Agenda and minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal District Offices

Contact: Olive Feely  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


Cllr Crosby, Cathaoirleach proceeded to read out the Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) prior to the commencement of discussion on items listed on the agenda.


  • Any member having a pecuniary or beneficial interest in a matter before the meeting, or having knowledge that a connected person, as defined in the Act, has any such interest, shall declare the interest and withdraw from the meeting for so long as the matter is being discussed or considered and shall have no part in the proceedings relating thereto and shall refrain from voting in relation to it.


  • It is the responsibility of each member to ensure compliance with these provisions in relation to the meeting.


  • The onus is on the member to declare the interest and leave the meeting room. The minutes of the meeting shall contain a record of any disclosure made and any withdrawal from the meeting.



Specified Development under Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) - Proposed Boyle Community Library.


Copy Documents to Follow


Ms Nollaig Whyte, Acting Senior Executive Officer, introduced the Chief Executive’s Report.  Mr. Adrian Kielty, Acting Senior Executive Engineer, presented the Chief Executives Report which is primarily to provide an account of the submissions/observations that have been received as part of the consultation process on the proposed Boyle Community Library Project.  The development description is as follows:- Part 8 – Development of the Boyle Community Library (located in an Architectural Conservation Area to the rear of the Royal Hotel Redevelopment) to include: Construction of a 2 storey building, approximate area of 5,000 sq. ft. with a triple “A” pitched roof, to include timber cladding and large glazed windows; Construction of a Sensory Garden; Construction of Car Parking; Construction of an external fire escape stairs; Construction of single storey bin storage and plant room; All other associated site and ancillary works at Termon Townland, Boyle co. Roscommon.


The elected members were unanimous in their support of the development stating that the development formed part of the regeneration of Boyle and would enhance the area.  The members stated that the Library in King House had provided an excellent service but that it was now time to modernise the library facilities.  Cllr John Cummins queried when work would begin on the development.  Ms Nollaig Whyte, Acting Senior Executive Officer, told the members that the Council are in the process of making an application for capital funding.  If this application is successful then the project will progress to the design phase and continue on to construction phase.  Ms Nollaig Whyte, Acting Senior Executive Officer, informed the members that the new building will incorporate changing facilities for adults with special needs.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Cummins

             SECONDED Cllr Crosby


That the Elected Members of Boyle Municipal District in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended )and Part 8 (Article 81) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), having considered the Chief Executive’s Report and Recommendation, , proceed with :- Part 8 – Development of the Boyle Community Library (located in an Architectural Conservation Area to the rear of the Royal Hotel Redevelopment) to include: Construction of a 2 storey building, approximate area of 5,000 sq. ft. with a triple “A” pitched roof, to include timber cladding and large glazed windows; Construction of a Sensory Garden; Construction of Car Parking; Construction of an external fire escape stairs; Construction of single storey bin storage and plant room; All other associated site and ancillary works at Termon Townland, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.




Original text