Agenda and minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal District Office, Boyle

Contact: Olive Feely  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Adoption of the Minutes

·         Amended Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 1st October, 2021

·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 21st January, 2022



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins

             SECONDED by Councillor Liam Callaghan

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Municipal District Meeting of the 1st October, 2021.



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy

             SECONDED by Councillor John Cummins

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Municipal District Meeting of the 25th January, 2022




Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


Cllr Crosby, Cathaoirleach proceeded to read out the Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) prior to the commencement of discussion on items listed on the agenda.


  • Any member having a pecuniary or beneficial interest in a matter before the meeting, or having knowledge that a connected person, as defined in the Act, has any such interest, shall declare the interest and withdraw from the meeting for so long as the matter is being discussed or considered and shall have no part in the proceedings relating thereto and shall refrain from voting in relation to it.


  • It is the responsibility of each member to ensure compliance with these provisions in relation to the meeting.


  • The onus is on the member to declare the interest and leave the meeting room. The minutes of the meeting shall contain a record of any disclosure made and any withdrawal from the meeting.



Matters Arising


Cllr John Cummins stated that following the appointment of receivers to Roadbridge, the company who had been awarded the N5 contract, work had ceased and he asked for an update on the current situation in respect of the junction in Frenchpark which had been discussed at the last Municipal Meeting. Cllr Michael Mulligan stated that the junction in Frenchpark must be rectlfied.

Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that Roadbridge has been put into Receivership and it is too early to say how the process will be dealt with. 


 Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that at the time of the last Boyle Municipal Meeting traffic lights at the Frenchpark junction were not an option.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer, had contacted the TII who have now given an option which allows for a feasibility study in respect of the installation of traffic lights at the Frenchpark Junction.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer, said that this feasibility study and options report would proceed on a phased basis and when complete the proposal will come before the Councillors as a Part VIII Proposal.  Cllr Cummins asked if anything could be put in place for the short term.


 Cllr Cummins also queried the position of landowners affected by the N5 project.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that work will continue in relation to lands which have been treated and any queries will be dealt with by the Project Liaison Officer.


  Cllr Callaghan asked what the current position is in relation to work on the section of road between Rathcroghan and Tulsk.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that the N5 Overlay is due to commence imminently.


   Cllr Crosby queried what would happen when the old N5 is made redundant.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the old N5 would be reclassified as a regional or local road and would then form part of Roscommon County Councils Roads Programme for normal upkeep, improvement and maintenance.





Correspondence from Iarnrod Eireann re potential car park at Carrick on Shannon Railway Station


Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services noted that if agreement is reached between Iarnrod Eireann and the E.S. B re a potential site for a carpark then Roscommon County Council will work with both parties in respect of the development of a carpark adjacent to Carrick on Shannon railway station



Draft Boyle Municipal District Road Works Scheme 2022 as part of the Schedule of Municipal District Works


The Councillors commended Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator and his roads programme team for their excellent presentation in respect of the Roads Programme. 

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Crosby

SECONDED by Cllr John Cummins

It was AGREED to adopt the Road Works Programme 2022 as presented.


Cllr Crosby complimented the work taking place in Tarmonbarry Village by the Regeneration Team in Roscommon County Concil.

 Cllr Crosby noted that the pavement in the middle of the village is in poor condition and in need of overlay and asked if any money would be available to do this work. Cllr Murphy concurred with this. 

Cllr Liam Callaghan asked for an update on the work to take place on the N61 between Clashaganny and Tulsk.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer said that work is advancing well.



Civic Reception Nominations


Cllr. Murphy nominated Callum Clarke and a group from Strokestown comprising of Jack Beirne, Mark Rogers and Andrew Jordan to be included in civic reception nominations.


This was AGREED by the elected members



Notice of Motion


2.22 Notice of Motion - Cllr Crosby



Roscommon County Council would give a long-term lease of the closed down Fire Station in Strokestown to Strokestown Town Team as a centre for Town Team activities and other community groups such as the Tidy Towns, Men and Womens sheds etc.




Roscommon County Council would give a long-term lease of the closed down Fire Station in Strokestown to Strokestown Town Team as a centre for Town Team activities and other community groups such as the Tidy Towns, Men and Womens sheds etc.








The Fire Station in Strokestown is currently being used for storage within the Boyle Municipal District and this is set to continue into the short to medium term. In addition, such facilities have proven invaluable over the past 2 years and in the current climate we need to ensure that all assets are available to the Local authority for whatever issues arise.  


Cllr Crosby asked if goods stored in the old Fire Station could be moved to another area as a centre is needed for group activities in Strokestown.  Cllr Murphy supported Cllr Crosby saying that the condition of the structure would have to be checked before a plan could be progressed to use the building as a centre for community activities.


Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the Council needs to have its own facilities and assets.  Mr. John Mockler, Senior Engineer stated that the old fire Station is a valuable asset to Roscommon County Council and at present Roscommon County Council have no plans to lease the property.


Cllr Crosby queried whether some money could be allocated from the Municipal Fund to carry out a feasibility study on the building.






Speed Ramps at Cloonslanor


Cllr Murphy informed the meeting that he had collected signatures in support of speed ramps and he would forward these to the Municipal Co-Ordinator. 




Local Link


Cllr Murphy stated that he had received complaints that Local Link buses were not stopping to pick up or drop off service users at certain locations when requested to do so.  Cllr Callaghan stated he would look into this matter.





Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


Original text