Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
Fax: 090 6625599
Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Agenda and minutes
Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting - Remote
Contact: Olive Feely Email: ofeeley@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) Minutes: Cllr Crosby, Cathaoirleach proceeded to read out the Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) prior to the commencement of discussion on items listed on the agenda.
Adoption of the Minutes · Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 26th November 2021 Minutes: ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF BOYLE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING 26TH NOVEMBER, 2021 On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Municipal District Meeting of the 26th November, 2021
Matters Arising Minutes: Cllr John Cummins and Cllr Callaghan queried when work on the section of road between Tulsk and Rathcroghan would commence. Cllr Valerie Byrne stated that nearly all councillors had queried when work would begin on this project. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services and Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator stated that work would commence sometime in March.
Communities Activities Fund Minutes: Ms Julie Ann Finan, Community and Enterprise gave an update to the elected members on the Communities Activities Fund . The CAF is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development (the Department) and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area. The Department provides funding to each Local Authority (LA) area and the LCDCs then administer this funding locally to ensure funding is targeted appropriately towards addressing disadvantage in the areas that need it most. It is important to note that other agencies and departments also invest in disadvantaged areas[1]. The CAF will operate in a complementary manner to add value to other front-line schemes and programmes being operated in communities.
The Community Activities Fund will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas · With their non-pay running costs such as utility bills (electricity costs, refuse charges, heating charges) or other non-pay operating costs for e.g. rental/lease costs, insurance bills. · Groups will also be able to use the funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities, purchase equipment for e.g. such as tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies and training equipment etc.
Applications can be made to the relevant LCDC, online by, 1pm on Friday 11th of February, 2022.
Ms Julie Ann Finan advised that the application procedure is a fully online process. The funding has two elements – operating costs and capital costs. Cllr Byrne queried whether a group could make a number of applications for different things. Cllr Crosby asked whether a limit applies to the capital funding. Ms Julie Ann Finan, Community & Enterprise told the elected members that a group can apply for one or other or both of the elements of the funding. Cllr Callaghan queried how the funding would be divided. Ms Julie Ann Finan stated that 60% has been allocated to operating costs and 40% to Capital costs. Cllr Crosby queried if the funding has to be spent in advance. Ms Julie Ann Finan confirmed this is the case and the funding will only be paid when all satisfactory documentation has been received by the Local Authority.
Safety Improvement Works on the N5/R361 Frenchpark Junction Minutes: Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer introduced the item on road safety improvement works on the N5/R361 Frenchpark junction stating that on foot of the last Municipal Meeting and as a result of external correspondence in respect of this junction he would be seeking proposals from the elected members as to how to proceed with this matter. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer presented the members with three plans. · The first plan outlined the proposed scheme from 2016 which was advertised under Part 8 process · The second plan was details of minor improvements that were made to the junction following the failure to complete the Part 8 process for the 2016 scheme · The third plan was details of a reprioritisation of the junction that has legal consent to be constructed following the construction of the new N5. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that in 2016, Roscommon County Council in conjunction with the TII prepared a road design which would improve the Frenchpark Junction. This design had extensive buildouts and as a result there would be a loss of parking spaces on the street. The design was advertised under Part 8 process and a number of submissions were made at that time. This scheme did not come before the councillors for adoption, and no reason given. Some minor improvement works were introduced, some buildouts changed and continuous yellow lines introduced. Once the new N5 bypass is complete a design has been prepared whereby reprioritisation of the Old N5 will lead to traffic proceeding from Boyle to Castlerea and vice versa being given prioritisation at this junction. This will significantly improve safety at this junction. The TII are now looking for Roscommon County Council to report on how we propose to proceed with the treatment of the junction and John Mockler offered two options to the members. 1. Recommence the process of completing the 2016 proposed schemes as presented to the members today 2. Monitor the safety of the junction going forward until the new N5 is built and the junction is reprioritised.
Cllr John Cummins queried how the Roads Section proposed to monitor the current situation. Cllr Crosby asked when work would commence on the new N5. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that planning works have begun but a definite start date has not been given by the contractor. Cllr Crosby stated that it would be unlikely that the TII would approve immediate works as the new scheme is on the way. Cllr Cummins queried whether a compromise could be made including elements of the 2016 scheme and the new arrangement which will come into place when the new N5 opens. Cllr Cummins suggested the introduction of bollards along the N5 in front of the retail premises beside the Garda station. He informed the members that the property had recently been sold on and he felt the new owners would be amenable to bollards in front of the premises. Cllr Byrne supported the introduction of bollards at this location if the ... view the full minutes text for item 5.22 |
1.22 - Notice of Motion - Cllr. Mulligan Speed Ramps on Pound Street/Sligo Road in Ballaghadereen
“That Roscommon Co Council without further delay install four speed ramps on the Pound St/ Sligo road in Ballaghadereen where speeding and driver behaviour will lead to a serious incident if measures are not put in place to force speed reduction”.
