Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
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Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boyle Municipal District Office, Boyle
Contact: Geraldine Lafferty Email: glafferty@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) Minutes: There were no disclosure statements from members. |
Adoption of the Minutes PDF 590 KB · Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 20th January 2023 Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Michael Mulligan SECONDED by Councillor Liam Calllaghan It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District meeting of 20th January, 2023.
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no matters arising. |
Draft Boyle Municipal District Road Works Scheme 2023 as part of the Schedule of Municipal District Works Minutes: The Councillors commended the roads programme team for their excellent presentation in respect of the Roads Programme.
On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy It was AGREED to adopt the Boyle Municipal District Road Works Scheme 2023 as part of the Schedule of Municipal District Works
Cllr. Liam Callaghan queried allocation to N5 under National Primary Roads – Minor Schemes – Active Travel and asked when projects are to be finalised in particular the allocation of €80,000 for Frenchpark and €230,000 for N5 Tulsk to Rathcroghan
Mr. I. Kilcline confirmed that €80,000 for N5 Frenchpark is towards the Frenchpark Junction and €230,000 Tulsk to Rathcroghan is for the development of cycling and walking locations under Active Travel and tourism to develop link to the Neolithic site.
Cllr. Tom Crosby queried funding under National Primary Roads Ordinary Maintenance N5 section at Tarmonbarry
Mr. I. Kilcline stated that this is through TII for Upgrade of pavemets. Mr. I. Kilcline will follow up with TII for list of projects for Cllr. Crosby.
Compliments were expressed to the Engineers for the satisfactory completion of the Strokestown/ Tarmonbarry project. |
Municipal District Funding Scheme 2023 Minutes: Cathaoirleach Cllr. John Cummins informed meeting that the 2023 Boyle Municipal District Fund was to be advertised in the Roscommon Herald on Tuesday 28th March next and asked members to agree the deadline date for submission of proposals.
On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne It was AGREED that proposals should be submitted by Tuesday 18th April, 2023 being three weeks from date of advertisement.
Notice of Motion 01.23 - Cllr. Murphy Calling on TII to upgrade school signage on Church Street, Strokestown servicing St. Mary's NS and School Mhuire post-primary school to flashing speed signs similar to the ones at St. Patrick's school, Elphin Street “Calling on TII to upgrade the school signage on Church Street, Strokestown servicing St Mary’s NS and Scoil Mhuire post-primary school to flashing speed signs similar to the ones on St. Patrick’s”
Minutes: RESPONSE The Roads & Transportation Section are currently working on the design of a Safety Scheme with TII along the N5 route through Strokestown, a review of the school signage can be looked at as part of this scheme.
Cllr. Joe Murphy stated that the flashing signs at Elphin Street were a good example of what is required. He welcomed work on design, etc. with TII and stated that something can easily be done.
Cllr. Tom Crosby supported Cllr. Joe Murphy on the Notice of Motion. He stated that these style of signs are very effective and can be solar powered so cost of installation more economical.
Cllr. Valerie Byrne fully supported Cllr. Joe Murphy. She said that as it impacts on two schools that safety on the main road west and control of speed of traffic must be a priority and that the flashing lights helped to remind drivers.
Cllr. Liam Callaghan stated that such signage was for control of traffic at schools and also for two housing estates. He said that this is a very active and exceptionally dangerous area for residents. He suggested that there is a need for speed calming flashing lights/camera.
Cllr. Michael Mulligan supported Cllr. Joe Murphy’s motion and agreed it was needed soon and was a very worthwhile project.
Cllr. John Cummins queried statement in response “currently working” and asked how long it was likely to take.
Mr. Ivor Kilcline responded saying that he had met with John Freeman regarding the Safety Scheme for the roundabout in town heading west. The Scheme will incorporate other works including the lights and other schemes under Regeneration - all through TII Safety Section.
Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that yellow flashing school lights similar to those used at all rural schools and schools on the edge of towns and villages are already in place at this location. The flashing school lights that also show driver approach speed being proposed by Cllr Murphy are newer and worthy of consideration given the stated problem of excessive vehicular speeds on Church Street. Other generic flashing lights not specifically for school times could also be considered. Mr. O’Donnell stated that a range of measures are needed and hoped that these would be provided in TII’s broader plan. Mr. Ivor Kilcline will discuss further and give feedback to Cllr. Joe Murphy.
Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy Minutes: There were no votes of congratulations or sympathy.
AOB Minutes: 23.23 (a) Cloonfower School – Safety Measures Mr. Ivor Kilcline informed meeting that funding for the safety measures is being reviewed – possibly from Discretionary Fund. Scheme includes replacing lights and putting in road markings. Newly appointed Technician to look at design.
23.23 (b) Signage at Elphin Secondary School Cllr. V. Byrne asked about signage at Secondary School in Elphin. Mr. Ivor Kilcline agreed to look at this with Area Engineer.
23.23 (c) Speed on N61 Section at Shankhill Cllr. V. Byrne also raised issue of speeding on N61 section at Shankhill. Private residents cannot get onto the main road. Mr. Ivor Kilcline to follow up on this.
23.23 (d) Provision for people who have received eviction notices Cllr. M. Mulligan asked what provisions are being made for private tenants who have received eviction notices. He was informed that this will be raised at the Council Meeting next Monday 27th March with the Housing Department.
23.23 (e) Carpark at Cortober Railway Station Cllr. V. Byrne asked for update on this and what can be done to progress this further. Mr. I. Kilcline informed meeting that this was discussed with the Irish Rail Area Manager who informed him that Irish Rail cannot obtain additional land for car park extension. There is ground owned by ESB but discussions are proving difficult. Mr. I. Kilcline has agreed to arrange a meeting with ESB and Irish Rail and will report back at next Boyle MD meeting in May 2023.
23.23 (f) Lugnashammer, Croghan– bad bend 5-6 houses affected Cllr. V. Byrne stated that residents here would be agreeable to contributing to costs associated with solving this problem. Mr. I. Kilcline outlined the issues with this section of road, the main one being that residents don’t have a sightline to see on-coming traffic. This is due in part to the mature hedging and shrubbery in neighbours’ gardens.
Cllr. V. Byrne asked if speed could be reduced on this section. Mr. G. O’Donnell stated that this is not feasible as the issue is with the sight line. An option to set bend back and increase sight line would require the co-operation of the land owner. Signs, etc. to be reinstated.
Cllr. V. Byrne asked if meeting could be had with residents. Mr. I. Kilcline informed meeting that a meeting with some residents had taken place. The solution to this problem would require cooperation from landowner on west side along with each resident taking responsibility for cutting back their hedging and shrubbery to facilitate their neighbour’s sight line. Funding would be available if landowner agreed to give ground at bend but neighbours would have to agree to maintain their hedging and shrubbery going forward and to maintaining same. Any intervention by RCC would require a legal agreement with residents for sight line maintenance.
Cllr. J Cummins asked if owners were willing to agree and cooperate with the above, would funding be available. Mr. G. O’Donnell stated that such funding would be made available ... view the full minutes text for item 23.23 |
Cloonfower School - Safety Measures |
Signage at Elphin Secondary School |
Speed on N61 Section at Shankhill |
Provision for people who have received eviction notices |
Carpark at Cortober Railway Station |
Lugnashammer, Crogha - bad bend 5-6 houses affected |
Update on Tenders for N5 |
Road Margins on N5 |
Active Travel allocation and top up for footpath Tarmonbarry to Whitehall School |
Boyle MD Staff Departures |