Agenda item

Submission No S2.135 - Office of the Planning Regulator


The submission from the Office of the Planning Regulator sets out 12 recommendations and 11 observations. The Planning Authority is required to implement or address the recommendations and to action an observation.


The recommendations and observations are made under the following eight themes:


·        Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy

·        Compact Growth, Regeneration and tiered approach to zoning

·        Rural Housing and Rural Regeneration

·        Economic Development and Employment

·        Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

·        Climate Action and Renewable Energy

·        Flood Risk Management

·        Environment, Heritage and Amenities


Recommendation 1

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to replace the Core Strategy Table (Table 2.2) in the Draft Plan with the recommended revised Core Strategy Table provided in Appendix 2 of this report, to include population figures for the year 2031.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to change the settlement hierarchy table as follows – change self-sustaining growth towns to self-sustaining growth towns over 2,000 people and self-sustaining towns to self-sustaining towns less than 2,000 people.


Recommendation 2

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to replace the Settlement Hierarchy Table (Table 2.3) in the Draft Plan with the revised Table 2.3 contained in Appendix 3 of this report.


Recommendation 3

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Fallon

It was AGREED to include the following additional policy objective in the Plan, in Volume I, Chapter 2 (Core Strategy and Settlement Policy), Section 2.9 (Housing Requirements), page 31, and renumber all subsequent policy objectives accordingly:


CS 2.17 – To monitor residential development permitted per settlement types identified in the Settlement Hierarchy, in accordance with any Departmental guidance that may issue.


Recommendation 4

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Kelly

It was AGREED to amend policy objective CS 2.5 in Volume I, Chapter 2 (Core Strategy and Settlement Policy), Section 2.6 (Settlement Hierarchy) as set out below: 

CS 2.5 – Support the regeneration of town centre and brownfield/infill lands along with the delivery of existing zoned and serviced lands to facilitate population growth and achieve sustainable compact growth targets of 30% of all new housing to be built within the existing urban footprint of targeted settlements in the county. At least 40% of all new housing will be targeted within the existing built-up footprint of the Regional Growth


Recommendation 5

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Fallon

It was AGREED in conjunction with the CE Recommendation No. 1 to amend the Core Strategy Table (Table 2.2) in the Draft Plan, the amendments shall further include the changes set out in the above text.  The overall amended Core Strategy Table is provided in Appendix 2 of this report.

(This is to be amended as per the proposal in Recommendation No 1 from Cllr Fitzmaurice)



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to Include the following new policy objective in Volume II, Section 3.8 Ballyleague (pg. 110):

Ballyleague DO 5: To consult with Longford County Council and the constituent Regional Assemblies in relation to the future position of Lanesborough / Ballyleague in the respective settlement hierarchies of both County Development Plan.            


Recommendation 7

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to correct a typographical error in Volume II, Section 3.8 Ballyleague (pg. 110), to amend an incorrect policy objective number from X DO 4 to Ballyleague DO 4.


Recommendation 8

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED in conjunction with the CE Recommendation No’s. 1 and 5 to amend the Core Strategy Table (Table 2.2) in the Draft Plan, the amendments shall further include updated information regarding the residential zoned land requirement. The overall amended Core Strategy Table is provided in Appendix 2 of this report.

(Note – This recommendation should further be read in conjunction with CE Recommendation No. 10). 



Recommendation 9

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to include the following Strategic Objectives for Roscommon Town in Volume I, Section 2.7 (Settlement Strategy) of the Plan, in the sub section entitled Key Towns:

Strategic Objectives for the Future Growth and Development of Roscommon Town:

•To ensure that the growth planned for the town up to 2030 and beyond occurs in a sustainable and sequential manner, while prioritising a low carbon, compact, consolidated and connected pattern of development.  

•To develop Roscommon as a vibrant and culturally rich town supported by an inclusive sustainable residential community. 

•To create a distinct sense of place and community in which people will continue to choose to live, work, do business and visit. Movement, connectivity and permeability to key destinations within the town and wider region will be prioritised and a greater emphasis on safe active transport routes and an enhanced public transport network.  

•To deliver and facilitate the regeneration and redevelopment of Core Regeneration Areas in tandem with a radically improved public realm and rejuvenated town centre while having regard to and optimising the heritage assets of the town.

•Enhance and build on Roscommon’s role as the primary location in the county for the service and administration sector. 


Recommendation 10

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED Include the following Strategic Objectives for Boyle in Volume I, Section 2.7 (Settlement Strategy) of the Plan, in the sub section entitled Self-Sustaining Growth Town:

Strategic Objectives for the Future Growth and Development of Boyle:

             Promote the development of Boyle as a driver of economic growth for the North Roscommon region and fulfil its role as a designated Self-Sustaining Growth Town.

             Support the expansion of a range of services and facilities available to residents and the wider rural hinterland.

             Implement the objectives of the “Boyle 2040” Town Enhancement Plan to deliver and the regeneration and redevelopment of the town centre.

