Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite - Áras an Chontae, Roscommon. View directions

Contact: Tom McDermott  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



To consider the Draft Budget for the Roscommon Municipal District for the Financial Year ending 31st December, 2024


Sean Mullarkey introduced the draft budget and informed the members as follows:


The Local Government Act 2001 Section 102, as amended by the Local Government Reform Act 2014, provides the legislative basis for the revised budget process.  It states that “In the case of a county or city council, the Chief Executive shall consult the Municipal District Members for each Municipal District in the Local Authority’s functional area in the preparation of a Draft Local Authority Budget and, for that purpose, a Draft Budgetary Plan for the Municipal District shall be prepared under the direction of the Chief Executive and submitted for consideration by the Municipal District Members for each Municipal District in the manner and in the format that may be prescribed by regulations made by the Minister.”

The draft budgetary plans for municipal districts refer only to discretionary funding available to each municipal district, as discussions on strategic and non-discretionary expenditure of the Council form part of the plenary draft budget process. The plenary budget meeting is scheduled to be held on 30th November, 2023.

The total General Municipal Allocation (GMA) for 2024 is €2,925,510 with Roscommon MD receiving €1,076,840.

Local Property Tax (LPT) Variation

The decision taken at the Plenary meeting on the 26th September, 2022 to vary the LPT basic rate upwards by 15% for two years allowed for the following items to be included in the GMA for 2024 -


·         €225,000 of Community & Enterprise funding for distribution by members

·         €187,200 for street cleaning

·         €30,000 towards emergency works at graveyards

·         €75,000 for graveyard grants

·         €72,000 to assist Tidy Town’s programmes

·         Town Team funding of €12,500 for each of the six town teams 

Rationale for Allocating Funds

In considering the draft budgetary plans for the municipal districts as attached, the following was considered:

1.       The needs and the resources available or likely to be made available to the Council.

2.       The resource needs of each Municipal District, including where appropriate, condition survey, population, location of facilities, etc.


The model used in 2023 for apportioning roads expenditure (33.3% Population, 33.3% Km Road, 33.3% Condition) has once again been applied in 2024.

There is a budget allocation in 2024 of €90,000 relating to the River Suck to improve drainage and amenities. This allocation is split between the Athlone and Roscommon Municipal Districts.


The purpose of the draft budgetary plan meeting is to provide each municipal district an opportunity to allocate its proportion of the General Municipal Allocation according to its priorities.


Schedule of Municipal District Works and Service Delivery Plans

Section 103(A) (1) provides that, following the adoption of the local authority budget, a schedule of proposed works of maintenance and repairs to be carried out during 2024, in each municipal district, shall be prepared under the direction of the Chief Executive, having regard to the availability of resources.

The schedule of municipal district works shall be considered by the municipal district members concerned and be adopted by resolution, with or without amendment. In making an amendment,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.23


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