Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
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Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boyle Municipal District Office, Boyle
Contact: Geraldine Lafferty Email: glafferty@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) Minutes: There were no disclosures.
Adoption of the Minutes · Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 25th November 2022 Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby SECONDED by Councillor Liam Callaghan It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District meeting of 25th November, 2022.
Matters Arising Minutes: There were no matters arising |
Carrick on Shannon Flood Relief Scheme- Update · Presentation by Shay O'Connor (Senior Engineer Leitrim CC) Minutes: Mr. Seamus O’Connor, Senior Engineer, Leitrim Co. Council gave an update to the elected members on the Flood Relief Schemes for Carrick-on-Shannon and Leitrim Village. A copy of his report was circulated at the meeting. He informed the meeting that Leitrim County Council is working with Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers who have completed the hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the scheme areas to determine flood level against which property needs to be protected. Mr. O’Connor outlined the options available to manage the flood risk and that any options developed must meet the viability criteria with regard to engineering, environment and economic cost. As part of this process, improvement of the conveyance of the river flow through Jamestown, where canal and weir are located, may reduce flood levels in Carrick-on-Shannon and Leitrim village. However, the flood relief scheme for Carrick-on-Shannon ends at Jamestown, so further assessments are required outside the scheme area to further develop this potential option. Consultants looking at further analysis of the river below Jamestown up to Tarmonbarry. Report will have to be presented to Bord Pleanála. They will present report on their findings of the impact and effect. This may lead to a delay of up to 12 months on the Carrick-on-Shannon Scheme and planning application may not be until late 2023, early 2024. In the interim, possible works to mitigate any possible flooding is being investigated: · Temporary flood barrier to protect the houses at Keadew Road, Leitrim Village · Improvements to surface water outfalls in Carrick-on-Shannon · Upgrade culvert on Knockananima Stream in Cortober which goes under the N4 and is being discussed with TII.
Mr. O’Connor stated that he will keep Councillors updated on the interim works.
Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed meeting that another Shannon crossing on the N4 Carrick-Dromod project is planned. Mr. O’Connor stated that Leitrim Co. Council are working with Ryan Hanley Engineers and sharing information with the Flood Relief Scheme. This project is not likely to impact on flow through Carrick/Cortober section.
Cllr. J. Cummins invited questions from elected members.
Cllr. M. Mulligan asked if environmental groups could have any impact on the completion of the Scheme and would the removal of silt improve the river flow. Mr. O’Connor stated that an Environment Impact Assessment is to be carried out and that environment laws must be adhered to. Public consultation which involved discussions with all interested parties has been completed, the outcome of which was positive. Sediment management was looked at. Very difficult on River Shannon as it is flat. Removal of silt would have a low impact on the protection of property and buildings which are the priority over farmland.
Cllr. T. Crosby welcomed scheme which will protect against flooding incidences like occurred in 2009 and 2014. The ESB control level of river as is their statutory right to maintain Ardnacrusha. Could this be reviewed? Mr. O’Connor informed meeting that Leitrim Co. Council is in ... view the full minutes text for item 4.23 |
Declaration of Public Roads in Boyle MD - Directors Report Minutes: Mr. Greg O’Donnell gave a summary of the Director’s Report which provided details of the roads - all located within housing developments - and recommended that the roads referred to be declared as public roads. The report stated that the road within the housing development at The Warren requires improvement works which are estimated to cost €205,341.93. Boyle MD District will have to seek funding from the Department of Transport to fund the cost of these works as part of an annual road works programme.
Declaration of Public Road - The Warren, Boyle · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at ‘The Warren, Boyle’
Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Liam Callaghan SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy It was AGREED to declare road at The Warren, Boyle as a public road
Declaration of Public Road - Erris View Boyle · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at ‘Erris View, Boyle’ Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby SECONDED by Councillor Michael Mulligan It was AGREED to declare road at – Erris View, Boyle as a public road
Declaration of Public Road - Goldsmith Drive, Elphin · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at ‘Goldsmith Drive, Elphin’ Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne SECONDED by Councillor Liam Callaghan It was AGREED to declare road at – Goldsmith Drive, Elphin as a public road
Declaration of Public Road - Convent Garden Elphin · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at’ Convent Garden, Elphin’
Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne SECONDED by Councillor Michael Mulligan It was AGREED to declare road at Convent Garden, Elphin as a public road
Declaration of Public Road - Riverwalk, Rooskey · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at ‘Riverwalk, Rooskey’
Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby SECONDED by Councillor Joe Murphy It was AGREED to declare road at – Riverwalk, Rooskey as a public road
Declaration of Public Road - Timber Drive, Strokestown · Section 11 (2) (B) Of The Roads Act 1993 And Road Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning & Development Act 2000 (As Amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of Public Road within the housing development at ‘Timber Drive, Strokestown’
Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy SECONDED by Councillor Tom Crosby It was AGREED to declare road at Timber Drive, Strokestown as a public road |
Question - Speed Ramps at Cloonslanor -Cllr. Murphy “Following from signatures from the residents of Cloonslanor, Strokestown last year in agreement for “Speed Ramps”. Can this be moved forward as soon as possible?”
Minutes: “Following from signatures from the residents of Cloonslanor, Strokestown last year in agreement for “Speed Ramps”. Can this be moved forward as soon as possible?”
Response: ‘These works will be considered as part of the 2023 Roads Programme in the Strokestown Operational Area’ The response was welcomed by Cllr. V Byrne and Cllr. T. Crosby who stated that as the only business in the area was a Creche, this was all about safety and keeping people safe. Cllr. L Callaghan complimented Cllr. J Murphy on doing a lot of the groundwork on this and working with the Residents Association.
