Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite - Áras an Chontae, Roscommon. View directions

Contact: Tom Mc Dermott  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)



There were no declarations of interest from the Members.


Potential Tourism Linkages



Noel Connolly Chairperson of Roscommon Town Twinning Committee gave an insightful presentation on the potential Tourism Linkages between Co Roscommon and the Chartrettes Region. 

He called on Roscommon County Council and Chartrettes’ Local Authorities to engage formally in exploratory discussions, face to face & online, in regard to the potential for increased tourism opportunities between our respective regions in conjunction with Tourism Ireland, Hidden Heartlands & Fáilte Ireland.


The Councillors welcomed and complemented Mr Connolly on his in depth presentation and were in agreement that the economic benefit would be great and there is huge potential to develop the relationship with Chartrettes.

Members and officials present were in agreement that Councillors, Roscommon Co Council and Roscommon Town Twinning Committee would work together to enhance and promote the Town Twinning project.


Mr Connolly thanked Roscommon County Council Corporate Services for their continued support.




Adoption of the Minutes

Roscommon Municipal District Meeting 10th September 2024





On the PROPOSAL of Cllr McDermott

              SECONDED by Cllr Scahill


It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon MD Meeting of 10th September 2024







Budget Meeting



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Dineen

             SECONDED by Cllr Scahill


It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of the Budget Meeting held on 15th October 2024







Matters arising from the minutes



There were no matters arising from the Minutes from Meeting of 10th September 2024


There were no matters arising from the Minutes from the Budget Meeting of 15th October 2024



Feedback from the Town Team Meetings


Cllr. Brennan gave an update from the Roscommon Town Team:

·         Primarily focused on the Christmas Market Festival

·         He advised the Chairperson resigned and they have appointed an interim chairperson appointed until AGM January 2025

·         Christmas Lights will be switched on the last Sunday in November  (24th Nov)

·         Christmas Festival will be 7th & 8th December held between Lougheneane Park and Roscommon Town

·         Market stalls are fully booked following the success of 2023 and with the help from Roscommon County Council, huts will be coming from Strokestown.


Mark Keaveney, Director of Services advised that the festival will be similar to last year with the Enchanted Forest & fireworks on the 8th and the Markets. He also advised there are a programme events taking place over the county including, Boyle, Ballaghaderreen, Castlerea & Monksland


Cllr. Scahill and Cllr Fitzmaurice gave an update from the Castlerea Town Team

·         18 representatives from NUIG completed surveys in Castlerea to find out what people wanted to see from the Town Centre First Plan.  They actively engaged with the people of the town and there was a great response.  They also engaged with Brothers of Charity and Rehab Care to get feedback from the service users in town.

Surveys were carried out with all generations and not focused on a particular age group. 


Mark Keaveney, Director of Services added that Roscommon County Council are actively working with the Town Team, Community Groups and Voluntary Groups to develop the critical Town Centre First Plan.  With this approach, the plan will be reflective of what the town wants.









Abandonment of Public Road and the Extinguishment of Public Right of Way at Kilrooskey, Roscommon- Section 12 and Section 73 of the Roads Act 1993.


Tom McDermott, Roscommon Municipal District Coordinator presented the report on the Abandonment of Public Road – Roads Act 1993, Section 11 Extinguishment of Public Right of Way – Roads Act 1993, Section 73.


All members AGREED to move to public consultation. 


Cllr. Dineen requested that an announcement be made on Roscommon County Council Social Media.




Approval of Civic Reception Request

Cllr Fitzmaurice would like to nominate the members of Roscommon Tidy Towns Association for a Civic Reception.


In June this year members travelled to the Award Ceremony at Riddel Hall Belfast where they were delighted and very proud when Roscommon Town was named as ‘Ireland’s Best Kept Large Town’.




On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr Brennan


It was agreed that Roscommon County Council honour the following at the next civic reception:

Roscommon Tidy Towns Association for their award In June when Roscommon Town was named as ‘Ireland’s Best Kept Large Town’.







There were no items of correspondence.




Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy



There were no votes of Congratulations or Sympathy.





Cllr. Fitzmaurice raised the issue over safety concerns at Cloonfad crossroads where there has been numerous accidents.  He proposed a new set of traffic lights at the crossroads and to talk to TII to seek funding for the lights and also for crossing points in the village.

Cllr. Dineen concurred and stated that he requested to have the speed van from the Claremorris Rd moved to the village.  Members agreed that if people are being encouraged to walk to school etc., then crossing points need to be created nearby.


Cllr McDermott requested an update on the footpath works between Hannon’s Hotel & Golf Links Rd.

Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator advised that the project was still at detailed design stage.   Once approved by the NTA, it will go to tender.


Cllr Scahill asked for an update on Speed Reduction Signs.

Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator updated the members that a contractor is being appointed by Roads.  Poles and signs have arrived and we are awaiting contracts to be signed.

Cllr Fitzmaurice requested feedback from the plenary meeting where they gave input on the speed reduction plan.


Cllr McDermott raised concerns regarding road markings on Circular Rd not properly put back in place after works completed.   There have been issues with the general public and especially, driving instructors giving lessons, that the arrow markings at the roundabouts are inadequate.


Original text