Issue - Meetings

Presentation on "Keeping the Conversation Going: the problems facing Early years Educators"

Meeting: 24/07/2017 - Monthly Meeting (Item 102)

Presentation on "Keeping the Conversation Going: The Problems Facing Early Years Educators"


Ms. Amy Dowd from the Cuan BhrídeChildcare Facility in Roscommon made a  presentation to the members entitled “Keeping the Conversation Going – The Problems facing the Early Years Educators”.


The presentation highlighted the following issues:


·         Low Wages in the sector – many workers in the sector are on the minimum wage despite having mandatory FETAC qualifications

·         Little Consultation – this lack of consultation impacts the viability, staffing, premises capacity and requirement for extra resources

·         Lack of Direct Investment – the services are only breaking even and cannot provide new equipment, unexpected maintenance and reinvestment in the services.

·         Possible increase in fees to mitigate requirement to hire new staff to deal with increased paperwork due to new guidelines


Ms. Dowd asked the members to call on the Government to increase its investment in the Early Years Sector.


The members thanked Ms. Dowd for the presentation on a very important issue and commented as follows:


·         Level of frustration of workers in the sector who have had to upskill and this is not reflected in the pay.

·         Minding peoples children safely so they can go to work

·         Lack of consultation is demeaning to the profession while the parents are confused about the new schemes proposed from September.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

SECONDED by Cllr.Dineen

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council call on Minister Zapone and the Government to ensure that the Early Years Sector is consulted in relation to policy formulation and scheme changes, that appropriate direct investment into the sector is provided for in regard to buildings and infrastructure and furthermore that pay equality be applied to the sector so that the remuneration of staff be commensurate to those similarly qualified such as in the teaching profession and proper pay scales be applied. It was further agreed that this letter be sent to all party leaders and independent T.Ds.



Original text