Cllr. M. Mulligan raised the issue of ramps on the Sligo Road in Ballaghaderreen. He was informed that he should propose this as a question at the next meeting.
Question - Magnet Ballroom, Strokestown - Cllr. Murphy “Following from the fire at the Magnet Ballroom in Strokestown in December, is the structure safe and is the site going to be cleaned up?”
Minutes: Following from the fire at the Magnet Ballroom in Strokestown in December, is the structure safe and is the site going to be cleaned up.
Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that this was raised with the Housing Section and the following response was received:
A Section 3 Notice was issued to the owner to secure the building, both by registered post and ordinary post. Previous attempts to contact the owner in relation to the dangerous structure prior to the fire were unsuccessful. It is currently not the Council’s intention to go in and clean up the site. It is understood that there is a fire bill in the order of €18,000 incurred to date. The site was secured before the Christmas break so people cannot enter the site. Photos were circulated at meeting. Mr. Greg O’Donnell added that it was not the intention of the Council to clean up the site and that the matter would be followed up with the owner. Cllr. J. Murphy stated that the building has been an issue for some time as it is a site for illegal dumping and an unauthorised meeting place for groups. It was fortunate no one was there when the fire broke out. He also welcomed the possibility of the Council purchasing the building under the Regeneration of Strokestown. Cllr. V. Byrne commended Cllr. Murphy for raising the issue. The Council have made it safe she stated and hoped the owner will engage with the Council. Cllr. T. Crosby asked if the Council had determined who and where the owner is. Mr. Greg O’Donnell confirmed that yes, the Council knew his address, etc. but that letters issued had not been responded to. Cllr. L. Callaghan stated that this was the second time the Council has to step in at a huge cost to the tax payer. He said that the building could be bought for the level of costs concerned and that it had great potential for the town. He commended the Council for its intervention to date Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed meeting that the issue relating to whether the roof contained asbestos would be followed up with the Town Team and Regeneration Team and information would be provided to the Councillors at the next meeting. [Post Meeting Note: From conversations with the Fire Chief, given the age of the building and the type of roof material/sheeting observed, it should be assumed that the roof contains asbestos unless and until proven otherwise. Clean-up remains the responsibility of the owner.
Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy Minutes: All Councillors wished to be associated with the expression of sympathy made to Cllr. M. Mulligan on the passing of sister earlier in the week.
Any Other Business |
Salting of Footpaths and Estates Minutes: Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that the salting of footpaths and estates is not included in the annual winter programme budget. A detailed winter plan is in place that allows salt gritters to respond to weather events in a prescribed time-frame.
Cllr. V. Byrne welcomed the plan that is in place but asked if one-off areas like hills with bends, etc. could be added. Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that unfortunately this was not possible as all resources must focus on maintaining the Winter Plan.
Cllr. J. Murphy, Cllr. L. Callaghan and Cllr. T Crosby highlighted other locations where icy roads are potentially dangerous, including approaches to schools and roads excluded from winter plan such as the Rooskey to Tarmonbarry road.
Mr. Greg O’Donnell re-emphasised that the plan identifies the priority roads that can be treated with the assigned resources. All national and regional routes are treated but the vast majority of the local road network is not treated. During long periods of extreme weather and subject to resources, it may be possible to provide salt boxes in urban areas. He reiterated that the public must also take responsibility for their own safety in these conditions.
Ducting for Public Lighting in Rooskey and Active Travel Funding Minutes: Cllr. T. Crosby raised 2 issues – 1. Ducting for Public Lighting in Rooskey – what progress is there? 2. Active Travel Funding – footpath from Tarmonbarry village to school – has design been completed yet? Footpath accommodates four housing estates along the route, he stated and it would be a major asset as it would encourage kids to walk or cycle to school.
Mr. Greg O’Donnell responded by saying that both issues came under Active Travel. The footpath from Tarmonbarry to Whitehall School is at feasibility stage. The initial estimates seemed prohibitively high. More up-to-date information will be presented at the next meeting.
Cllr. V. Byrne, Cllr J Murphy expressed their support for Cllr. T. Crosby on the above issues.
Works on Frenchpark Project Minutes: Mr. Ivor Kilcline informed meeting that works on the Frenchpark Project are finished. Temporary road markings are in place. Traffic lights will be through TII and this is with the Roads Section. Quotations have been received. Mr. Ivor Kilcline will give an update at the next meeting regarding works on footpaths, and drainage issue.
Cllr. M. Mulligan complimented Council on its works in Frenchpark.
Cllr. L Callaghan understands that the weather and Christmas delayed the works at Frenchpark but welcomes their completion. Cllr. V. Byrne stated that she is glad these works have completed.
Cllr. J Cummins asked if the same contractor was responsible for works at Frenchpark and ramp on Frenchpark Road in Boyle?
Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that it’s the same contractor. Priority will be given to works at Frenchpark but contractor is to return to fix ramps on the Frenchpark Road in Boyle.
TII Safety Study Strokestown Minutes: Cllr. J. Murphy asked for an update on the progress of the TII Safety Study for Strokestown?
Mr. Ivor Kilcline informed him that TII and Roads Safety Section are working with the Roads Section and an update will be presented at the next meeting.
Closure of N61 - Local Traffic Minutes: Cllr. J. Cummins asked if during the closure of the N61 Tulsk for 12 weeks (since extended to 16 weeks), will local traffic be accommodated?
Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that local traffic will be accommodated
Repair of Footpaths in Elphin Minutes: Cllr. V. Byrne queried if there was any available funding for the repair of footpaths in Elphin?
Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that he will look at possible options/solutions for funding alternatives –e.g. discretionary funding under the Roads Programme.