Agenda item

Safety Improvement Works on the N5/R361 Frenchpark Junction


Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer introduced the item on road safety improvement works on the N5/R361 Frenchpark junction stating that on foot of the last Municipal Meeting and as a result of external correspondence in respect of this junction he would be seeking proposals from the elected members as to how to proceed with this matter.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer presented the members with three plans.

·         The first plan outlined the proposed scheme from 2016 which was advertised under Part 8 process

·         The second plan was details of minor improvements that were made to the junction following the failure to complete the Part 8 process for the 2016 scheme

·         The third plan was details of a reprioritisation of the junction that has legal consent to be constructed following the construction of the new N5.

  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that in 2016, Roscommon County Council in conjunction with the TII prepared a road design which would improve the Frenchpark Junction.  This design had extensive buildouts and as a result there would be a loss of parking spaces on the street.  The design was advertised under Part 8 process and a number of submissions were made at that time.  This scheme did not come before the councillors for adoption, and no reason given. Some minor improvement works were introduced, some buildouts changed and continuous yellow lines introduced. Once the new N5 bypass is complete a design has been prepared whereby reprioritisation of the Old N5 will lead to traffic proceeding from Boyle to Castlerea and vice versa being given prioritisation at this junction.  This will significantly improve safety at this junction. The TII are now looking for Roscommon County Council to report on how we propose to proceed with the treatment of the junction and John Mockler offered two options to the members.

1.      Recommence the process of completing the 2016 proposed schemes as presented to the members today

2.      Monitor the safety of the junction going forward until the new N5 is built and the junction is reprioritised.


Cllr John Cummins queried how the Roads Section proposed to monitor the current situation. Cllr Crosby asked when work would commence on the new N5.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that planning works have begun but a definite start date has not been given by the contractor.  Cllr Crosby stated that it would be unlikely that the TII would approve immediate works as the new scheme is on the way.  Cllr Cummins queried whether a compromise could be made including elements of the 2016 scheme and the new arrangement which will come into place when the new N5 opens.  Cllr Cummins suggested the introduction of bollards along the N5 in front of the retail premises beside the Garda station. He informed the members that the property had recently been sold on and he felt the new owners would be amenable to bollards in front of the premises. Cllr Byrne supported the introduction of bollards at this location if the new landowners were open to the proposal. Cllr Mulligan expressed his dissatisfaction with the 2016 scheme and suggested that the introduction of traffic lights, even on a temporary basis, might provide a solution. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that due to, the high volume of traffic on the N5 at this time along with the proposed new scheme, the introduction of Traffic Lights would not be an option.  Cllr Callaghan stated that there was a very poor sightline at the junction when travelling from Castlerea and that a 30m clearance on either side of the junction and equally on the other side of the road might improve visibility.  Cllr Murphy concurred with Cllr Callaghan stating that the sightline on the Castlerea side was an issue and that sightlines needed to be improved.  Cllr Crosby stated that some temporary measures would appear to be the favoured position of the elected members.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that if the sightline issue on the Castlerea side of the junction is the problem then the entire scheme prepared in 2016 could be implemented but this would cause a reduction in parking.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer asked that the elected members consider implementing the 2016 scheme as presented or to monitor the junction until the new N5 Bypass was introduced.

The elected members unanimously agreed that a proposal should be made.

Cllr Cummins PROPOSED that a series of bollards would be erected along the edge of the N5 from the Garda Station to the end of the retail unit next to the Garda Station heading north. Cllr Crosby SECONDED this proposal and it was AGREED.


Mr. John Mockler stated that this was not fully in line with the 2016 Scheme, however he would discuss this proposal with the TII at their next meeting. He also agreed to meet with the owners of the retail unit to determine if they were agreeable to the proposal.

Cllr Liam Callaghan queried if the traffic situation at Frenchpark National School could be looked at in conjunction with this matter.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer informed the members that the school was not part of the original scheme but that there would be significant funding under the Active Travel Scheme and the situation at the school could be looked at under this scheme.




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