Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber


No. Item


Introduction by Cathaoirleach

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The Cathaoirleach welcomed the Elected Members and Executive to the annual Budget meeting of Roscommon County Council. 


He welcomed the Budget presented to the members for consideration in an extraordinary year and despite this, the Council will achieve a balanced budget in 2020. He recorded his appreciation for the State funding received during the year. It is the intention of the Council  to balance the budget in 2021 even with unknown impact of Covid. The main aim of the budget is to continue with the provision of services with best value for money for the people of the county and to draw down the maximum capital state funding that will be available to continue to develop the county.


He outlined particular allocations in the Draft Budget:

·         The total projected expenditure is €1.8m more than 2020 an increase of 2% mainly from central government grants.

·         Climate Change progression will be a priority including €100k for replacement of street lights to reach our 50% target by 2030, €20k matched funding for EV charging points, €30k for an energy master plan and energy refits in the Just Transition Project Fund at a total cost of €3.3m.

·         An increase of €112k in in housing grants to a total of €1.1m

·         The maintenance of LPT at 2020 rate will provide for 

o   The servicing of the matched funding loan, roads maintenance, street cleaning and local amenity funding.

·         Provision of €150k for costs associated with the pandemic, including remote working and staff absentee that cannot be recouped for projects.

·         3 Year Capital Programme of €120m is very welcome and progressive

·         An emphasis in the budget to promote climate action

·         €65k for maintenance of Greenways

·         A €80k Tourism budget including €50k allocation for festivals and events and €20k for Christmas lights in 2021

·         Provision for increased costs to cover waste disposal at Civic Amenity Sites


After discussion at the CPG and subsequently noting at the November Plenary meeting that some money unspent from the elected members training budget in 2020 could be reallocated to local groups before Christmas he is proposing that Cathaoirleach and elected members write to all community groups who have received amenity grants to thank them for their great work during the year in keeping their communities alive and keeping the spirits lifted across the whole county during the pandemic this year, encouraging them to support their local businesses during this difficult time and appealing to them to continue the great work they are doing in keeping their communities active and keeping rural isolation to a minimum. The sum of €300 will be allocated to each group to spend as they wish. It may be on Christmas lights, Christmas trees or other initiative of their choosing.


The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Shanagher.


Cllr Fitzmaurice requested that town teams that have not received amenity grants be included for consideration.


The Cathaoirleach asked each member to keep their contribution to two minutes as had been proposed at the last Plenary Meeting.


Chief Executive Report

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The Chief Executive referenced the positive discussion on the 2020 financial outturn at the recent Plenary meeting and in particular the delivery of services in 2020 to date. The Council needs to enter 2021 in a positive frame of mind. He acknowledged the support of central Government for funding due to Covid that was above expectations. He thanked the members  for maintaining the LPT at the 2020 level that will allow the continuation of street cleaning, increase roads funding, maintain tidy towns teams support at local level and maintain match funding which has the potential to provide an additional €800k investment in the county. He is looking forward to working with the members in delivering a very extensive and ambitious programme of extraordinary projects across the county in the coming years with construction commencing on the larger projects early in the new year.  He thanked the Cathaoirleach and members for their support and assistance this year especially in relation to the budget process.  


Report of Director of Services Mr. Martin Lydon

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Mr. Martin Lydon, Director of Services updated the members with regard to his areas of responsibility:



·         The cost of refurbishing a casual void house has increased to €9,600 due to Covid but additional funding received by central government of €300k has helped to clear the backlog of void properties

·         Rent arears remains steady at €500k due in the main to continuation of PUP payment

·         There are 316 applicants net of transfers on the approved housing list – most are in private rented accommodation

·         The refusal rate for social housing is 38%

·         Roscommon has 21% allocations to people with disability, above national average.

·         Homeless services – currently Housing First contract with the Department Simon and Cope in Galway

·         We have 390 units in RAS - 104 from AHBs and 286 from private landlords

·         There are 2,984 private registered tenancies in the county and at least 25% to be inspected by the Council

·         We are receiving housing loans are all performing very well

·         Housing Grants which is very much welcomed and will bring a much-needed funding into the local economy

·         There are 450 customers current on the list was in receipt of HAP



·         The County Development Plan will be substantially completed in 2021

·         Vacant Site Levy for 2020 falls due on 1st Jan 2021

·         We have a vacant homes officer in place and work is ongoing

·         Reduction in income of €25k in planning application fees

·         Progression of ePlanning online applications in 2021 is essential for efficiencies

·         A dedicated team is in place in relation to enforcement and collection of development contributions income

·         Unfinished estates - 132 not taken in charge to date and the intention is to reduce these by a further 18 in 2021


Miscellaneous Services:

