Agenda item

Lough Funshinagh Flood Analysis Report

·         Presentation by Eugene Dwyer, Senior Engineer and Malachy Walsh & Partners, Consulting Engineers.



Mr. Eugene Dwyer, Head of Roads and Transportation outlined details of the flooding event in November 2015 at Lough Fuinshinagh whereby houses were cut off and hundreds of acres of farmland were submerged and what has transpired since.



Works carried out to date include raising of roads, building of a mound to protect one of the houses, investigation works at a swallowhole in Lisphelim. He noted that the levels are currently and the lake at the lowest since 2015 having decreased two meters.


Sean Doyle from Malachy Walsh & Partners, Consulting Engineers, gave a presentation to the Members on the findings of their report. They were commissioned by Roscommon County Council to carry out an analysis of the hydrological regime in Lough Funshinagh following an exceptional rise in the levels of the lake during the winter 2015/2016. The report was to establish the cause of the flooding around Lough Funshinagh and Lough Cup and make recommendations on possible remedial works.


Their conclusions were as follows:

·         There were exceptionally high levels of rainfall in particular over a 60-day period from early 2015 and the highest cumulative rainfall in the area since 1952 (one in one-hundred-year event)

·         No evidence to suggest flooding was due to abnormal decrease in outflow rate other than seasonal variation

·         The flood risk could be alleviated by providing over flow to the East (Kiltoom) or South (Cross River) but the cost is excessive and could be considerably higher if rock excavation is required

·         The Lough is designated as county geological site and SAC and wildlife sanctuary and any interference should be avoided

·         Specific flood control measures at Ballagh and Lysterfield have highest benefit to cost ratio at 0.7 and 0.5 respectively, both well below the 1.35 required for OPW funding. Further investigation required at Ballagh to see if works are feasible. In the absence of a solution to the houses at risk, is relocation

·         At Srahauns only means of eliminating flood risk from Lough Cup is overflow pipe 1,200 m to existing stream only if there is low hydraulic continuity between the two lakes but the BCR is low

·         There is no overland outlet and the main outlet appears to be to the south.



In order to satisfy the criteria for funding, a cost benefit analysis must reach a certain threshold and none of the solutions come close to this as laid down by the Office of Public Works.


 The Members welcomed the report but expressed their dissatisfaction with the conclusions:

·         There is an ongoing loss of income to the farmers affected through loss of single farm payment and unable to farm the lands affected

·         A pipe will have to be put in to drain away the water

·         This area was designated as an SAC in 1974 but now that all of the wildlife, flora and fauna have been destroyed it should be decommissioned as such to enable works to be carried out

·         Have to question the one in one-hundred-year event data even if you have looked at data for past 70 years – the severe weather events over the past 10 years cast doubt on this.

·         Has an assessment of the rock been carried out by making a borehole?

·         What is the quantity of backfill from other lakes?

·         Surprise that the Cost Benefit is so low and how is this arrived at? This will not be acceptable to the farmers.

·         The Cost Benefit needs to be recalculated and taking into consideration the cost of relocating houses.

·         Work needs to be fast-tracked – the premise behind the cost benefit is flawed

·         If nothing is done and people have to be relocated this will be a bigger cost and clarity is needed therefore on the figures

·         Loss of income for farmers affected from 2015 is considerable.

·         Are Lough Funshinagh and Lough Cup connected?

·         Water should be diverted to Lough Ree.

·         Similar issue with flooding in Castleplunkett but not on the same scale

·         Borehole testing must be carried out to assess for rock

·         It would be unfortunate to spend 50% of proposed cost of works in relocating houses in preference to getting work done.


Mr. Dwyer and Mr. Doyle answered the questions on the members. Mr, Dwyer confirmed that the report will be submitted to the Office of Public Works for consideration.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

SECONDED by Cllr. Kilduff

 And AGREED to write to the Minister responsible for Office of Public Works to take everything into account when assessing the cost benefit including lost income for farmers etc.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Kilduff

And AGREED that Roscommon County Council seek a meeting with the Office of Public Works in relation to the report on Lough Funshinagh.





Original text