Agenda item

To Consider the Draft Boyle Municipal District Budget for financial year ended 31st December 2021


Mr.Martin Lydon, Head of Finance presented the Chief Executive Report regarding the General Municipal Allocation (GMA) and the Draft Budgetary Plans for Boyle Municipal District 2021.  Mr Lydon, Head of Finance outlined that the total proposed General Municipal Allocation (GMA) for 2021 for the Boyle Municipal District Area was €846,600.


The decision taken at the last Plenary meeting on the 28th September to vary the LPT basic rate upwards by 15% allowed for the following items to be included in the GMA for 2021

·         €150,000 for street cleaning

·         €120,000 of funding has been allocated to the general roads maintenance budget

·         €34,000 in funding has been granted to assist Tidy Towns programmes and combat illegal dumping.  These services are no longer funded from grant allocations.

·         Town Team funding has been increased from €8000 to €10,000 for each of the six town teams.

It should be noted that €255,000 in match funding has been provided in the draft budgetary plan for capital expenditure projects.


Mr. Lydon, Head of Finance,  outlined the rationale for allocating funds.  The model used in 2020 for apportioning roads expenditure (33.3% Population, 33.3% km Roads, 33.3% Condition) has again been applied in 2021.


Funding of €35,000 in Voluntary Graveyard Grants has been split equally between the three municipal districts and is included in this year’s allocation.


The purpose of the draft budgetary plan meeting is to provide each municipal district an opportunity to allocate its proportion of the General Municipal Allocation to its priorities.


All of the elected members thanked Mr. Lydon, Head of Finance and welcomed the budget as presented. 


Cllr Crosby queried if any resources could be used to extend the greenway along the Royal Canal near Clondra to link on to Tarmonbarry giving the potential for Roscommon Greenways to connect to this important piece of national infrastructure.  Cllr Crosby also stressed the need for traffic management in the village of Tarmonbarry.


Cllr Cummins stated that a lot of good work had been completed in the Boyle Municipal District and emphasized the importance of continuing this work.


Cllr Murphy stated he had received queries in relation to the maintenance of land drainage areas and asked whether funding could be used to carry out work in the vicinity of smaller rivers.


Cllr Mulligan queried whether extra funding could be allocated towards illegal dumping.  He stressed the importance of persuing offenders and having successful prosecutions.  Cllr Mulligan believed this was not happening.


Cllr Byrne noted that the work carried out by voluntary groups in cemeteries and by the Tidy Towns Committee represented a phenomenal return for money invested.


Cllr Liam Callaghan stated that we are grateful for the monies available and that it should be spent wisely.


Mr. Martin Lydon Head of Finance responded to the queries and the rationale on how funding was allocated including the needs and the resources available to the Council and the resource needs of each Municipal District including where appropriate condition survey, population, location of facilities etc.  He stated that there was limited capacity in relation to discretionary spending with the majority of costs being non-discretionary and being reflected in the Plenary Council Budget as opposed to Municipal District Budget Plans.



On the PROPOSAL  of Cllr Crosby

SECONDED BY Cllr Cummins


It was agreed to adopt the Draft Budgetary Plan for Boyle Municipal District for 2021 as presented.






Original text