             Maximise the potential of developing Boyle as a tourist destination by facilitating the expansion of tourist attractions and developing a coordinated tourism product based on existing amenities within the town and its rural environs.     



Recommendation No 11:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to

(a)          Amend the Land Use Zoning Maps for each of the four Self Sustaining Towns as detailed in Volume II of the Draft Plan in order to reflect the zoning changes detailed in the Chief Executives Response to (i), (ii) and (iii). In conjunction with the zoning changes, Map 4 – ‘Regeneration and Residential’ in each of the four Settlement Plans will be updated.  (Map 4 identifies the extent of lands to which the Vacant Site Levy may apply). The revised Land Use Zoning Maps and Regeneration and Residential Maps are contained in Appendix 4 of the Report.  

(b)          Amend the Land Use Zoning Matrix in each of the four Settlement Plans to reflect the addition of the ‘Existing Residential’ land use zone. 

(c)           In conjunction with the land use zoning amendments, amend tables contained in each of the four Settlement Plans containing details of (a) Land Use Zoning Extents and (b) New Residential Lands as set out in the tables for Ballaghaderreen, Castlerea , Elphin and Strokestown.

The changes are subject to amendments  agreed earlier.

Recommendation No 12:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to include the following explanatory footnotes at the end of each revised Land Use Zoning Matrix contained in the Settlement Plans for Ballaghaderreen, Castlerea, Elphin and Stroketown in Volume II of the Plan. (The matrices will be included accompany the revised Land Use Zoning maps in Appendix 4 of the report).

Recommendation No 13

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Waldron

It was AGREED  to insert the following policy objectives relating to Active Land Management on page 25 of Volume I of the Plan, following existing Policy Objective CS 2.5, and renumber all subsequent policy objectives accordingly:

CS 2.(TBC) - To promote, support, and facilitate the re-use of under-utilised or vacant lands, or lands identified for regeneration, through a co-ordinated approach to active land management between the Council and stakeholders. 

CS 2.(TBC) - To establish a database of strategic brownfield and infill sites and to promote and monitor their re-development, as part of an active land management process.


Recommendation 14:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. McDermott

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to include the Planning and Infrastructure Assessment which is provided in Appendix 5 of this report as an Appendix to the Plan


Recommendation 15:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED to Amend Table 2.2 (Core Strategy) contained in Volume I, Chapter 2 (Core Strategy and Settlement Policy), page 23 to reflect the variable density level applicable to Athlone, as per RPO 3.7.17 of the RSES.

Recommendation 16:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to insert the following policy objective after PPH 3.6 in Section 3.6 (Dwelling Mix and Tenure) on page 37, and renumber all subsequent policy objectives accordingly:

PPH 3.7 - Support the development of quality residential schemes with a range of housing options having regard to the standards, principles and any specific planning policy requirements (SPPRs) set out in the ‘Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2009) and Circular NRUP 02/2021 Residential Densities in Towns and Village.


Recommendation 17:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Callaghan

SECONDED by Cllr. Cummins

It was AGREED to amend Map 2.1 (Core Strategy Map) as detailed in Volume I of the Draft Plan to reflect the inclusion of the Rural Housing Policy areas in the Lough Key Area Plan.  The amended map will be included in Appendix 6 of this report.


Recommendation No 18:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to insert an additional policy objective in Volume I, Chapter 3, pg. 45 of the Draft Plan, after Policy Objective PPH 3.17 (and renumber all subsequent policy objectives accordingly): 

PPH 3.18 - Support the ongoing monitoring of new rural housing to ensure that 20% of all new rural housing is located on brownfield sites. 


Recommendation No 19:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED Include the following additional text in the introductory section of Section 6.4 Retail Strategy, (Volume I, Chapter 6 (Economic Development), pg 74): 

The priority for the location of retail development is in town and village centres in line with the sequential approach to retail development. The delineation of core town retail areas in the Settlement Plans for the four Self-Sustaining Towns contained in Volume 2 of the Plan establishes the framework from which the sequential approach can be applied. The same principle will apply in subsequent Local Area Plans. 

Retail policies contained below should be read in conjunction with the County Roscommon Retail Strategy which forms part of this Plan. 


Recommendation No 20:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED  to Include the following additional policy objective in Volume I, Chapter 6 (Economic Development), Section 6.4 (Retail Strategy), pg. 74 and amend all subsequent policy objectives numbers accordingly: 

Conduct a review of the County Roscommon Retail Strategy within two years of the adoption of the County Development Plan.


Recommendation No 21:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to include the following retail specific footnote into the Land Use Zoning Matrix included in each of the four Settlement Plans in Volume II:

 “Retail *

* The vitality of the Town Core shall not be compromised.  Retail proposals arising outside the Town Core must demonstrate adherence to the sequential approach to retail development, in accordance with the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DECLG, 2012). This does not preclude the expansion of existing facilities.