·         Restart Grant - €8.1m paid to businesses in Roscommon in 2020

·         €3.9m rates waiver as part of the July stimulus in 2020

·         As part of work plan economic development and enterprise support SPC to review and revise the current rates incentive scheme that was introduced in 2016


Capital Programme 2021 – 2023:

·         €13.5 million in development social housing - that excludes approved Housing bodies and excludes the Public Private Partnership that's currently on underway

·         We will be looking at projects of an infill nature to regenerate parts of towns and villages and this will be closely linked to the national planning framework as well as the county development plan that will be presented to members

·         An additional 120 units will become available via AHB, PPP and leases

·         €1.5 million expenditure on Traveller accommodation and €5.5m housing loans, €3.5 million on private housing grants and €750k on LA houses and €3.3 million is forecast to be expended on energy improvement works



Report of Director of Services Mr. Shane Tiernan

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Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services highlighted the proposed budget for his area of responsibility:


·         The budget for roads is estimated at €24.5m, similar to 2020 although no Department/TII allocations yet received. This represents an increase of 24% over past 3 years.

·         The Covid crisis brought unprecedented challenges but a positive budget is being presented

·         Public Lighting allocation similar to 2020 but has increased by 24% in past 3 years

·         Following maintenance of LPT an additional €120k is provided for Local Roads for potholes and repairs. The velocity patchers are efficient and effective and provide high quality realtime rapid roads repair.

·         LPT is also funding illegal waste costs, street cleaning, tidy towns and maintenance of outdoor facilities.

·         Applications submitted to the Department for 15 no. projects under the Bridge Rehabilitation Scheme in the sum of €392K and €166k for Community Involvement Schemes.

·         Funding in sum of €350k submitted for Local Improvement Scheme applications

·         €285k provided for Low Cost Remedial Measures across all 3 Municipal Districts

·         €64k provided for Road Safety Promotion and Education and hoped to host Junior Warden Regional Competition in 2021

·         €22k provided for management of illegal waste, funding for street cleaning and associated costs

·         €330k for maintenance of 100+ Cemeteries including €35k cemetery grants for voluntary groups

·         €37k to maintain outdoor amenities including €25k of own resources for Monksland and Roscommon town parks.


Capital Projects – 2021 – 2023


There is a considerable roads capital programme planned for 2021- 2023 outlined in the budget. Of particular significance is the €120m N5 Scramogue to Ballaghaderreen By-Pass scheduled to commence construction in 2021. Also of significance is the N61 Knockcroghery By Pass and the N61 Tulsk to Clashaganny upgrade and the upgrade of the R362 Bealnamulla

to Cloonakilla where detailed design will progress in 2021 to ensure a fit for purpose and value for money solution.  €800k is provided under the bridge rehabilitation programme and there is continued investment in broadband on the roll out of our Wi-Fi for EU points across all our towns and villages in the county in 20 21.  The Civil Defence HQ service site at Ballyboughan in Roscommon town  has been secured and design led team has been appointed and we hope to go to a Part 8 planning early in 2021 for this significant enhancement to our civil defence function.



Report of Director of Services Mr. Liam Bergin

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Mr. Liam Bergin, Director of Services outlined the Budget for his areas of Responsibility:


Water Services:

·         There is additional allocation of €100,000 in budget for Roscommon Leisure Centre and €150,000 included for upgrade works at Castlerea Pool.

·         In relation to the future operations with Irish Water there is a White Paper with the Minister awaiting his signature that will have an impact on the way services are delivered in 2021.

·         The revenue Budget for Water Services is based on the Service Level Agreement with Irish Water with an income of €7.5m annually

·         Capital Works to be completed in 2021-2023 and funded by Irish Water include upgrade works on the Mount Talbot water treatment plant and reservoir refurbishment at the North Roscommon water treatment plant, reservoir cleansing programmes, there is an ongoing the sewer rehabilitation programme.

·         There are ongoing programmes such as Find and Fix to drive down leakage to economic levels, First Fix programme to reduce private side leakage and non domestic meter replacement

·         The National Water Resource Programme is a public consultation that will commence later this year

·         Roscommon Town main Drainage scheme upgrade to include upgrade of the network and provision of additional pumping stations is due to commence in 2021. Improvement works are also scheduled for Ballaghaderreen WWTP but this is currently at planning stage.

·         The Multi-Annual Rural Water Programme continues and there is work ongoing to improve the private water supplies including source protection work.



·         The aftercare of landfills is a significant burden and responsibility of the local authority to ensure that adequate expertise and resources are available in order to ensure compliance with the EPA licences. There are expected to be significant costs associated with remediation works at Roscommon and Ballaghaderreen yet to be identified.

·          An additional €167,000 had been allocated to meet increased costs in recovery and recycling facilities operations

·         €22,000 will be funded through LPT to meet costs of disposal of waste due to illegal dumping and will be supplemented through anti-dumping initiatives and litter fines.

