


First meeting of CPG is Monday 24th July at 11.30am in the Loughnaneane Suite.



Any Other Business


The following was raised under Any Other Business:


1.    Update on N5 tender

N5 – no update since Plenary Meeting.  Recommendation has gone to TII seeking Department approval on expenditure.  Process is short.  Expect to award tender in Q3/Q4 2023.

2.    Boyle Area Plan Update requested update at next Boyle MD meeting on 22nd September, 2023.

Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that the priority is the Roscommon Urban Plan and Boyle Area Plan comes after that.  Joint Area plan for Athlone and the Carrick/Cortober Plan – updates with shared MD meeting – will be facilitated through group.

3.    Doonshore – Public Toilet – The Boyle Tidy Town Committee were complimented on the clean-up work done at Doonshore and Council thanked for supply of materials, etc.  Mr. Colm Kelly, Area Engineer, stated that the Public Toilets were now open from 8.00am to 8.00pm daily.

4.    Need for 2nd GP in Stroketown – Cllr Joe Murphy asked that a letter would issue to HSE West to advertise for replacement of GP in the Strokestown Area or that Cllr. John Cummins propose it at the next HSE Forum However it was confirmed that this post was advertised in July 2023 but that filling such a post has proved challenging for the HSE.

Post meeting update:  Confirmed that Post of GP for Strokestown was advertised in early July 2023.

5.    Flooding Strokestown – 3 business and 1 residence flooded during recent heavy rain.

An update will be given at next meeting regarding upgrade of drainage and cleaning of Strokestown River.

Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that access to river is on private ground and will look into ownership, etc.   Mr. Colm Kelly will follow up regarding flooding, etc. at next meeting.

6.    Rooskey Bridge Canal upgrade plus seat/bench at factory

An update on this will be given at the next meeting in September 2023.

7.    Hedge trimming

Overgrown hedges and verges causing obstruction to sightlines at junctions. 

Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed members that at recent plenary meeting, it was agreed that main junctions in all MDs need to be maintained.  Municipal Coordinator to address these issues.  Issues with safety outweighs all else.

8.    Columbarium Walls

Are there plans by Roscommon Co Council to install columbarium walls in cemeteries?  Members were fully supportive of this and it was felt that ideally there should be such a wall in all cemeteries.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that this issue should be discussed at a SPC meeting



Original text