Issue - Meetings

Appointment of Elected Members to Strategic Policy Committees

Meeting: 21/10/2019 - Monthly Meeting (Item 149)

149 Appointment of Elected Members to Strategic Policy Committees 2019-2024

Additional documents:



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

            SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED to approve the appointment of the Elected Members to the Strategic Policy Committees as circulated.


Economic Development and Enterprise Support (including Tourism, Culture and Libraries

Roads and Transportation and Emergency Services

Councillor Leyden (Chairperson)

Councillor Connaughton

Councillor Keogh

Councillor Murphy

Councillor Shanagher

Councillor Byrne

Councillor Crosby

Councillor Dineen

Councillor Callaghan

Councillor Dineen (Chairperson)

Councillor Byrne

Councillor Ward

Councillor Connaughton

Councillor Fallon

Councillor Mulligan

Councillor McDermott

Councillor Cummins

Councillor Naughten

Housing, ICT and Rural Water

Planning, Environment, Climate Change and Corporate and Governance

Councillor Cummins (Chairperson)

Councillor Callaghan

Councillor Fitzmaurice

Councillor Keogh

Councillor Murphy

Councillor Ward

Councillor McDermott

Councillor Kilduff

Councillor Waldron

Councillor Naughten (Chairperson)

Councillor Fallon

Councillor Crosby

Councillor Fitzmaurice

Councillor Leyden

Councillor Shanagher

Councillor Waldron

Councillor Mulligan

Councillor Kilduff



Original text