·         A new environmental awareness officer will take up post in January of 2021

·         €15,000 will be provided in 2021 to cover a proportion of the costs associated with litter control, emptying skips and road sweeping

·         The budget for the enforcement of waste legislation and environmental education and awareness includes Roscommon’s contribution to the Connaught Ulster Regional Waste Co-ordinator’s Office.

·         The Enforcement Team execute the enforcement of a broad range of waste regulations including Waste Facility and Collection Permit Regulations, Food Waste Regulations, Waste Presentation Bye Laws, End of Life Vehicles Regulations, Packaging Regulations, WEEE Regulations, Plastic Bag Regulations, Waste Tyres Regulations, Water Pollution and Water Framework Regulations and Air Pollution regulations. It also responds to reports of illegal activities in the area of waste management.





·         There is little in the way of direct support in the budget in relation to climate because the majority of the climate actions are going to be funded by central government – the Climate Action Fund.

·         It is intended in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 140.20


Report of Director of Services Ms. Majella Hunt

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Director of Services, Majella Hunt presented the draft budget for her areas of responsibility:




·         The sum of €313,000 has been provided for Tourism Development and Promotion to realise the 2017-2022 Tourism strategy through Roscommon Tourism Network, the Festivals and Events Scheme contribution of €50,000 and development of the relationship with Irelands Hidden Heartlands including The Shannon Masterplan, Beara Breifne Way, development of tourism network, destination North Roscommon /Carrick on Shannon and Destination town of Boyle and a feasibility study of a greenway from Athlone to Tarmonbarry. In addition we are promoting the development of walks and cyleway infrastructure across the county




·         With a prominent role in community, economic and enterprise development, the LCDC, Economic and Enterprise Development SPC and the PPN all contribute to this role.

·         LEO continues to support small businesses and start ups and was particularly busy supporting these businesses in 2020 because of the pandemic with mentoring training,  trading vouchers in partnership with Enterprise Ireland.

·         Funding for Social Inclusion Officer, Healthy Ireland Co-Ordinator, PPN resource worker are included in the budget

·         During the year a Community Call resource was set up to provide 24hr assistance to the vulnerable in partnership with an Garda Síochanna, LEADER and other agencies and this will continue to be in operation in a revised format until April 2021



·         Work will continue of a number of strategic projects including Boyle and Roscommon Town with construction due to commence in 2021

·         Projects in planning, development and construction under Town and Village Renewal, Urban and Rural Regeneration, Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure schemes are progressed by the regeneration team and funded through matched funding.



·         The sum of €201,700 is provided for Heritage and Conservation services in 2021. These include the delivery of the heritage programme, the conservation projects, community awareness programmes, supporting the Rathcroghan Field monument advisor, biodiversity actions including pollinator programmes and Royal Sites of Ireland UNESCO world heritage bid.


Recreation and Amenity:

·         The budget for the operation of the Library Service in 2021 is €2.093m

·         The sum of €371k has been included to meet the costs of maintaining outdoor amenities including €25k each for Roscommon and Monksland parks.

·         Tidy towns assistance is provided from local roads maintenance own resources and €12,000 from own resources.

·         The Council also provides funding for games development officers for GAA, LGFA, Connacht Rugby and FAI at a cost of €202k.


Operation of Arts Programme:


·         The Arts office will continue to implement actions from the current Arts Plan and the sum of €1.06m has been provided for the Service in 2021. The Covid pandemic affected the operation of the arts centre this year but a range of online and offline initiatives were rolled out and will continue into 2021

·         Support has also been provided for King House and the Douglas Hyde Centre.



·         The sum of €30,000 is provided to co-fund the position of Atlantic Economic corridor officer, a partnership of all western counties to promote industry and to forge  ...  view the full minutes text for item 141.20


Debate of Draft Budget 2021

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The Members thanked the Chief Executive and Directors for the Budget presentation and discussed as follows:


·         Budget is easily read and understood and easy to support

·         Noted the projected increased expenditure of €1.8m in services

·         Acknowledgement of 2020 as a difficult year due to pandemic

·         Concern at the 38% refusal rate for housing offered and the difficulty in reconciling this with 300+ on the housing list

·         Welcome increase in housing grants allocation

·         Welcome the commencement of the N5 project in 2021

·         Acknowledged the support of Central Government in providing funding during 2020

·         Welcome the increased investment in the county which will lead to unprecedented investment in projects supported by the Council

·         Importance of development works on the Old Tuam Road in Athlone in the next 12 months

·         The issue of works required at the secondary school in Summerhill will have to be addressed

·         Welcome the continued investment in the local roads network

·         This is a balanced and forward looking budget and the Council have responded to the Covid pandemic and to the changes it necessitated.

