Agenda and minutes

Venue: County Council Offices, Boyle

Contact: Olive Feely  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Adoption of the Minutes

·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting on 1st October, 2021



·         Minutes of Boyle MD Budget meeting on 22nd October 2021




Before the minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Meeting of the 1st October, 2021 were adopted by the members Cllr Michael Mulligan raised issues with the minutes and proposed an amendment to the minutes to detail that he was refused time to speak on Part 8 Ballaghadereen Public Realm Enhancement Project.  Cllr Mulligan wished the minutes to be amended to show that he was requested to withdraw from the meeting of the 1st October, 2021 by the Cathaoirleach for the duration of this agenda item and also that he was refused speaking time under A.O.B. with regard to this item.  Cathaoirleach Cllr Tom Crosby stated he was asked to withdraw because he had publicly declared a business property personal interest adjacent to the proposed works which were under consideration for Part 8 Planning Approval by the Municipal District Members, therefore under Section 177 of  the Local Government Act 2001 as amended it was important for Cllr Mulligan to withdraw from consideration of the matter.  Cllr Mulligan PROPOSED that the minutes be amended to reflect his departure from the meeting for the agenda item and his refusal for speaking time under A.O.B. by the Cathaoirleach.  Cllr. John Cummins SECONDED this amendment to the minutes and it was agreed.




On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Joe Murphy

             SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Municipal Budget Meeting of the 22nd October, 2021



Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


Matters Arising


Cllr Liam Callaghan queried if there had been any update on the junction in Frenchpark Village.  No update was available and   Mr. Colm Kelly Executive Engineer will follow up on this matter.



Cllr Crosby, Cathaoirleach proceeded to read out the Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended) prior to the commencement of discussion on items listed on the agenda.


  • Any member having a pecuniary or beneficial interest in a matter before the meeting, or having knowledge that a connected person, as defined in the Act, has any such interest, shall declare the interest and withdraw from the meeting for so long as the matter is being discussed or considered and shall have no part in the proceedings relating thereto and shall refrain from voting in relation to it.


  • It is the responsibility of each member to ensure compliance with these provisions in relation to the meeting.


  • The onus is on the member to declare the interest and leave the meeting room. The minutes of the meeting shall contain a record of any disclosure made and any withdrawal from the meeting.





Part 8 - Proposed Housing Development at Windmill Rd., Elphin Td., Elphin, Co. Roscommon



Ms Majella Hunt Director of Services, Mr. Conor Fallon, Acting Senior Executive Engineer and Ms. Ann McHugh, Senior Executive Officer, Housing Department presented the Chief Executive’s Report on a Specified Development by a Local Authority in accordance with Section 179 Subsections 3(A) and 3(B) of Part XI of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended and Part 8 of Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 600 of 2001) as amended.



Proposed Residential Development at Elphin Td., Elphin, Co. Roscommon.  The proposed development will consist of 10 no. residential units which comprise of (a) Construction of House Type 1-2 no. 3 bed semi-detached two storey houses (B) construction of house type 2 – 2 no. 2 bed detached single storey houses (c) construction of house type 3 – 6 no. 2 bed semi-detached two storey houses and (D) all associated site works including construction of footpaths, access road, car parking areas, green areas, street lighting, ducting for utilities, formation of new connections to existing foul and surface water drainage, and existing utilities.


Ms Majella Hunt, Director of Services introduced the Part 8 and stated that the government is helping Local Authorities to plan and build better and more houses to live in.  The Local Authority is trying to meet the need for houses in locations for which there is a waiting list for the allocation of houses. Elphin currently has 19 households on the Housing list for housing allocation.  Ms Majella Hunt stated that there is now an emphasis by the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage on Build Programmes by the Local Authority.  Mr. Conor Fallon Engineer presented the CEO report.


Cllr Crosby stated that the members had been invited to a meeting with local residents, some totally opposed to the development and others who have issues with certain elements of the project. Cllr Crosby stated that the residents would like to see the development completely walled off.  Mr. Conor Fallon Acting Senior Executive Engineer,  replied stating that the issue with the wall will be addressed.  Cllr Crosby queried the size of the green area and Mr. Conor Fallon, Acting Senior Executive Engineer stated that the green space allotted is in compliance with the County Development Plan.


Cllr Valerie Byrne acknowledged that there is a housing crisis but Cllr Byrne stated that this type of development is pushing people together and that it does not provide a proper green area for children to play.  Cllr Byrne stated that Elphin is a small town and a social housing development of this size is too large for the area.  Cllr Byrne raised concerns about traffic regulation and speed in the proposed development.  Ms. Majella Hunt, Director of Services stated that the local authority will look at addressing traffic management.  Cllr Byrne informed the meeting that the new houses would overlook existing mature houses and asked that if the Local Authority would consider planting trees and shrubbery.  Cllr Byrne stated that whilst acknowledging the housing crisis  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.21


Declaration of a Public Road at Maple Close, Boyle



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins            

             SECONDED by Councillor Byrne

 It was AGREED that roads located within the housing development at Maple Close, Boyle would be declared public roads.


Cllr Cummins welcomed the Taking in Charge and asked if the footpath could be continued out to the old N4 under the Active Travel Programe for next year.




Declaration of a Public Road at Cois Cuan, Boyle



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins            

             SECONDED by Councillor Callaghan

 It was AGREED that roads located within the housing development at Cois Cuan, Boyle would be declared public roads.




Correspondence -Nomination to a Community Forum of Eirgrid


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins            

             SECONDED by Councillor Crosby


 It was AGREED that Cllr Joe Murphy would be nominated as a representative for the elected members






Inclusion of Gardai in list of Prescribed Bodies


     On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins

                  SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne


It was AGREED that the Gardai should be included in the list of prescribed bodies when dealing with planning referrals under Part 8 applications.  Ms Majella Hunt Director of Services said she would follow up on this matter.





Tarmonbarry Village Renewal


Cllr Tom Crosby queried when the Tarmonbarry Village Renewal Scheme would commence.  Ms Majella Hunt, Director of Services stated that it will be next year.



Footpaths from Housing Estates in Tarmonbarry to the School


Cllr Crosby queried when funding would be available to construct a footpath from the housing estates to the school.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services said that an application would be included in the Active Travel Scheme next year.



Rooskey Footpaths and Public Lighting


Cllr Crosby queried when the footpaths and public lighting would be completed.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the ducting for the lights has been installed and that the contractor is due to arrive shortly to complete the footpaths.  Cllr Crosby noted that some of the older lights in the village are dull.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that going forward all towns will have LED lights and there will be a new scheme which will provide funding to update existing lights.




Rooskey Bridge


Cllr Crosby queried whether a response had been received from The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in respect of funding for Rooskey Bridge.  No response has been received to date.




Tulsk to Rathcorghan Road


Cllr Callaghan queried whether works would commence on this section of road.  Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the commencement of work is imminent.


Tulsk to Killina Road


Cllr. Callaghan queried when work would commence on this section of road and whether signs could be erected to alert people to the condition of the road.  Mr. Colm Kelly, Executive Engineer stated that the signs had been ordered and and the TII plan to do some short term remedial works.


Junction in Frenchpark Village


Cllr Mulligan stated that this junction needs to be improved and asked that Roscommon County Council would prepare a plan of works.


Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


All the elected members wished to be associated with an expression of sympathy to the Dineen family on the passing of Breege Dineen.


Cllr Joe Murphy wished to congratulate three boys, Andrew Jordan, Jack Beirne and Mark Rogers from Scoil Mhuire, Strokestown who were awarded a National Youth Award.





Original text