Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
Fax: 090 6625599
Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Áras an Chontae. View directions
Contact: Olive Feely Email: ofeeley@roscommoncoco.ie 071 9662101
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) |
Adoption of the Minutes · Minutes of Boyle Municipal District Meeting on 20th May, 2022
· Minutes of Annual Boyle Municipal District Meeting on 20th June, 2022 Minutes: On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby SECONDED by Councillor Liam Callaghan It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District meeting of 20th May, 2022.
On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Liam Callaghan SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Boyle Municipal District of the 20th June, 2022
Matters Arising Minutes: The elected members complimented the contractor and Roscommon County Council Staff on the quality of work in progress on the N5, adjacent to Rathcroghan.
Cllr Crosby queried if there was an update on the water supply which has been disconnected at Strokestown Graveyard. Cllr Crosby said that agreement is needed with Irish Water re the current situation.
The elected members agreed that a report on cemeteries in the county should be undertaken to ascertain which cemeteries do not have a water supply.
Approval of Boyle Municipal District Grant 2022 Minutes: The allocation of funding of €75,000.00 under the Boyle Municipal District Fund Scheme was reviewed and considered in detail. The members had already been circulated with details of applications, their compliance with the scheme and funding previously allocated to the applicants if applicable through preceding MD Grant funding or other funding schemes of the Council.
Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the groups would have to comply with the terms of the scheme. He noted that the specific purpose of the funding proposed to Strokestown Tidy Towns may not go ahead as the executive had to consider the retention of the old fire station for Council use and he would revert in due course when a decision was made in this regard. The members agreed that if this should occur then an alternative suitable purpose can be agreed for this funding allocation.
Any member with a conflict of interest declared this matter prior to the formal proposal of the amounts to be awarded to the applicants and excused themselves from the meeting for the relevant allocation vote.
The elected members proceeded to formally agree and approve the allocations as detailed below:-
Declaration of a Public Road |
Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Minutes: On the PROPOSAL OF Cllr V. Byrne SECONDED Cllr T. Crosby It was AGREED that in accordance with Section 11(2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 the road located within the housing development at Pairc Darach, Cortober be declared a public road.
Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3, Declaration of public road within the housing development at Ashfort, Croghan Minutes: On the PROPOSAL OF Cllr V. Byrne SECONDED Cllr L. Callaghan It was AGREED that in accordance with Section 11(2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 the road located within the housing development at Ashfort, Croghan be declared a public road.
Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of public road within the housing development at Abbey Court, Frenchpark Minutes: On the PROPOSAL OF Cllr L. Callaghan SECONDED Cllr V. Byrne It was AGREED that in accordance with Section 11(2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 the road located within the housing development at Abbey Court, Frenchpark be declared a public road.
Section 11 (2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 and Roads Regulations 1994, Part 2 Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Section 180 Local Government Reform Act 2014 Schedule 3 Declaration of public road within the housing development at Unnamed - Lisroyne Townland Minutes: On the PROPOSAL OF Cllr T. Crosby SECONDED Cllr J. Murphy It was AGREED that in accordance with Section 11(2) (b) of the Roads Act 1993 the road located within the housing development at unnamed, Lisroyne Townland be declared a public road.
Notice of Motion |
Notice of Motion 4.22 - Cllr Callaghan - The Abbey Ruins in Cloonshanville Cemetery That Roscommon Co. Council engage with the necessary Departments to make safe the Abbey ruins in Cloonshanville Cemetry. This Building is a protected Structure and is 800 years old and is currently fenced off due to health and safety issues.
Minutes: That Roscommon Co. Council engage with the necessary Departments to make safe the Abbey ruins in Cloonshanville Cemetery. This Building is a protected Structure and is 800 years old and is currently fenced off due to health and safety issues.
