Agenda item

Draft Schedule of Municipal District Works & Roads Programme for Roscommon Municipal District for 2020

“To be circulated”


John Mockler introduced the Draft Schedule of Municipal District Works for 2020 including the Roads Programme 2020. 


The following points were raised by the members-

·         OPW scheme on the Galway road.

·         Enquiry if Irish Water have resolved their issues at Knockroe, Castlerea and timescale for the works.  In the interim could the tar patching unit repair the road?

·         Requirement to secure a minimum of €25,000 to extend the drainage on the Ardeevin Road and deposit stone and 804 on turlough side to widen the road and then erect the white markers again.  

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr McDermott

It was AGREED to allocate €25,000 from drainage works fund to allow the first phase of planned works to commence on the Ardeevin road.

·         Request for works to be done on Ardass bridge this year

·         Query as to why the old bridge at Adragoole is not included in the draft scheme and if it could be inspected as some of the bridge has fallen into the river and is not safe

·         Query relating to the small allocation of €15,500 for 2 low cost safety schemes in Castlerea

·         Query as to why the flashing lights at the C.B.S. were never repaired

·         Enquiry as to what works were planned at Lisliddy

·         Request for high PSV chips to be used on Fairymount road

·         Request to consider installing a pedestrian crossing on the Galway road to allow safer access to Lisnamult, Gael Scoil and other secondary schools

·         Request for pedestrian crossing also at Molloy’s as you head down towards the train station

·         A low cost safety application for Killinaratty did not secure funding and a stop sign is urgently required

·         Query regarding surfacing works at Lisnamult

·         Enquiry regarding 30km speed signs for Henry Street


John Mockler responded to the issues raised

·         The Roads Department prioritise the low cost safety funding applications and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport decide on allocations based on our submissions

·         The works at Lisliddy is recorded as a recycling project at Emlagh

·         John explained that our Energy & Assets Management Department were working on a design for the lights at the C.B.S. and then they will secure a price for the works.

·         The Walk is included in the 2020 Roads Programme.

·         John confirmed he would look at installing a stop sign at Killinaratty

·         John confirmed that the works at Lisnamult will be road surfacing only but he will consider placing additional road markings on the road to slow the traffic down

·         The review of the speed limits will take place later this year


A general discussion regarding the Draft Roads Programme took place and following that;


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

            SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED by all the members to adopt the Schedule of Municipal District Works including the Roads Programme for the Roscommon Municipal District for 2020 with the amendment to transfer €25,000 of the drainage funding for Roscommon town to Ardeevin on the basis that it could be transferred back to Roscommon town if works at Ardeevin do not go ahead this year.



Original text