Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite

Contact: Tom Mc Dermott  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



Adoption of the Minutes

Roscommon Municipal District Meeting – 25th March, 2024

Roscommon Municipal District Special Meeting – 23rd April, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

            SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Meeting of 25th March, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

            SECONDED by Cllr. Fitzmaurice

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Special Meeting of 23rd April, 2024


Matters arising from the minutes


Matters arising from the meeting of 25th March. 2024

·         An update was requested regarding the speeding and visibility issues on Castle Street with members of the opinion that other measures are required such as radar controlled driver feedback signs

·         An update was requested on the essential work that is required on the N60 at Meelickaduff

·         An update was also requested on the speed ramps at Tarmon


Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator responded to the issues raised

·         A survey was carried out by the Roads Department and it showed that 15% of cars are driving over the speed limit with a small percentage of cars travelling in excess of 60 km/hr.  We are waiting on a detailed report with the full figures

·         The visibility issue at Castle Lane will be looked at in more detail when we get the final report from the Roads Department

·         There is no further update on Meelickaduff

·         Roscommon County Council are investigating speed ramps for Tarmon


Matters arising from the meeting of 23rd April, 2024

·         The Local Transport Plan for Roscommon town was discussed with regard to the members agreement at the meeting on 23rd April that the preparation of a Local Transport Plan would begin within six months of the commencement of the Roscommon Town Local Area Plan. This six-month stipulation has not gone out on public display.  It is also an objective in the Roscommon County Development Plan that a Transport Plan will be prepared for Roscommon town.  This objective was not carried forward and included in the original draft of Roscommon Town Local Area Plan or in the changes that are out on public display.

·         Cllr. Waldron referred to a letter he received from the residents of the Spinney which he will forward to Greg O’Donnell and Mark Keaveney, Directors of Services.



Notice of Motion - 3.24 Cllr. Leyden

“That Roscommon Municipal District initiate a Local Transport Plan for Roscommon Town within six months of the adoption of the Roscommon Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030. This plan will involve public consultation and an environmental assessment and may require a variation of the Roscommon Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030 once completed." 



“That Roscommon Municipal District initiate a Local Transport Plan for Roscommon Town within six months of the adoption of the Roscommon Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030. This plan will involve public consultation and an environmental assessment and may require a variation of the Roscommon Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030 once completed." 


Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator read out the response:

Roscommon County Council will endeavour to initiate a Local Transport Plan for Roscommon town within six months of the adoption of the Roscommon Local Area Plan 2024 – 2030, subject to funding. The Plan will be completed in accordance with all statutory requirements including public consultation and environmental assessments. The implications for the Roscommon Town Local Area Plan 2024-2030 will be considered once the Transport Plan is completed.


Cllr. Leyden welcomed the response but feels that it is not sufficient and reiterated the need for a Local Transport Plan to be prepared for Roscommon town.  It is an objective in the Roscommon County Development Plan and Cllr. Leyden asked again for the Plan to be prepared without delay and then incorporated into the Roscommon Town Local Area Plan.  She asked the other members to ensure that when the final plan comes before the members for approval to ensure that the preparation of a Local Transport Plan has begun.  All the members supported Cllr. Leyden’s Notice of Motion and agreed with the need for a Local Transport Plan to be prepared for Roscommon town.



Approve change of project - Roscommon MD Fund 2024

Award of €2,500 to Castlerea Community & Family Resource Centre


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Waldron

            SECONDED by Cllr. Fitzmaurice

It was AGREED to approve the change of project for Castlerea Community & Family Resource Centre.



Feedback from the Town Team Meetings


Cllr. Shanagher gave an update from the Roscommon Town Team:

There will be a meeting soon and future plans for Roscommon Town Team will be presented.  They are currently working towards organising an event in September for culture night.  Cllr. Shanagher thanked Cllr. Leyden for all her work with Roscommon Town Team and thanked all the members of the Town Team whom she enjoyed working with over the years.


Cllr. Fitzmaurice gave an update from the Castlerea Town Team:

There was no meeting held recently in Castlerea.  Cllr. Fitzmaurice also acknowledged the success of the town teams and hopes that they will continue to evolve over time.



