Agenda item

Draft Athlone Joint Retail Strategy - (Athlone MD- Monksland)


Mr. Martin Lydon, A/Director of Services gave an overview of the draft Athlone Joint Retail Strategy prepared for Roscommon & Westmeath County Councils by Consultants MacCabe Durney Barnes.  He said it is one of the key recommendations of the Report of the Athlone Boundary Review Committee and it is intended that the Strategy will be adopted as a Variation to the Athlone Town Development Plan 2014 and the Monksland/Bellanamulia Local Area Plan 2016.  It will also inform the preparation of the next County Development Plans and the Joint Athlone Local Area Plan.    


Mr. Lydon outlined the key items from the draft plan:

·         Objectives and policies will not change. 

·         Potential for another anchor tenant at Monksland.

·         Document setup to safeguard this.

·         Happy that no erosion regarding retail.

·         Roscommon County Council has no wish to take shopping from Athlone Town.


Ms. Mary Grier, Senior Planner outlined the following points in relation to the draft plan:

·         The Regional Planning Guidelines for West Region adopted in 2010 which included a retail strategy were considered as part of this report.  This report delivers on the aspirations of the RPG2010.

·         Population analysis – Census figures suggest rate of population growth is slower than expected.

·         Chapter 7 is of significant importance and echoes what is already in the Monksland Area Plan.

·         It is proposed to use existing retail warehouses to accommodate new retail warehouse proposals.


Mr. Lydon outlined that an in-camera meeting with Athlone MD Members, Westmeath was also taking place this week.  The next stage is an in-camera meeting between Athlone MD Westmeath, Athlone MD Roscommon and MacCabe Durney Barnes Consultants. 


The members raised the following in relation to the draft plan:

·         Welcome second retail unit given that Monksland and Roscommon Town are same size.  This will reduce level of traffic crossing Shannon. 

·         Access is limited by a number of inadequate junctions which could constrain the provision of new access points and the level of additional traffic which could be accommodated.   

·         The existing M6/N61 junctions are nearing capacity and future commercial and residential development in the M/BLAP area will put additional pressures on capacity and increase road safety issues.  

·         Re-opening of Colaiste Chiarain will increase traffic on the R446 and can see this as a major congestion area.  It was noted that the School is situated on a 28 acre space that has potential to be used as a theatre during out of school hours. 

·         Members concerned that Boundary Issue has not gone away and queried if there was a requirement for a Joint Athlone Local Area Plan (JALAP) or a Joint Retail Strategy.  Their main concern was that they could be signing part of Roscommon away.   


Mr. Lydon responded as follows:

·         Further improvements are required to improve junctions.  The Athlone West Strategic Transport Assessment which is currently being prepared will provide recommendations concerning infrastructure upgrades which Roscommon County Council will be able to progress subject to funding.

·         Mary Grier, Senior Planner advised that Pre-planning meeting with Department of Education and their consultants will need to consider traffic along the route as part of planning application.

·         Weatmeath County Council are commencing work on a Local Area Plan for Athlone.  Mr. Lydon said our priority should be moving Monksland into a Tier 1.  Monksland in Roscommon will remain as a Tier 2. 


Mr. Lydon advised members that the Athlone Joint Retail Strategy is the minor element of the Athlone Boundary Report and outlined that the JALAP space is where we need to be ambitious for Monksland. 


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

            SECONDED by Cllr. Fallon

Members unanimously AGREED with the Draft Athlone Joint Retail Strategy.  It was further agreed to hold an in-camera meeting with Athlone MD Westmeath and MacCabe Durney Barnes Consultants predominantly to discuss the Joint Retail Strategy with a brief agenda item to outline Roscommon County Council’s intention to co-operate with Westmeath County Council to draft a Joint Athlone Local Area Plan.  



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