·         The importance of maintaining the LPT rate to fund projects to progressively regenerate county Roscommon with matched funding

·         Welcome the Just Transition Fund for projects locally

·         Welcome the Energy Master Plans that will help address climate issues

·         Propose that the funding of the town Teams be increased from €10k to €16k

·         Welcome the €110k allocated for road design works on the Golf Links road in  Roscommon Town and necessity for people walking to light up and be safe, be seen.

·         Merit in using video conferencing facilities to link up with diaspora for festivals

·         Welcome the proposed development of a new HQ for the Civil Defence

·         Consider provision of disability grants for housing

·         Why has the budget for litter wardens been reduced by €2k?

·         Clarification on the €2k allocated for tourism facilities

·         Welcome the roads budget of €24m

·         Facing a housing crisis in County Roscommon with very few houses available to rent and need to think outside the box in this regard

·         Clarification on the cycleway study from Tarmonbarry to Athlone included in the budget

·         Need to address the matter of headstones being erected in cemeteries before it gets out of control

·         Council finances in 2020 saved by rates rebate scheme.

·         Need to place a greater emphasis on receiving funding for restoration of old houses.

·         Welcome funding for N60 upgrade

·         Importance of Community and Enterprise Section utilising all available funding

·         Welcome improvement works at Castlerea pool

·         Welcome the RRDF funding to develop the Castlerea Food Hub

·         Investment in disability housing is welcomed

·         There is a need for more school wardens

·         It will be a mistake if works at Clonakilla School do not address all of the issues associated with this road including an extension the football field

·         In the area of waste management, there is a pressing need to employ a third litter warden

·         Welcome the progress of the new County Development Plan.

·         Impact of Brexit at the end of the year is concerning to all  ...  view the full minutes text for item 142.20


Annual Allowance - Cathaoirleach and Leas Cathaoirleach

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Connaughton

           SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

And AGREEDthat pursuant to Section 143(a) & 143(b) of the Local Government Act, 2001, that Roscommon County Council pay an Annual Allowance of €20,000 and €4,000 in 2021 to the Cathaoirleach and Leas-Cathaoirleach of the County Council respectively to cover the reasonable expenses incurred in respect of attendance at functions.       




Annual Allowance - Cathaoirleach of Municipal Districts

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Dineen

           SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

And AGREED that pursuant to the Local Government Act, 2001, and the Local Government Reform Act 2014 that Roscommon County Council pay an Annual Allowance of €6,000 in 2021 to the Cathaoirleach of the Athlone, Boyle and  Roscommon  Municipal Districts respectively to cover the reasonable expenses incurred in respect of attendance at functions


Annual Allowance - Municipal District Members

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Fitzmaurice

           SECONDED by Councillor Callaghan

And AGREED that pursuant to Local Government Reform Act 2014 that Roscommon County Council pay an Annual Allowance of €1,000 in 2021 to each Elected Member to reflect the additional work carried out and expenses incurred in the Municipal District structure.


Annual Allowance - Strategic Policy Committee Chairpersons

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Naughten

           SECONDED by Councillor Cummins

And AGREED that pursuant to Local Government Reform Act 2014 that Roscommon County Council pay an Annual Allowance of €6,000 in 2021 to each Chairperson of the four designated Strategic Policy Committees


Section 76 of Local Government Act 2001 - Entertainment Expenditure

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Dineen

           SECONDED by Councillor Crosby

And AGREED that Roscommon County Council authorise the incurring of reasonable expenditure in connection with receptions, entertainment and the making of presentations to distinguished persons and in connection with the holding of special events relevant to its functions during 2021.


Adoption of Budget 2021

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It was PROPOSEDby Councillor Keogh

          SECONDEDby Councillor

And AGREED that Roscommon County Council by resolution adopt for the financial year ending 31st December, 2021, the Budget as set out in Tables A, B, C, D, E & F.



Adoption of Annual Rate of Valuation

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It was PROPOSEDby Councillor McDermott

          SECONDED by Councillor Murphy

And AGREEDthat Roscommon County Council determine in accordance with the Budget, as adopted the rates set out in Tables A and C to be the annual rate on valuation to be levied for the financial year ending 31st December, 2021, for the purposes set out in those tables, as amended.



Section 135 Local Government Act 2001

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It was PROPOSED by Councillor Fitzmaurice

             SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

And AGREEDthat Roscommon County Council set the rate of refund in relation to vacant properties at 100% as per Section 31 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 and The Local Government (Financial and Audit Procedures) Regulations 2014.



Capital Programme 2021 - 2023

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The Capital Programme 2021 – 2023 was considered and noted by the Members



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The Cathaoirleach paid tribute to the late Fr. Ray Browne PP Fourmile House on his recent passing. A minutes silence was observed in his memory.


Original text