Approval of Civic Reception Requests

Request from Councillor Shanagher:

That Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception the Convent of Mercy Roscommon Senior Camogie Team who won the All-Ireland Senior C Schools’ Camogie competition in February”

Request from Councillor Shanagher:

That Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Marie Keane who won gold in three breaststroke competitions at the European Masters Swimming Event which took place in Tampere, Finland in July of 2023”

Request from Councillor Shanagher:

That Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Anna Higgins, Leah Lennon and Olivia Costello, students from the Convent of Mercy who retained the All-Ireland Senior Girls Schools Golf title”

Request from Councillor Shanagher:

That Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Rory Dunne, Oran, and Darragh Finnegan, Ballintubber, who won gold with fellow members of the Irish coarse fishing team at the Feeder Fishing World Championship in Spain making it the first time in 50 years that Ireland has won a coarse fishing team medal abroad” 




On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

            SECONDED by Cllr. Waldron

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour the following at the next civic reception -


·         The Convent of Mercy Roscommon Senior Camogie Team who won the All-Ireland Senior C Schools’ Camogie competition in February

·         Marie Keane who won gold in three breaststroke competitions at the European Masters Swimming Event which took place in Tampere, Finland in July of 2023

·         Anna Higgins, Leah Lennon and Olivia Costello, students from the Convent of Mercy who retained the All-Ireland Senior Girls Schools Golf title

·         Rory Dunne, Oran, and Darragh Finnegan, Ballintubber, who won gold with fellow members of the Irish coarse fishing team at the Feeder Fishing World Championship in Spain making it the first time in 50 years that Ireland has won a coarse fishing team medal abroad

·         Martin Connaughton, Dylan Carroll, Senan Mahon and Seamus Hussey, along with their teacher Ms. Grennan, on winning the “Climate Detectives Crossing STEM” national competition. Organised by the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO), Science Foundation Ireland and Teagasc


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED that there would be a separate e-mail address for civic receptions to ensure that no one would miss out on being honoured at a civic reception



Correspondence - E-mail from TII re. 14.24


There was one item of correspondence -

Response from the TII re. 14.24

Tom McDermott read the e-mail from TII as circulated.  The members expressed their disappointment at the response from TII as pedestrians in Castlerea still face the same difficulties while crossing the street and there is a lack of off street parking in Castlerea town compared to Roscommon town

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr. Waldron

It was AGREED to write to TII again and ask them to proceed with the pedestrian crossings in Castlerea town in the interests of safety.  They also want to issue an invitation to TII to come to Castlerea and meet with the members to discuss the ongoing issue of pedestrian safety in Castlerea town.

The members all supported this initiative and are of the opinion that TII should respect the views of the members and the public and the outcome of the Part 8 process.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


Votes of congratulations were sent to David Ryan and his fiancée who are getting married soon and also to CP Ajax on winning the Roscommon & District League Challenge Cup. 


A vote of sympathy was sent to the Connaughton family and a minute's silence was observed as a mark of respect to former Councillor Martin Connaughton who passed away recently.

A vote of sympathy was also sent to Neil McGarry on the death of his uncle Michael Coyne. 





The following issues were raised:

·         The need to upgrade the shelter and display a timetable at the bus stop in Roscommon town with the members requesting that Bus Éireann are contacted again about this matter

·         The need to link up our bus and train services in Roscommon town and provide basic infrastructure such as bicycle carriage facilities, this is essential if we want to move forward with active travel

·         The urgent need to keep the grass cut at junctions in the interests of road safety and Tom McDermott confirmed that junctions will get priority now that the roads are prepared for the road works programme

·         The Local Link route that was promised for Cloontuskert and

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Dineen

                    SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to write to the Local Link seeking an explanation as to why it is not progressing.  The elected members of Roscommon Municipal District are seeking assurances that funding will be provided without further delay as this service would be of great benefit to the people of that area

·         A number of issues regarding Lisnamult were raised such as signage, road markings, volume and speed of traffic, double yellow lines, lighting and maintenance of the green area and an update was requested on the ramps.  Tom McDermott confirmed that the ramps will be installed when the schools break up for the holidays.  The prospect of a new road to service all the new additions around Lisnamult was also discussed and the benefits of this for the residents in the Lisnamult area

·         The need for the Engineer to visit Gorthaganny National School as there are safety issues for buses at this location

·         An update was requested on the future works between Hannon’s Hotel and the Golf Links Road and Tom McDermott confirmed that this project is at detailed design stage with ks should commence next year

·         A meeting is due to take place on Monday evening, May 27th between public representatives and officials from the Department of Integration to discuss moving International Protection Applicants into the Riverside Apartments in Castlerea

·         The ongoing issue regarding the speed of traffic at Lisacul National School was highlighted as this is the main road from Ballaghaderreen to Ballyhaunis


Mark Keaveney, Director of Services thanked Cllr. Leyden and Cllr. Shanagher for their service to County Roscommon and remarked how Roscommon town is a much better place as a result of all their hard work.  All other members thanked both Councillor’s for their huge contribution to Roscommon County Council and wished them well for the future.  Cllr. Leyden and Cllr. Shanagher thanked everyone for their kind words and spoke about the amazing experience it was and that it was nice to feel that they have made a difference in their community.



Original text