Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite

Contact: Tom Mc Dermott  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



Adoption of the Minutes

Roscommon Municipal District meeting 22nd January, 2024

Roscommon Municipal District Special “In Camera” meeting 22nd January, 2024

Roscommon Municipal District Special meeting 19th February, 2024

Roscommon Municipal District Special “In Camera” meeting 11th March, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Dineen

            SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Meeting of 22nd January, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

            SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Special “In Camera” Meeting of 22nd January, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. McDermott

            SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Special Meeting of 19th February, 2024


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. McDermott

            SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Special “In Camera” Meeting of 11th March, 2024



Matters arising from the minutes


A matter arose concerning the IBAL results as previously discussed at the Municipal District Meeting of 22nd January.  The members discussed the rubbish that is being dumped on the Matrix Gym Laneway and expressed their disappointment as this is just off Main Street and presents a poor reflection of Roscommon town.  They requested cameras to be erected to stop this type of future behaviour. 


Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator informed the members that he contacted the Environment Section and that this is a private laneway.  He has agreed to follow up on this matter with the Litter Warden and the Environment Section.


Reference was made to the special meeting of 11th March and the Municipal District Funding Grant and its importance for local communities, which is made possible from the additional income generated by the increase in the Local Property Tax.



Draft Roscommon Municipal District Road Works Scheme 2024 as part of the Schedule of Municipal District Works 2024


Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator presented the Draft Schedule of Municipal District Works including the Roads Programme for 2024.


A general discussion regarding the Draft Roads Programme took place.  The members welcomed the funding for 2024 and raised the following issues –


·        The exclusion of the N60 at Meelickaduff

Tom McDermott acknowledged that the Roads Department were disappointed that the TII were not funding this minor works scheme this year


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Councillor Waldron

It was AGREEDby all the members to write to Minister of State, Jack Chambers and request that he reviews the Roscommon funding for this year and include this very dangerous stretch of the N60 at Meelickaduff


·        The residents of both Knockroe and Tarmon are very concerned about the speed of traffic on these roads where a 50km speed limit is in place

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED by all the members that Roscommon County Council investigate the installation of ramps at Knockroe and Tarmon to slow down the traffic


·        The importance of verge trimming in the interests of road safety

Tom McDermott explained that we are putting together a list of priority areas for verge cutting for instance, near bends, junctions or schools and encouraged the members to send in their lists to the Municipal District Office


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher

            SECONDED by Councillor McDermott

It was AGREEDby all the members to adopt the Schedule of Municipal District Works including the Roads Programme for the Roscommon Municipal District for 2024.


Notice of Motion - 2.24 Cllr. Leyden

“That Roscommon Municipal District provides ramps or other traffic calming measures to calm the traffic on Castle Street. Local residents say the speed has increased on Castle Street in the last couple of years since the area was enhanced”. 


“That Roscommon Municipal District provides ramps or other traffic calming measures to calm the traffic on Castle Street. Local residents say the speed has increased on Castle Street in the last couple of years since the area was enhanced”. 


Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator read out the response:

The department of transport carried out a safety analysis of this section of the R366 from the N60 roundabout to the N63 roundabout encompassing Castle Street in 2023. Excessive speed was not identified as an issue. The only recommendation from the report was to give consideration to buff coloured surface at the courtesy crossing points to highlight them to drivers.

Roscommon County Council will monitor the traffic speed on Castle Street to determine if any traffic calming measures are required.


Cllr. Leyden welcomed the response that the speed of the traffic will be monitored and asked that it be carried out during the school term using the same equipment as was used at the Walk.  The members supported Cllr. Leyden and the Notice of Motion but expressed disappointment that the recent enough design of Castle Street is not working and suggested that the crossing points may need to be raised.  Tom McDermott agreed to report back to the members on this issue and Cllr. Leyden thanked the members for their support.



Feedback from the Town Team Meetings


Cllr. Shanagher and Cllr. Leyden gave an update from the Roscommon Town Team:

The “Souls of Ranelagh” monument was launched which was very successful.  It created a great awareness and fulfilled the aim of the project, which was to remember these people of Roscommon.


Mark Keaveney, Director of Services and Una Ni Chuinn, Town Regeneration officer attended the Roscommon Town Team meeting. An impressive presentation on Edenville House/Roscommon Military Barracks was put forward by the Roscommon Town Team on the opportunity to develop this landmark heritage building for community use. The Town Team would like to see Edenville House identified during THRIVE funding Strand 1 as the project to go forward for THRIVE Strand 2 funding for projects from €2 million to €7 million. Roscommon County Council agreed to apply for THRIVE Strand 1 funding. 


A new town team executive has been elected, Rita Kearney, Chairperson and Felicia Loughrey, Secretary and thanks were conveyed to the outgoing Chairperson Larry Brennan and Secretary Helen McGinty for their work over the past few years. 


Cllr. Fitzmaurice gave an update from the Castlerea Town Team:

The Castlerea Town Team will hold their Annual General Meeting soon.  They are currently putting together a plan for the coming year and are busy preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt and the Rose Festival.



Correspondence - E-mail from TII re. 8.24


There were two items of correspondence -

Response from the TII re. 8.24

Tom McDermott read the e-mail from TII as circulated.  The members discussed the response and

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED to ask the TII to include all junctions on the new stretch of the N60 at Oran in a feasibility and options report.


Tom McDermott undertook to convey this information to the Roads Department of Roscommon County Council.


Response from Mark Keaveney, Director of Services re. 68.23

Tom McDermott read the e-mail from Mark Keaveney and the members welcomed the response that Roscommon County Council is working on the feasibility and preliminary planning for additional serviced sites in Roscommon town.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


There were no votes of congratulations.


Members passed a vote of sympathy and a minute's silence was observed as a mark of respect to Breeda Burke on the death of her mother, Mary Finan.





·         Cllr. Shanagher confirmed that Roscommon town is nominated to participate in Ireland’s Best Kept Towns Competition 2024 and adjudication for this takes place during the month of May.  Adjudication for the National Tidy Towns Competition will take place during June, July and August.  Therefore, Roscommon Tidy Towns is appealing to all election candidates to adopt a  “Poster Free” campaign within Roscommon Town and environs

·         Cllr. Fitzmaurice raised an issue that he mentioned previously concerning a number of laneways in Castlerea town that is not in charge of Roscommon County Council.  Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator informed the members that the owners need to make a submission to Roscommon County Council requesting for them to be taken in charge. 

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

       SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council proceed with the taking in charge when they receive the request asking for the laneways in Castlerea to be taken in charge.

·         Tom McDermott, Municipal District Co-ordinator informed the members of proposed footpath works on the stretch from Smyth’s Undertakers up to the Brothers of Charity and presented them with the design.   The members welcomed the scheme and agreed that it will be a big improvement for that area.



Original text