Recommendation No 22:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED toInclude the following new content (including baseline information and new policy objectives) relating to modal share and sustainable transport in a new sub-section in Volume 1, Chapter 7 (Infrastructure, Transport and Communications).  The new content will be included after Section 7.6 (Cycling and Walking) and will be numbered Section 7.7, with subsequent sub-sections and policy objectives re-numbered accordingly. 

Section 7.7 Modal Share and Sustainable Transport It is important to identify current mode share in order to plan for the future. Fig 7.1 sets out the modal share for Co. Roscommon based on Census 2016 data. The data identifies a high dependency on the private car as a mode of choice



Figure 7.2 Modal Share in Co. Roscommon 

A key aim of Smarter Travel is to ensure that walking and cycling become the mode of choice for local trips. This not only supports active health initiatives and healthy communities, but also encourages the transition to sustainable modes of travel. 

Although the existing countywide modal share is heavily reliant on the private car for commuter/school journeys, there is an opportunity to achieve a modal shift to sustainable transport within the county’s compact urban settlements. The Council will work with the National Transport Authority through the preparation of Local Transport Plans (LTPs) and Active Travel Plans in identifying potential targets for a shift to sustainable modes of transport.

 LTPs are to be prepared based on the Area Based Transport Assessment guidance produced by the National Transport Authority and Transport Infrastructure Ireland for Roscommon town, Carrick-on-Shannon and Boyle as part of the Local Area Plan process. The LTPs will be identify opportunities for each settlement in terms of public transport infrastructure and services, cycle investment, improvements to the pedestrian environment, EV infrastructure and road enhancements. 

 As part of LTP preparation, the ‘10 Minute Town’ concept will be incorporated as a key tool to support permeability, accessibility, active travel and public transport. The policies, objectives and measures which emerge from the LTPs will be incorporated into the relevant LAPs for each Town. The Council will also prepare Active Travel Plans for the each of the other towns, over the lifetime of the Plan

Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Policy Objectives:

It is a policy objective of Roscommon County Council to:

 ITC 7.(TBC) - Prepare Local Transport Area Plans for Roscommon town, Carrick-onShannon and Boyle based on the Area Based Transport Assessment guidance of the National Transport Authority and Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

 ITC 7.(TBC) - Prepare Active Travel Plans for the towns of Ballaghaderreen, Castlerea, Elphin and Strokestown over the lifetime of the Plan.

 ITC 7.(TBC) - Re-examine the modal share data following the completion of Census 2022 and identify targets to achieve a modal shift to sustainable transport on foot of this.

Recommendation No 23

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED to Insert the following policy objective in Volume I, Chapter 7 (Infrastructure, Transport and Communications), Section 7.4 (Road Transportation and Movement), page 89, and renumber all policy objectives accordingly: 

To implement the recommendations of the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) in relation to urban streets and roads within the 50/60 kph zone.”


Recommendation No 24

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Callaghan

It was AGREED to insert the following table in Section 6.5 of the Renewable Energy Strategy:



Most Favoured

Wind farm development will be considered favourably, subject to compliance with all necessary siting and design standards.

Less Favoured

Wind farm development will be considered, but the sensitivities revealed in these areas would render exploitation more problematic and therefore these areas are less favoured for wind energy development.

Not Favoured

Wind farm development will not be considered favourably in these areas.

Note: within all three areas due regard shall be taken of listed views and prospects and any development that would contravene objective NH10.21 of the Plan.


Recommendation 25:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED to amend policy objective CAEE 8.5 in Volume I, Chapter 8 (Climate Action, Energy and the Environment), page 107 as follows:


Facilitate wind energy developments primarily in areas designated in the Renewable Energy Strategy as “Most Favoured” and secondarily in areas designated as “Less Favoured” in the Renewable Energy Strategy, subject to normal planning criteria and having regard to the Wind Energy Guidelines (DECLG, 2006) and any update to the Guidelines that may issue during the lifetime of this Plan.


Recommendation 26:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED Include the following additional text in the 2nd introductory paragraph of Section 3 (Renewable Energy in County Roscommon) in the Renewable Energy Strategy accompanying the Plan. 

At present there is 112 MW of renewable energy being generated in County Roscommon, with the potential for 262 MW to be produced. The figure for potential generation was taken from research undertaken by the Western Development Commission and included in their report “Making the Transition to a Low Carbon Society in the Western Region” (2020). The target of potential generation capacity includes connected, contracted and

ECP processed developments. While it should be noted that capacity is not available at all times, the currently connected renewable generation is well above the average county demand.” Future developments should include renewable energy projects put forward by Sustainable Energy Communities




Recommendation No 27:

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Fallon

It was AGREED Revise Map 1 - Land Use Zoning in each of the Settlement Plans for the 4 no. Self Sustaining Towns, in Volume II, to include the Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) identified in Section 9.3 of Volume I in the Draft Plan. The revised maps will be included in Appendix 4 of this report.



Original text