Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
Fax: 090 6625599
Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Venue: Council Chamber, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon
Contact: Karen Hanley Email: khanley@roscommoncoco.ie; 090 66 37100
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) Additional documents: |
Adoption of Minutes Additional documents: |
Matters Arising Additional documents: |
Management Report · Report for Q4 2024 Additional documents: |
N4 Carrick on Shannon Bypass and Traffic Management Project - Section 85 Agreement · Members approval of Section 85. Additional documents: |
Correspondence Additional documents: |
Notices of Motion Additional documents: |
M1:25 Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme - Cllr. Fitzmaurice I am calling on Roscommon County Council to introduce the Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme in all Towns in County Roscommon where there is a lack of housing and consider 10% social and 10% affordable in Part V acquisitions. This will help people on moderate incomes to buy new homes at reduced prices . Additional documents: |
M2:25 Prioritising the delivery of Apprenticeship Training Centre for Roscommon - Cllr. Scahill That this Council call on the Minister for Education, Department of Education to and prioritise the delivery of the Apprenticeship Training Centre in Roscommon Town. Roscommon County Council and their representatives on the previous and current GRETB have been actively working on the delivery of this facility. The Roscommon County LECP 2023-2029 has made provision for this as an objective and the Roscommon MD have made provision in Roscommon Town LAP. Delivery is priority now to meet the demand within our national labour market and for the economic development of our county. Additional documents: |
M3:25 Proper Management of Forestries with power lines running through them - Cllr. Moylan In light of over 40 trees falling during Storm Darragh, damaging power lines and leaving homes and businesses without power for days, I propose this Council writes to Nicholas Tarrant, MD of ESB Networks, and Keith Leonard, Head of the National Emergency Coordination Group. They should ensure compliance with wayleaves and exclusion zones near overhead powerlines, requiring forestry owners to meet clearance standards. ESB Networks should take pre-emptive measures ahead of storms to prevent similar outages. Additionally, compliance with the DAFM Standards for Felling & Restoration near public roads must be enforced to prevent road safety hazards during extreme weather. Additional documents: |
M4:25 Dangerous Roadside Trees - Cllr. Callaghan Following a number of recent storms that this county has experienced and the extreme danger caused by fallen trees throughout the county, I am asking Roscommon Co. Council to engage with other agencies such as Coillte, ESB, Eir, Dept of Agriculture, Uisce Eireann and Farm Bodies to discuss a pilot plan that will reduce loss of services, costs and avoid serious injury or death as a result of these storms.The plan should identify dangerous roadside trees, future planning for development of services along our roads and engage with landowners to cut and remove dangerous trees. Additional documents: |
M5:25 Second Level Examinations - Cllr. Fallon I am asking Roscommon County Council to write to the next Minister for Education requesting the introduction of extra time for students with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and other learning difficulties sitting second level examinations . The lack of extra time is a severe disadvantage to such students at this crucial time in their lives. Additional documents: |
Question Additional documents: |
Q1:25 Storm Darragh - Cllr. Callaghan Can Roscommon Council provide a breakdown of costs incurred for clearing of fallen trees, debris and rectifying damage caused by storm Darragh. To include staff costs, fire services and contractors. Is any of the expenditure redeemable from other agencies and individuals? Additional documents: |
Chief Executive Business Additional documents: |
Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance Additional documents: |
Votes of Congratulations and Sympathy Additional documents: |
Any Other Business Additional documents: |