Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Áras an Chontae. View directions

Contact: Tom Mc Dermott  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



Draft Roscommon Town Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030

Draft Roscommon Town Local Area Plan 2024 – 2030, principally consideration of the Chief Executive’s report on submissions received on the Draft Plan, (as circulated), in accordance with Section 20(3) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended)



Greg O’Donnell, A/Director of Services outlined that the format of the Chief Executive’s Report and recommendations contained within, based on submissions received during the pubic consultation stage of the Draft Roscommon Town Local Area Plan. He explained that he would refer to each submission and read each of the Chief Executive’s Recommendations.


Submission from the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR)


OPR Theme 1 - Consistency with the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy


CE Recommendation No. 1: The members did not agree to the inclusion of the additional text as recommended  due to issues with residential ‘Opportunity Sites’ as outlined and it was decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.


CE Recommendation No. 2: The members did not agree to the inclusion of the additional text as recommended and it was decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.


CE Recommendation No. 3: The members did not agree to the inclusion of the additional text as recommended citing the lack of a Local Transport Plan and it was decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.


OPR Theme 3 – Population and Compact Growth


CE Recommendation No. 4: The members did not agree to the inclusion of the additional text as recommended  due to references to residential ‘Opportunity Sites’ and it was decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.


CE Recommendation No. 5: The members queried if sites could be upgraded by a Members resolution from Tier 2 to Tier 1 or if they could be downgraded. 


Brian Farragher, Senior Executive Planner clarified that sites identified as Tier 1 had services, whereas Tier 2 sites may require a potential upgrade of services involving engagement with Uisce Éireann depending on the nature of the development but that there would be no negative consequences from a planning point of view.He also clarified that Uisce Éireann decided on the appropriate classification as Tier 1 or Tier 2 following detailed assessment of the sites.  Uisce Éireann is a statutory body and their technical recommendation cannot be changed. 


The Members AGREED the recommendation to amend Residential Site No. 7 (Golf Links Road) from Tier 1 to Tier 2 in respect of water supply and wastewater.



CE Recommendation No. 6:


To include the following additional Policy Objective in Section 4.3 (Compact Growth), under the sub-heading of Residential Development Policy Objectives on page 23 of the Draft LAP and re-number all subsequent policy objectives accordingly:

RN2 - Ensure the delivery of compact residential growth that aligns with the growth ambitions and density ranges for Roscommon Town, in accordance with the Sustainable Residential Development and Compact Settlements, Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2024).


CE Recommendation No. 7: Due to the association with residential ‘Opportunity Sites’ Members decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.


CE Recommendation No. 8: Due to the association with residential ‘Opportunity Sites’ Members decided to defer this decision until later in the meeting.



CE Recommendation No. 9:



To include the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.24


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