Minutes: 1.22 – NOTICE OF MOTION
That Roscommon Co Council without further delay install four speed ramps on the Pound St/ Sligo Road in Ballaghadereen where speeding and driver behaviour will lead to a serious incident if measures are not put in place to force speed reduction
The provision of speed ramps for the control of speed is considered a measure of last resort and considering the category of road in question, it would be inappropriate for Roscommon County Council to provide ramps along Pound Street. Ramps and/or rumble strips can have unwelcome side effects such as additional noise, vehicle damage and an increased risk to vulnerable road users. The Ambulance Service, generally, are not in favour of ramps and have concerns about the effect of ramps on people with spinal injuries travelling over ramps. The Fire Services are also concerned that ramps delay the response time of their fire tenders. Roscommon County Council only deploy Speed Ramps after careful consideration of all other options. The Roads & Transportation Business unit does however note the concerns of Councillor Mulligan and will look to include Traffic Calming measures as part of any future upgrade to the R-293. In addition, Roscommon County Council Road Safety Office actively works with the RSA and An Garda Siochana in promoting Road Safety and this stretch of road will be highlighted to the Gardai for increased observation and enforcement on those who do not comply with the speed limits. The Council reminds all drivers to only drive within the necessary speed limits, but also at speeds that are appropriate to the conditions. Drivers should always be aware that speed limits are not a target! Drivers who ignore speed limits put themselves and others at great risk.
Cllr Mullligan stated he was disappointed with the response. Cllr Byrne and Cllr Murphy supported Cllr Mulligans Notice of Motion in respect of the installation of speed ramps. Cllr Callaghan stated that there are two speed limits in the area in question and asked about the possibility of reducing these limits and the erection of flashing lights which would not interfere with the emergency services if ramps are not acceptable. Cllr Cummins supported Cllr Mulligan and queried if a pedestrian crossing could be installed and this would help slow traffic. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that Pound Street, Ballaghadereen is part of the Part 8 Ballaghadereen Public Realm Enhancement Scheme. Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator stated that there is a proposal for a pedestrian crossing in the Part 8. Cllr Mulligan stated that the current situation needs to be rectified immediately
A.O.B. |
Rooskey Bridge Minutes: Cllr Crosby queried what progress there is in respect of Rooskey Bridge. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that no reply has been received to correspondence re the reinstatement of funding to reconstruct Rooskey Bridge sent to Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that Leitrim have appointed consultants to conduct a feasibility study for a footbridge in Rooskey. Mr Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that funding would be more likely to be given for traffic control measures than for the widening of the bridge.
Footpath from Tarmonbarry to School Minutes: Cllr Crosby queried the progress of a footpath from the village to the school.
Cootehall Junction Minutes: Cllr Cummins queried the progress of work at the Cootehall junction. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services told Cllr Cummins that the contractor had ceased work for January and is due to recommence work now.
Jamestown to Drumsna Minutes: Cllr Byrne asked if a consultant had been appointed to this project. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services informed the members that a consultant had been appointed.
Castlenode Bridge Minutes: Cllr Murphy asked if work could be done to improve the surface of Castlenode Bridge. Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator said he would look at the surface of the bridge.
Carpark at Cortober adjacent to Railway Station Minutes: Cllr Byrne complimented the work that has been carried out on the footpaths at Cortober. Cllr Byrne queried progress on the development of a carpark adjacent to the railway station in Cortober, Carrick on Shannon. The elected members agreed to write to Iarnrod Eireann asking if additional parking facilities could be provided by acquiring unused ESB compound land across from the railway station.
Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy Minutes: A vote of sympathy was expressed to the Flattery Family on the passing of Seamus Flattery, Corlis, Castlerea.
A vote of sympathy was expressed to the Creighton Family on the passing of Deirdre Creighton, Grove House, Aughadristan, Loughglynn.
A vote of sympathy was expressed to the Travers Family on the passing of Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles Travers P.E, Roscommon Town.