Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
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Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Agenda and minutes
Venue: Boyle Municipal District Office, Boyle
Contact: Olive Feely Email: ofeeley@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) |
Adoption of the Minutes · Minutes of Boyle Municipal District Meeting on 22nd July, 2022. Minutes: On the PROPOSAL OF Cllr L. Callaghan SECONDED by Cllr J Murphy It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Meeting of 22nd July, 2022
Matters Arising Minutes: There are 2 matters arising.
Speed Ramps at Cloonslanor
Cllr J Murphy asked for an update on the installation of speed ramps at Cloonslanor, Strokestown. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer told the members that all options including speed ramps are being considered in conjunction with the TII to address speed at this location.
Boyle Municipal Fund 2022 Allocated to Strokestown Tidy Town Group
Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services informed the members that the specific purpose of the funding allocated to Strokestown Tidy Towns under the Boyle Municipal District Fund 2022 ie to conduct a feasibility study on the Old Fire Station cannot proceed. He told the members that the old Fire Station is considered an important asset of Roscommon County Council in the context of being a serviced site close to town centre and suitable as a location for multi-unit social housing development. He went on to say that the executive had concluded that the fire station couldn’t be released to the community. He informed the members that the Council are obliged to identify state owned land assets for compact growth social housing development. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services noted that it had been agreed that funding allocated to Strokestown Tidy Towns under the Boyle Municipal District Grant Scheme 2022 could be used for another appropriate community purpose. Cllr J Cummins asked if a new application would be required. Mr Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that any feasible proposal would be given favourable consideration.
Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services informed the members that funding may be available under the Community Centre Grant Fund to provide a suitable meeting place for The Men’s Shed Group.
N5 Progress Update Minutes: Cllr J Cummins had asked at a previous SPC Meeting for an update on progress of the new N5. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services outlined that with the collapse of the successful bidder and having to retender with all that this entailed, realistically the project had been set back two years which was very regrettable but unavoidable. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer proceeded to give an update on the matter. He informed the members that the project had been retendered and the procurement process is being conducted in accordance with applicable EU Regulations. The current programme anticipates receipt of tender submissions in late December 2022. This timeframe is subject to ongoing review and may be extended in the event of significant queries being raised by tenderers during the process. He went on to say that land negotiations are continuing, and agreement has been reached in a significant number of cases. Current activities on site include the advance diversion of some utilities, archaeological works, limited site clearance/tidy up works and topographical survey. Subject to the successful conclusion of the tender process, a detailed tender analysis including a recommendation to award will be prepared. Subsequent to this process, all necessary approvals will be sought to award the contract. He concluded by saying subject to receipt of the necessary approvals, it is anticipated that the contract could be awarded in Q3 2023.
Cllr Liam Callaghan queried who is responsible for the areas which have been fenced off.
Cllr Mulligan asked what would be the situation if no agreement has been reached between the landowner and the Council in relation to compensation what will happen? Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that in cases where a compensation package has been finalised, payment of compensation would be progressed, where agreement has not been reached with the landowner further negotiation and mediation will take place.
Both Cllr J Murphy and Cllr J Cummins expressed their disappointment that the timeframe for the scheme had been pushed out. Both members agreed that pressure must be applied to ensure that the scheme would progress to completion.
Cllr Murphy stated that members had previously met with the TII in relation to speed on the Tulsk Strokestown Road. A feasibility study on speed at this location must be expedited as a result of the delay in the progression of the new N5.
Cllr Murphy stated that water off the new N5, when complete, would enter a local river and this matter would need to be investigated and addressed.
A.O.B. Minutes: There are 6 items under A.O.B. |
Footpath at Ballytoohey Minutes: Cllr J Murphy asked for an update on the appointing of design team for a footpath on the Ballytoohey Road in Tarmonbarry. Mr Shane Tiernan, Director of Services informed the members that a design consultant had been appointed under the Active Travel Scheme
Footpath on R368 Minutes: Cllr Murphy asked if footpaths could be erected on the R368, exiting Strokestown, where 4 houses are currently being completed with 2 others already completed. Mr. John Mockler Senior Engineer said that if these houses are outside the speed limit this may not be possible.
Public Lighting in Strokestown Minutes: Cllr J Murphy noted that the public lighting in Strokestown is the same design on all streets except Bawn Street. Mr. Shane Tiernan Director of Services told the members that funding had been received to update all lights on national routes. Bawn Street is not a national route. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services, told the members that Roscommon County Council are part of a national framework which is progressing currently in respect of public lighting. This process will be rolled out and all public lights will be upgraded to LED fittings.
Cllr Mulligan asked if lights could be repaired as part of the normal maintenance programme if the areas have been taken in charge. Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer told the members that new lights are under the remit of the Asset and Management Section of Roscommon County Council.
Ballaghadereen Library Minutes: Cllr M Mulligan asked for an update on Ballaghadereen Library |
Update on the erection of swift nest boxes and caller systems from Nollaig Feeney, Heritage Officer Minutes: A contractor has been appointed and it is anticipated that swift nest boxes and caller systems will be installed on Dillon House, Ballaghaderreen & the Roscommon County Council Offices in Strokestown in the next few weeks. The Heritage Officer has secured the required permission from the Roscommon County Council Planning Department. The Heritage Officer will need to gain access into both these buildings and will contact the Area Offices when a date has been confirmed.
LIS Scheme Minutes: Cllr J Cummins noted that an additional €114,000 had been allocated to the LIS Scheme which will be distributed amongst remaining applications. Cllr L Callaghan and Cllr John Cummins suggested that when the contribution from landowners is being calculated, clarification of the schedule of works should be given to the landowners to avoid any ambiguity in respect of works to be carried out. Cllr Callaghan asked that where a person was not a landowner but a resident on the road that they would be allowed to have some input into the scheme.
Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated it is an excellent scheme and new applications can be made when the scheme is advertised in December
Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy Minutes: Cllr Callaghan expressed his sympathy with Cllr Mulligan on the death of his sister and with all families who had suffered a bereavement in recent weeks. All of the members concurred with Cllr Callaghan