Cloonshanville Abbey is a Protected Structure and a Recorded Monument. The conservation process for protected structures and monuments is a complex process which will have to be phased over at least two years, subject to successful funding applications. Roscommon County Council Heritage Officer has met representatives from the Office of Public Works (OPW) and National Monuments Service (NMS) on site. Advice from the NMS is that the conservation of this structure is a multifaceted process that must be carried out in accordance with the ‘Advice Series - Ruins’ guidance. NMS recommend engaging the services of a conservation professional to advise Roscommon County Council on the best approach to be taken to stabilise and protect the tower. Any stabilisation works to the monument will require Ministerial consent and NMS will be happy to advise further on this. NMS further advised that Roscommon County Council would be eligible to apply for funding for conservation design and repair of the tower under the Community Monuments Fund 2023. It is important that an assessment and any stabilisation/repair proposals adhere to best practice and have the input of appropriate conservation professionals with experience in dealing with medieval masonry ruins. It is recommended that any proposals would also include input from an archaeologist and an ecologist. It is the intention of Roscommon County Council to embark on this lengthy process immediately in order secure funding in 2023 to commence the design phase of the project while also being mindful of the necessary consent s that are necessary to deliver a project of this complexity. It is considered that this project will be delivered over a 3 year programme involving surveys, design and works/repair.
Cllr L. Callaghan said that that the cemetery had been closed a number of weeks ago as a structure in the grounds had been deemed unsafe. The elected members succeeded in getting an agreement that allowed limited access to the graveyard. All of the members welcomed the Councils response to the Notice of Motion. The elected members stated that any work would be a slow process as the unsafe structure is a protected structure and the Council would have to go through various procedures when progressing the work. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services emphasised that the programme of works could take three years. Mr Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that it would be a complex procedure and the work would be phased over a period of time. Cllr Callaghan stated that the Councils response to the Notice of Motion should be made known to the public.
A.O.B. |
Croghan/Cootehall Junction Minutes: Cllr J. Cummins stated that the Cootehall/Croghan Junction is working well and wished to compliment the Council and TII and all involved in the work. Cllr V. Byrne and Cllr T Crosby concurred with Cllr J Cummins.
Public Lighting in Rooskey Minutes: Cllr T Crosby queried the current situation re public lighting in Rooskey. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services, stated that work on upgrading the public lighting to LED fittings in all Roscommon towns and villages, is part of a national framework and is progressing currently.
Footpath in Tarmonbarry Minutes: Cllr T Crosby asked for an update on the construction of footpaths connecting four housing estates to the local National School. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that this will be progressed under the Active Travel Programme and a tender competition to appoint a consultant has commenced. |
Traffic Lights in Frenchpark Minutes: Cllr L Callaghan stated that the bollards erected by Roscommon County Council had helped to alleviate sightline constraints at the junction. Cllr Callaghan queried if there is a timeline on funding for traffic light at the junction in Frenchpark village and Cllr Callaghan asked that consideration would be given to the National Schools pedestrian crossing traffic light proximity. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that there is funding to complete a feasibility study and this would include the pedestrian crossing light at the National School. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the progression of traffic lights at the junction would continue regardless of progression taking place on the new N5 Corridor.
Active Travel Programme Minutes: Cllr V Byrne asked how often a project can be entered under the Active Travel Scheme. Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated the if a project fulfils the criteria listed under the Active Travel Scheme it can be submitted to the NTA for consideration
Speed Ramps in Cloonslanor Minutes: Cllr J Murphy asked if this could be progressed.
Google Maps Minutes: Cllr J Murphy stated that Google Maps is directing coaches onto unsuitable roads. Cllr Murphy PROPOSED that the elected members write to Google Maps to highlight this issue. Cllr T Crosby SECONDED this proposal.
Supplementary Funding for the Roads Programme Minutes: Cllr Callaghan queried if it will be necessary to apply to the Department for extra funding to complete the Roads Programme due to rising costs of labour and material. Mr. Colm Kelly, Acting Executive Engineer stated that when current work is complete funding can be assessed to see what money remains available to complete outstanding works.
Hedgecutting Minutes: Cllr T Crosby queried the current situation in respect of hedge cutting. Mr. Colm Kelly, Acting Executive Engineer told the members that someone is going to be appointed full time to the Strokestown area to help alleviate the backlog.
Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy |