Agenda item

Presentation - Strategic plan for the development of community sports and recreation facilities in Roscommon Town


The Cathaoirleach welcomed Eamonn Seydak of S3 Solutions Ltd. to give a remote presentation to the Elected Members on the Strategic Plan that was commissioned by Roscommon County Council:


The terms of reference for the plan were as follows:

o   Establish the requirement for community sports and recreational facilities in Roscommon Town from the perspective of local community, sporting bodies, schools and any other identified stakeholders.

o   Consult with sporting bodies and schools to prepare draft masterplan outlining proposed facilities, considering existing sports and recreational facilities.

o   Conduct an initial audit of available zoned suitable space within the town and prepare a shortlist of suitable locations for the possible establishment of community sports and recreational facilities based on the draft masterplan. A technical specification conducted by an architect or similar is not required as part of this tender brief.

o   Carry out broad inclusive community consultation based on the draft masterplan.

o   Recommend preferred site for location of agreed community sports and recreational facilities, a sustainable business model with defined development costs, operational costs and the key income generating projects/ elements that will sustain the project.

o   Identify possible funding streams for development of the facility and include possible prioritised phases of development of the facility


Consultation was undertaken as follows:


       a web based survey (34 responses received)

       10 individual meetings with key stakeholders including Roscommon County Council, Roscommon Local Sports Partnership, Development Officers for IFA, IRFU and GAA in Roscommon, Roscommon Community College, Lisnamult Community Association, Convent of Mercy School, Roscommon County GAA Board, Roscommon CBS, Roscommon Town Teams

       Site visits to various sporting and recreational facilities across Roscommon Town

       Overall, 42 different organisations contributed to the consultation process


The Masterplan is a vision for sports facilities:


Capital Vision:

·         Development of an indoor four court sports hall with run off capacity, the building will also provide a small number (2) of flexible multipurpose studio spaces and changing provision

·         One outdoor, multi-sport, multi lined and floodlit 3G pitch

·         Development of one grass pitch

·         Development of a perimeter trail that enables recreational walking, but offers suitable provision for athletics training and cycling

Strategic Objectives:

·         To develop a hub of community sport and recreational facilities on one site that facilitates participation opportunities for a minimum of 5000 individuals per annum

·         To provide a minimum of 50 additional hours per week of playing pitch access on the 3G pitch for local clubs

·         To provide a minimum of 16 additional hours per week of floodlit grass pitch access per week for local clubs

·         To reduce travel time to other facilities by local clubs by 20% per annum

·         To become a self-sustaining sport and recreational facility by year 3

·         To promote partnership working and collaboration between local authority, statutory agencies, NGB’s and local sport and community providers to enhance participation opportunities for Roscommon Town and beyond.


It is estimated that approximately 15-20 acres are required to deliver the project. The following were considered in the identification of potential development sites:

·         Land falling under the ownership of Roscommon County Council as project promoters

·         Lands zoned for amenity and recreation as per the area plan

·         Lands with identified or established plans for sporting and recreational activity

·         Other planned developments and potential to connect sport and recreation

·         Lands with proximity to infrastructural works such as road improvements or new development


The preferred Option is Site 5:

Lands under the ownership/management of the Sisters of Convent Mercy school and Roscommon County Council, existing provision includes grass and shale pitches, outdoor basketball/ tennis courts and an indoor hall. Located adjacent to existing leisure centre.


The recommendation is that Roscommon Leisure Centre Ltd take on the management and operation of the facility as an extension of existing remit.


The Ladies Gaelic Football Association, Volleyball Ireland, Basketball Ireland, and Special Olympics Ireland have offered letters of support indicating regular use of the facilities as well as facilitating regionally significant events and activities.


29 clubs responded to a follow up usage survey, they identified that the facilities provided would enable an additional 161 hours of sport and physical activity provision per week. Consultation respondents represent 4962 people


The initial feasibility study conservatively indicates revenue in the region of €111,480 - €131,480 per annum from year 1 vs estimated expenditure of €118,479- €138,479. Roscommon Leisure Centre Ltd currently receives council subvention. The new facilities will also create a requirement for 122 additional employment hours, 3.25 FTE roles


Recommendations and Next Steps:

·         Application to Stream 1 of LSSIF – recommendation accepted and secured partial funding towards the detailed design process

·         Proceed to procurement of a design team to develop detailed design and secure planning permission

·         Engage with the Department regarding a future LSSIF stream 2 application towards the capital costs of the project

·         Reaffirm NGB support for the project, in particular, follow ups with development officers from LGFA, Special Olympics, Basketball, Volleyball and others to would add weight to future stream 2 applications

·         Continue to consult with wider community to generate support and buy in for the project, as well as connecting project to other strategic developments (i.e. URDF)


The members welcomed the presentation and this project that will be of great benefit to Roscommon town and its environs:

·         The recommended site is a great choice which will benefit the adjacent school that has no indoor facilities.

·         The jobs it will create will be welcome and self-sustainable.

·         This will be a huge investment for the town and much needed.

·         These facilities are vital in every community – has there been any consultation with Roscommon GAA who are looking for a site of excellence.?

·         Voluntary groups that have their own facilities cannot be affected by this project

·         When the project was at the initial stages an athletics track surrounding the 3G pitch was included in the proposal – why has this been omitted?

·         People have been doing a lot of walking in the past two years and an athletics/walking track is a needed facility

·         Were local athletics clubs consulted?

·         There is still a site in Lisnamult that can be developed and athletics can be grown in the gounty.


In response to the questions Mr. Seydak said that the need for an athletics track was not raised as much as the need for an indoor sports hall and outdoor pitch and it was not prioritised. Demand for pitches outstrip supply in the area and an indoor hall is the biggest priority. All local organisations including athletics clubs were consulted.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fallon

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED that a review of the Strategic Plan for the Development of Community, Sport and Recreational Facilities in Roscommon Town be undertaken to assess if an athletics track can be included as part of the project.


Original text