Agenda item



Cllr Murphy raised the issue of ‘casual trading spaces’ in Strokestown stating that some local people felt they had no input into the matter having missed an opportunity to make submissions when the public consultation process was originally advertised on social media and through local newspapers.   Cllr Crosby stated that he was very unhappy with where the casual traders were located in Strokestown and the space they were taking up.  He outlined that he had a personal interest in the matter as his daughter was the owner of properties which were being affected by the location of casual traders and the spread of the traders pitches were preventing the progress of works on these properties.  He outlined that casual traders are taking over large spaces on the street and confining movement in front of businesses.  Cllr Byrne stated that the casual traders are causing problems for delivery lorries and reducing the number of parking spaces.  Cllr John Cummins queried if the bylaws had acutally commenced and if enforcement could be commenced where traders were not compliant with the bylaws.


Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services, stated that these bye-laws are in place since January 2020 from when they were declared on Iris Oifigiuil.  He acknowledged that there was a delay in commencing the bylaws and implementing space markings as a result of the COVID – 19 crisis.  He outlined that the introduction of the bylaws went through the full statutory process including draft development under the relevant SPC, public consultation where the draft bylaws were detailed in local newspapers, social media, the Council webpage and the bylaws including map locations were available for public viewing on the Council website, in the Councils public offices and libraries in the respective towns concerned.  He also stated that the feedback from the public consultation was brought back to the SPC and the Draft Bylaws including locations were further amended.  At this point they were then brought before the full Council Plenary Meeting of July 2019.  At this meeting the Draft bylaws were further amended before being proposed for adoption by Cllr. John Cummins and Seconded by Cllr. Tom Crosby.


Cllr. John Cummins stated that everything the Director had outlined was an accurate record of what happened.


Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that if there is an issue of non-compliance then the Enforcement Section will have to take action and that this had already taken place.


Cllr Crosby queried if the designated trading area could be situated away from residential and business premises.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the bye-laws could be amended but a new statutory process would have to be completed prior to this happening including further public consultation.  He stated that the council intend to complete a review of the Casual Trading Bye-Laws and this would most  likely roll into 2021 allowing for the bedding down of the existing setup and the process the Council has to go through in reviewing and amending the bylaws.


Cllr Mulligan stated that the casual trading spaces in Ballaghadereen were working very well and many of the members commending Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services on assisting the introduction of the Casual Trading Bylaws in the county which had been sought for many years.




Original text