Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite

Contact: Neal Geraghty  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



Adoption of the Minutes

Roscommon Municipal District Meeting – 18th May, 2023

Roscommon Municipal District AGM – 19th June, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

            SECONDED by Cllr. Fitzmaurice

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Meeting of 18th May, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Dineen

            SECONDED by Cllr. Fitzmaurice

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Annual Meeting of 19th June, 2023


Matters arising from the minutes


·         It was noted that the lights at the pedestrian crossing near Roscommon Garda Station have not been fixed

·         The schedule set for the for the MD meetings for the forthcoming year was discussed


Neal Geraghty, A/Municipal District Co-ordinator and Fiona Chuinn, A/Director of Services responded to the issues raised –

·         The Assets Department will contact Electric Skyline about the lights at the pedestrian crossing and get it resolved

·         It was agreed that the meetings schedule would remain the same but the issue will be revisited if the timing starts to become a problem



Part 8 - St. Paul's National School Castlerea, Safe Routes to School Scheme


Specified Development under Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) – Construction of junction tightening, controlled pedestrian crossings, modifications of road surfacing’s, road marking’s, parking and school entrance at St. Paul’s National School, Church road, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon


Tom McDermott, Senior Executive Engineer informed the members that this part 8 development is under the provision of safe routes to school for St. Paul’s National School in Castlerea town and outlined the details of the project.  A total of 37 submissions in respect of the proposed development were received and each submission was fully considered in preparation of the Chief Executive’s report. 


The members welcomed the development and hopes that it will make the school area safer.  The following comments were made-

·         Calls for a set down area for the school but acceptance that it may not be achievable

·         Request for liaison with Castlerea Area Office as regards drainage


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to proceed with the specified development as outlined in the Chief Executive’s report.



Feedback from the Town Team Meetings


Cllr. Shanagher gave an update from the Roscommon Town Team:

·         No meeting took place recently but an update will be provided at the next meeting


Cllr. Fitzmaurice and Cllr. Dineen gave an update from the Castlerea Town Team:

·         Castlerea Town Team provided insurance for a fundraising event at the Hub for St. Michael’s School

·         The Castlerea Town members are involved in preparing for the festival and the agricultural show

·         Plans are being put in place for future town team projects in Castlerea





3rd July, 2023 – Edenville House

A letter regarding Edenville House was circulated and a discussion took place with the following points raised by the members:

·         From Roscommon County Council’s point of view, a feasibility study on Edenville House does not fall within the remit of the Just Transition Funding

·         Leader applications will be open in October and may be more suitable for funding a feasibility study

·         The building is situated on lands currently zoned as community and educational

·         This landmark building presents an opportunity to develop a regional learning centre with additional community space and gardens on the train line, boosting job creation and the visitor experience to Roscommon town

·         It would be essential to demonstrate how the maintenance and running of a regional centre could be funded into the future

·         The members are in favour of carrying out of a feasibility study so that all the information is available to them before any decision is made to change the zoning or decide on the future use for this building


Fiona Chuinn responded to the issues raised highlighting that Roscommon County Council considers this building a prime site for housing and there is surety of Government funding currently for housing projects of this nature.  The proposed project will be a bespoke development in collaboration with an Approved Housing Body addressing the need for housing for our elderly and most vulnerable.


She confirmed that both the MD Members and Roscommon Town Team had been informed that the history of the building would be incorporated into any future housing design.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


Votes of congratulations were expressed to Aoife O’ Rourke on recently winning a gold medal at the European games and also securing her place at the Olympic games to be held in Paris in 2024.


Votes of congratulations were also expressed to Arlene McGuinness who recently won 2 bronze medals for swimming at the European Masters in Tampere, Finland.


There were no votes of sympathy.





The following items were raised under AOB:

·         An update was requested on the progress of the proposed pedestrian crossings for Castlerea town with traders not in favour of traffic lights if it would mean a substantial loss of on the street parking

·         The need to stop cars using the bus parking area for Roscommon Castle

·         The speed of traffic using the Lough road and a request for additional signage

·         The absence of a schedule at the bus stop in Roscommon town and request for a letter to be sent to Bus Eireann to inform them

·         Request for an update on the Part 8 for the stretch between Hannon’s Hotel and the Golf course

·         Request for images of the URDF project at the Square to be erected on the hoarding to promote the redevelopment works taking place and keep the public informed

·         Request from the Advocacy group for a safe pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of Cherry House and safety enhancements are also required to allow safe pedestrian crossing from the Stone Court across to the Square

·         Call for an accessible wheelchair swing at Loughnaneane Park and also accessible changing facilities at Roscommon Leisure Centre

·         Recognition by the members for the great work carried out on footpaths in Ballinlough and Cloonfad under the Active Travel Scheme

·         A new Local Link service is in place between Roscommon and Longford


Neal Geraghty, A/Municipal District Co-ordinator responded to the issues raised

·         A feasibility and options report was put together for Castlerea town following the workshops, drawings had to be resubmitted to the TII but it should be ready to go before the members for consultation at the next MD meeting

·         We will investigate what can be done to stop cars taking up the bus parking spaces at Roscommon Castle

·         We will look into getting extra signage and an advance warning sign for the bend on the Lough road

·         A special meeting will be held to deal with the Part 8 for the stretch between Hannon’s Hotel and the Golf Club


The members thanked Neal Geraghty for everything during his time as Acting Municipal District Co-ordinator and wished him well in his future role.  Best wishes were also conveyed to Tom McDermott who will replace Neal and the members look forward to working with him going forward. 



Original text